Part 46

Part 46

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I stood up and extended my hand. Christi took it and rose to her bare feet.

"You are actually going to let me get dressed?"

I nodded and led the baffled woman to the shelves of jeans. As we approached, she seemed to forget her earlier hate of me and a smile actually began to form on her lips. She stepped towards the racks and she began to finger the denim. Searching for her size. In moments she had pulled two pairs of jeans from the rack.

"Can I get some panties? They are just over there." She pointed to some straight forward briefs over on the other side of the store.

"I think you are okay without them."

She flushed and nodded. Given the choice of one or the other, I figure she'd have picked the jeans every time over panties. She didn't have much choice. She was probably disbelieving that I was about to allow her pants. She could live without the underwear. She made to walk towards the change room.


She turned. Looked at me quizzically.

"A change room? Why?" I almost laughed. Her face broke out into a smile and she almost laughed as well. Looking down at her bare body.

I watched as she slipped the first pair over her legs. Pulling her long legs into the pants until her bare foot protruded from the bottom. Balancing on one leg, she pulled the other leg over her foot. Soon she was pulling the denim up over her hips. She b.u.t.toned the pants and looked at me hopefully. Hoping that she'd be allowed to keep them. Other than a robe this was the most clothing she'd been allowed since I met her.

"How do they look," the topless girl inquired of me.

"They are alright." She actually looked stunning in them. I wasn't aware how alluring simple jeans could be on a mostly nude woman. She just stood there and waited to find out what else I wanted. I just looked at her for a moment. "What's that?" I pointed to the other pair of jeans she was holding in her hands.

"Another pair."


"In case these were too big. Depends on the make of jeans what size I am."

"Try them on as well."

"These fit fine."

"Try them on."

Her eyes welled with tears as she realized that she'd have to go through the whole procedure of stripping and reclothing again in front of me. For some reason this bothered her whereas her complete nudity over the last few days didn't. I suppose she was the only girl who had never had to strip more than a robe off her body for me. I'd found her nude which started this whole time line.

She closed her eyes and obeyed. She unb.u.t.toned the jeans and slowly slipped them down her legs. Revealing her pale skin to me once again. She stepped out of the fabric, simply leaving them on the floor. She then repeated the procedure, pulling the other pair of jeans over her slim legs. The next pair were a different style. Slimmer. Hugged her legs more. The waist was certainly tighter. She had a bit of trouble pulling the denim over her hips. But it was just the fit. They weren't too small on her. Probably would have been easier pulling them over panties, her bare skin catching a bit at the fabric as she tugged at them. She b.u.t.toned the jeans and lowered her eyes. Slowly turned herself for my inspection. G.o.d, she looked stunning. And no panty lines. The new jeans looked a lot better. I told her so.

"Wow. You look fantastic."

"I figured you'd prefer these." Despite her somber words her mouth curled into a smile. Still appreciating the comment despite the circ.u.mstances. "Do I get a top as well? Or do I just walk around like this?" She spread her arms out to the sides, thrusting her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s out.

I left her standing like that for a moment. Still stunned by the beauty in front of me. Topless. Barefoot. And in blue jeans. Calvin Klein? Model this girl and believe me, you'd sell jeans.

"Pick out a top yourself. Keep in mind, I don't like it, you just might spend the rest of the day that way."

"I don't mind, you know. I've been naked too long to mind going topless."

"I know. Find a top."

She scampered to obey. Running her fingers over the sweaters and blouses. Occasionally stopping and holding one up for my inspection. Holding it against herself for me to see. I turned as she moved around the store. Furrowing her brow. Searching. Shopping. Finally I left her to her own devices and walked back to Jane and Amy. Amy was still crying, but the intensity had drastically reduced. Jane just looked up at me as I approached. Not saying anything.

I crouched down and asked Jane, "How is she?" I was truly concerned. I'd been a little rough with her and she just simply wasn't used to it.

"She'll be alright. She hasn't said much, but she doesn't seem to be in as much pain."

I ran my hand down through her dirty blonde hair. Kissing her forehead as she wept. Amy just looked up at me with pleading in her eyes.

"Please. No more. Okay? Please?"

"Amy, sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you anymore. Honestly. I don't think you need anymore? Do you?"

"Oh G.o.d. No. Please. It still hurts." Her fingers were still pressed between her legs. Her handcuffs impeding her a bit. Thighs pressed tightly together.

"You going to be alright?"

"I'd be better if you hadn't whipped me."

"I know. I know it hurts. I'll let you rest for a while more."

"Thank-you," she whispered. Meaning for the extended rest.

Jane just watched this exchange, still cradling the girl. My att.i.tude moving to kindness and concern seemed to rea.s.sure the trembling girl in her lap. Amy didn't seem as frightened. Her trembling seemed to have reduced and her tears almost stopped. She looked up at Jane, still gently stroking her hair.


"Shhhh." Jane shushed the hurt woman.

I was standing up. I only half paid attention, my eyes searching for Christi through the store. Not locating her right away.

"It hurts. G.o.d it hurts."

"I know, baby. It'll fade. I promise. I've been through it too."

"How. How did you? Deal with it?"

"Shhh. I can't tell you that sweety. You have to figure out how to deal with it yourself. You don't want to deal with it my way. You'll be alright. It'll fade. I promise. It must be fading already."

"A bit. I guess. I never ..."

Her voice faded as I walked away from the girls, searching for Christi. My guard suddenly up. She was free. No restraints at all.

"Christi?" I called out softly.

"Over here," came the immediate reply. I carefully walked over towards the sound of her voice. Readying the time defenses in case she had found a weapon.

She was innocently sitting cross-legged on the hardwood in front of a display of sweaters. Her fingers tugging at bright knits. Just doing what I told her. I relaxed.

"What?" She looked at me with bewildered eyes. Realizing that I was on edge before I'd relaxed.

"Just didn't see you."

"I'm sorry. I just sat down her to see all these sweaters. Aren't they gorgeous?" She held up a light red sweater against her naked torso. Thrusting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s out to emphasize how it would look on her. Completely unconcerned that I was worried about her. Not even crossing her mind that I had thought she was escaping or planning an attack on me.

I nodded dumbly.

"I couldn't decide. I will if you want me to, but I thought I'd give you a choice. Red sweater, or silk blouse." She held up a maroon silk blouse in her other hand. "They both will look good, I think."

"Take your pick."

"You won't punish me for picking wrong?"

"There isn't a wrong one. Relax."

"I don't suppose you'll let me have a bra?"

"Do you think you need one?"

She smiled and dropped the maroon blouse on the floor. She slipped the sweater over her head. Settling the knit over her nudity. Adjusting the garment over herself. Around her waist. It looked stunning on. She looked like a teenager, but she looked stunning. I was pretty sure that she'd picked the sweater for its covering value, since the silk was a bit sheer, but it didn't matter. She filled out the sweater without a problem. Her figure obvious underneath it. The sweater fit a bit tightly, but that was the style. It was supposed to hug her body like that. Again she turned for me, awaiting my approval. Praying that she wouldn't have to take it off and model the silk as well.

She completed her slow turn. "Well?" she demanded.

"You look stunning. I should let you wear clothes more often."

"I'd like that," she smiled shyly. Covered for the first time in days. Hidden.

"How do you feel?"

"The jeans are a bit tight, but I don't imagine that you'll let me change back to the other pair. And it feels really really weird not having underwear on. Especially here." She pointed to the sweater at about her nipple level.

"Come on, then. Time to get moving. If we can get Amy on her feet."


"Yes?" I turned back to the clothed girl.

"I just. Wanted. To thank-you for letting me get dressed. It. Feels really good," she said haltingly.

"You are welcome. Don't get used to it, but I like seeing you in this. I might keep you in it for a while."

"One more thing?"


"Please. If you don't want me in them just say so. I won't press. But. Shoes? Socks maybe? Please? I've been in bare feet for so long. I. I would kill for a pair of running shoes. Even high heels. Whatever you want."

I smiled at her. "Christi. Honey. I know you want them. I don't blame you. I would too in your position. Let me think about it. You don't really need shoes. You look pretty without them."

She briefly looked disappointed, but then looked down at her body again. Probably shocked not to see bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s and legs, but a sweater and jeans. She pranced over to me in her bare feet and hugged me. Gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks.

"Maybe I can earn shoes later?"

"Perhaps," I grinned at her. I grasped her wrist, unusual to touch fabric there, and guided her back towards the other girls.

When we arrived, Amy was sitting up. Quietly talking to Jane. Both girls sitting cross-legged. Not caring about their exposure. I couldn't quite make out the conversation. Probably just talking about Amy's recent ordeal.

I was concerned about her. She had been the first girl I'd ever really whipped between her legs. I knew it had had to really hurt. I was hoping that she'd make it through alright.

I crouched in front of her. Noted that her bound hands were no longer pressed desperately into her crotch. She lifted her hands from her lap to allow me to check her. I traced some of the welts running up between her legs. My finger touching some of the worse ones on the inside of her thigh.

"That one," she gasped. "Really f.u.c.king hurts."

I must of caught her unexpectedly hard on that angle. Not sure why. The rest of the welts had already begun to fade. I looked up at her. Her face was flushed, but she held my gaze. Used to me being able to touch her whenever and wherever I wanted. Sitting still for the humiliating inspection.

"Amy? How are you feeling?"

"d.a.m.n lousy, thanks to you."

"You learned your lesson?"

"Oh G.o.d. Have I."

"Can you walk?"

"I. I think so. You aren't going to punish me any more?"

"You have something else to tell me that deserves punishment?"

"No." A bit sullenly.

"Come on them. I promise not to punish you again until we get home."

"Oh s.h.i.t. What have I done this time?"

"Nothing yet."

"G.o.d. I'll behave. I can't take that again. Please."

I rose and extended my hand to her. She grabbed on with both her bound hands and climbed a bit painfully to her bare feet. She now tried to keep her feet slightly apart as she stood. Trying to ease any contact with her v.u.l.v.a and thighs.

I helped Jane to her feet as well. At this point, Jane noticed Christi. Her eyes opening wide.

"Oh my G.o.d. You look gorgeous. He let you dress?"

Amy glanced over with a look of undisguised envy. Her eyes widening as well.

Christi just smiled. Running her hands down her top and the hips of her jeans like a model on a runway.

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