Part 48

Part 48

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I looked at her. Her face so hopeful. Wanting this for some irrational female reason. She just wanted to walk in the gra.s.s. Feel the softness on her feet instead of the harsh pavement. It probably twinged her somewhere inside to even have to ask permission. But she honestly didn't mind sharing the cart duty.

"Don't get too far ahead over there." I nodded and she scampered off with a quick thank-you. Jane told the nude girl that they were allowed on the gra.s.s again, and the two of them moved to the side of the road and ahead. I kept Christi company on the asphalt.

"Thank you for the letting them walk over there."

"I was going to anyway. How's your feet?"

"They are alright. The clothes are better. What got into you? Why do you want us in clothing? I can't believe you are just being nice."

"Actually, I am. I just thought that you might appreciate it."

She accepted it at face value. "I do appreciate it. Believe me I do. Even if I can only have it for five minutes. How long am I going to be allowed it."

"Well, I'm not going to let you sleep in them. If that is what you are asking."

"Tomorrow?" she asked hopefully.

"Perhaps. We'll see how good you are until then."

"I'll be an angel. You watch."

"Oh I will. I never realized how good you could look in clothes. I'm not saying you are ugly naked or anything, but you are attractive in jeans and a sweater. Especially those."

"I couldn't afford all these normally. I kind of picked out nicer stuff."

"Don't tell me that I never give you anything," I said to her grinning.

She smiled shyly and lapsed into silence.

"I don't really want to go," she said quietly after fifteen minutes or so.

"Go where?"

"You are going to release us eventually. And. I know it sounds crazy. And I know that I have mixed feelings. But. I. Kind of like it here. No people. I can walk barefoot down the middle of the street with a shopping cart. n.o.body cares. In some ways I really don't want to go."

"I know. I really don't know what I'm going to do. I could live here forever. *course that is easier for me to say than you, I'm sure."

"It feels odd."

"What does?"

"Wearing clothes. I look down at myself and can't believe it. I'm so used to seeing myself without them. Then I look over at Amy, and I know that that is what I looked like a half hour ago. And Jane. Wow. I just wish I never had to take them off," she remarked wistfully.

"Don't get used to it Christi."

"I know. It's going to be hard stripping these off whenever you tell me."

I looked up. We were about halfway there. I stopped the procession.


She looked over her shoulder, flashing a smile at me. She trotted back. It looked strange, this woman running in an evening dress. Barefoot.

"My turn?"

I nodded and the elegant woman put her bound hands on the shopping cart. Christi looked up at me. She stood up on her tiptoes and gave me a quick kiss. I hadn't seen her this happy in a long time. She held up her wrists, waiting for me to cuff her.

"Go on, keep Amy company."

"No handcuffs?"

"You'll behave, won't you?"

"Oh course." She scampered up ahead. Jane let her bound hands push the cart.

She was quiet for the first while. About three quarters of the way back she asked a single question.


"Why what?"

"Why are you suddenly being nice to us? I don't trust you."

"No reason for you to trust me, you minx. But I just felt like being nice to you. You deserved it. You've done everything I asked. Without complaining. Much. Why shouldn't I be?"

"You weren't going to let me have clothes were you?"


"You were going to torment me. Again."

"Yup. But I'd decided to let you have the dress even before you gave me the riot act."

"Oh. I didn't need to do that?"

"No. But it was cute."

She flushed.

"What have you got planned for tonight? Or is a big surprise?"

"It's a surprise. But I don't think you'll be really unhappy about it."

"I won't?"

"Nothing strenuous. You've been through a lot today. And last night. Have to give you a rest if I expect you to remain sane."

"I could really use my bed."

She lapsed into silence. I broke it as the house came into view.

"How's your feet," I asked her.

"Sore. But not because of the pavement. Just done a lot of walking today. Thanks for asking."

"Is Amy alright?"

"She'll be fine. She's just a bit frightened. Doesn't know how you knew about that. What she told you. When you were whipping her."

"I'm psychic."

"It scared her."

"It should have. What about Sheila. What did she tell you about her former life? Anything I should know?"

"A lot. A lot of the torments that he put her through. A story of pain and horror. I don't know how she's alive, much less sane."

"You'll tell me about it?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really. But we can put it off until later."

I pointed to the gate which Christi was opening and holding for us. Amy was almost at the front door which I'd left wide open earlier today. Amy slipped inside the house. Christi walked along with us until the cart b.u.mped against the bottom stair to the porch.

"Guess we get to put away the groceries?"

I nodded. I had to check on Elizabeth and Sheila. I released the time block on the groceries and bounded up the stairs leaving Christi and Jane to sort out the cart. I took a look back, surprised again to see them clothed.

Chapter 101.

Amy was quietly sitting on the steps, her bare body shaking a bit, her bound hands resting on her knees. She looked up as I walked in.

I crouched beside her. Her face was a mask of fear.

"How are you doing?" I asked her gently.

Tears sprang to her eyes, but she forced herself to continue looking into my face. "I. I hurt. Down there."

"I know, sweetheart. I know. It will begin to fade soon."

"I didn't know. Honestly. I didn't think. I don't want to be punished like that ever again. I. I'll do whatever you want. You know that. I screwed up, but I'll try to behave. Please. Don't whip me there again? Please?" She was softly crying. Not sure whether it was the residual pain or the realization that she was completely a captive. That she didn't have her former freedoms. That I still could hurt her if she didn't obey.

I gently touched her bare shoulder. She looked back up at me with bloodshot eyes.

"Please. Let me go? I can't do this much longer."

"Amy. Sweety. You are doing fine. The pain will be gone tomorrow, and I'm not going to put you through anything else tonight. Maybe just help in the kitchen. That's all." I gently wiped the tears from her cheeks.

She forced herself to stop crying. Sniffling.

"I don't have to have s.e.x with you? Nothing?"

I almost laughed. "Could you have s.e.x with me?"

She shook her head numbly. I knew that I could have forced her, but after the treatment between her legs this afternoon, I suspect she'd be in a bit of discomfort. I wasn't going to force her anyway.

Christi and Jane walked in with their arms full of groceries. Carrying as much as they could. Jane particularly having trouble with her bound wrists.

"Guess I should be helping them," Amy spoke quietly.

I nodded. "But before you go, tell Christi to start making something for supper. You help her as much as you can. Alright? I'll come back and make sure you are doing alright."

I reached forward and gently picked up Amy's hands by the connecting chain. I unlocked her wrists. She sat still and idly rubbed her wrists, making to get back to her bare feet.

"It was nice of you to let them have clothes."

"They won't be in them long."

"Still. I hope that you'll let me wear something soon. I'd really like that."

"If you behave, we'll see."

Her eyes teared. "Would you have let me wear something, like them, if I hadn't f.u.c.ked up with Kara and Julie?"

"Perhaps. But don't worry yourself. Jane was lucky. I hadn't planned on dressing her at all. Probably not. I like you too much nude."

"They are gorgeous in those clothes."

They had emerged from the kitchen and were making their way back down to the cart again.

"I know. You don't think I'd let them look dumpy, do you?"

"I guess not," she actually cracked a smile.

As Christi and Jane pa.s.sed us, she stepped down and joined them. She seemed a bit more relaxed. Perhaps knowing that her punishment was actually over. That I wasn't going to be putting her in more pain tonight. At last nothing she wouldn't be able to handle. It wouldn't have been wise to continue it anyway. She would have gone beyond the corrective stage, and perhaps into the insanity stage. Despite her new vitality, I could see her still wincing as her welts made themselves known as she walked. I couldn't imagine what she was going through. But she'd be fine by tomorrow. She needed rest and a break from punishment. To be a semi-normal girl for a while. Jane and Christi were good company for her.

I slowly climbed the stairs and poked my head into the master bedroom. There weren't any voices from the girls. Elizabeth had managed to turn herself somehow more towards the bed. Her head was resting on the carpet, her nude body still wrapped in the cruel bindings. Her bare feet turned upwards connected to her bound wrists. Sheila remained, slightly more comfortable, tied spread on the bed. Her ankles bound securely together, though by her position it appeared that she'd at least struggled with the bindings.

Sheila looked asleep, her head resting to the right side, cradled by her outstretched arm.

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