Part 63
"Oh Christ. My v.a.g.i.n.a. Please, I don't want it at all. Oh G.o.d. Please."
I walked around behind her and let my finger trace through her lips. She shuddered at the touch and instinctively tried to close her legs. The cuffs held her ankles securely apart. She wasn't as lubricated as Jane, but she wasn't completely dry either.
"Do you want me to lubricate this for you?" I asked the vulnerable girl.
"Am I wet?"
"You can't tell?"
"Not really. I'm scared. Please don't do this."
I thought that she was probably moist enough that it wouldn't hurt her overly to insert the probe. Spreading her lips a little, I slipped the probe between her legs. It met some resistance, but it may just have been her natural tightening at the unwanted intrusion. She groaned and cried out as she was violated, begging piteously all the time. I taped the silver contraption inside of her and walked back to the chair.
I picked up the nipple clamps and chain from the floor and approached Jane.
"What now? Please don't do this. You have no idea what this is going to do to us." She'd managed to control her tears again, squirming in her ropes probably trying to dislodge the probe inside of her.
"I do know that in order to have you both feel it, you have to be connected, electrically."
"Oh G.o.d," Jane spoke quietly as she realized how that connection was going to be made. As I carefully slipped the clamp around her erect nipple, she cried out as it tightened. This wasn't as bad as the time I'd forced her to walk from the mall, nor nearly as painful as the crop against her, but I'm sure it was uncomfortable.
"Please take it off. I. I'll do anything at all."
"I know you will, Janey. It's just for a little while. You can do it."
"You wouldn't be so sure if you were standing here, tied up and nearly naked."
I smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "You'll be fine. Just look forward to the nice rest you get after this."
She fought back her fright and tears and stood motionless, trying to control her breathing.
Without even speaking to her, and ignoring her pleas, I did the same to Elizabeth's exposed breast, only I tightened the clamp a little more than on Jane. After all, Elizabeth was really the one being punished, here. She screamed as the clamp bit down on her, trying to twist away from the burning in her nipple, but her feet and wrists held her more or less still for me. She finally held herself as still as possible, moaning. The chain stretched between the girls, well off the floor. I smiled as I realized that any motion of one girl would transmit to the nipple of the other through the connection. By Elizabeth and Jane's postures, I'm pretty sure that they realized it as well.
I quickly connected the wiring up to the girls' probes and ran the wire back so that I could sit in the chair and watch them. I plugged in the unit and twisted the setting k.n.o.b to its lowest level. I had no interest in frying them, only making them uncomfortable for a while.
"Please. Master? This slave begs to speak. Please?" Jane spoke quietly from her restraints. She looked like she was braced and accepting that she was going to have to experience this, but wanted to give one more attempt at avoiding the pain she knew was on its way.
"What is it Jane?" My finger was playing with the glowing b.u.t.ton which, when pressed, was going to provide them with plenty of distraction.
"Oh G.o.d. This slave begs you not to press that b.u.t.ton. She's afraid."
"I know you are, sweety."
"Then why? Elizabeth didn't do anything to deserve this much. Are you just playing with us?"
She was a bright girl. I wasn't just doing this to punish them. Elizabeth's infraction perhaps warranted being bound for an afternoon, and perhaps a light spanking until she begged to make love to Amy. Not this. And both girls probably knew it. I was playing. I hadn't played with the girls for a while, and I needed to remind them of their place, and their lack of freedom. I'd been too lax with them, and I suspected that they'd forgotten that they could be punished whenever I chose. It sort of served a dual purpose.
"Yes, Jane. I'm playing with you," I admitted. "Elizabeth didn't cause all of this."
"Oh G.o.d. That makes more sense, at least."
"That helps you?"
"A little. I don't know why."
I did. They didn't want to think that small infractions were going to result in this kind of over-reaction. And truthfully, I didn't want them thinking that either. It wasn't true, and there was no need to have them constantly worrying about minor infractions of my unreasonable rules. They were human after all. They would make mistakes, and I didn't normally care too much as long as it didn't go overboard into outright rebellion or cause me a lot of grief.
"Can I do anything to convince you to take this thing out of me and let us go?"
"I doubt it."
"Can a slave try?"
"Of course."
"You've already punished Elizabeth, haven't you?"
I nodded slowly.
"She's learned her lesson right?"
I nodded again. Elizabeth had learned her lesson as soon as I bound her arms so uncomfortably behind and above her.
"You don't need to do this to her. She can't take it. Let her go. I'll entertain you if you need to play with someone. You can whip me. My b.r.e.a.s.t.s. My p.u.s.s.y. I'll stand her like this and take it. I'll scream for you. And then I'll make love to you. I'll kiss you. Please?"
She had managed to keep a hold on her tears up until this point. She began to cry a little, but she was determined to try, despite how humiliating this must be for her.
"I can do that to you anyway."
"I'll do it willingly. I'll let you do it to me. You can have me while I'm tied up. I'll even tell you I like it."
I silently rose and placed the black box down on my chair. I walked over to Jane and bent to her face. I cupped her cheeks in my hands, feeling the wetness of her tears. I gently kissed her tears away.
Without answering her, I walked to the doorway, leaving the girls bound and hooked up, and let myself out into the hallway. The door closed gently behind me.
Chapter 112.
I took a deep breath. I leaned against the closed door, wondering what they were feeling in there. Helpless, bound, naked, in pain, and antic.i.p.ating more. I smiled to myself and walked quietly back towards the master bedroom.
Amy was still completely nude and bound securely into her chair. She was moaning and pulling at her ropes, her bare toes curling at the carpet as she fought the sensations of the girl between her spread legs.
Christi was still on her knees, her bobbing head buried between Amy's thighs. She wasn't moving her head very fast, and almost looked bored with her task.
I crept silently into the room, Amy's soft cries masking my presence. I tapped Christi's shoulder gently. She screamed, not expecting the touch. Breathing hard she whirled from Amy's v.a.g.i.n.a, her small hands forming fists as she turned.
"s.h.i.t, you scared me," she gasped as she realized that it was me.
I laughed gently as I sat down on the bed, crossing my legs. The clothed girl turned herself on her knees, resting her hands on her thighs. I could almost see her bare feet under her as she knelt.
"Who told you to stop?"
"Please, sir. My tongue is tired. And. I'm sorry Amy, I don't like the taste. Please can I stop now? I've been at this an hour at least."
"More than that actually. Did Amy climax?"
Christi sat back on her heels and kept silent. I glanced up at Amy who was reddening.
Amy spoke softly, embarra.s.sed. Embarra.s.sed to be sitting there helpless and nude and having to tell me, "Once more. I couldn't help it."
"That's alright. I didn't tell you that you couldn't."
"It helped if I just enjoyed it as much as I could. I don't think I can go again, though. I. I tried."
I turned back to Christi. "Christi? You say your tongue is tired and you are getting sick of the taste? I can't imagine.
"Please sir. My tongue is cramped."
"Does it matter? If I want you to lick her all day, will you?"
"Please don't make me do that."
"Would you?"
She reluctantly nodded. I left her sitting on her knees and just looked at her expectantly.
She sighed and began to turn herself back to her task.
She turned, a questioning look on her face. One of those please-what-else? looks.
"Would you rather be bound, than tongue her?"
"Please. I. This slave. She would prefer that."
"You sure?"
"What are you planning for me? How long am I going to be tied this time?"
"A while, until I finish with Jane and Elizabeth."
"Oh G.o.d. What. Can I ask what you are doing with them? Please. You aren't hurting them are you?"
"Perhaps a little, but they'll be fine."
"I'm sure. What do you want me to do?"
I shifted on the bed.
"Come here."
Obediently, Christi rose to her bare feet and padded over to the bed. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to kneel, or sit up on the bed with me.
"Take off your clothes."
"Oh G.o.d. Please. I'll lick her more. I. I don't want to lose my clothes."
"You can have them back. Relax. I just want you naked for the next few minutes."
Her hands reluctantly stole to the base of her top, tears forming in her eyes.
"I can dress afterwards?"
"I'll let you dress before I tie you up."
"Oh G.o.d. Alright." She had thought that I was intending to tie her nude as I normally did. Her hands pulled the sweater from her body, revealing her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her fingers began to fumble with her jeans, but I stopped her with a touch. She looked at me quizzically.
I reached up and gently gripped her blonde hair, pulling her down towards me. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s inviting as she bent. I kissed her gently on her lips, feeling her respond. I could taste Amy's lubrication on Christi's mouth as I let my tongue trace along Christi's lips. It tasted arousing, I couldn't imagine why Christi would find it distasteful, but then again, I'm not female nor had I had to taste it for better than an hour.
I felt Christi's fingers fumbling with my jeans, unb.u.t.toning them and releasing me. She tugged the clothing down my legs, until she could lower my briefs as well. I laid back on the bed, feeling her weight press into the bed.
"You sure you don't want me to take these off as well?" Christi whispered, kneeling up and touching her own jeans.
"You're fine the way you are," I murmured to her.
Knowing what I wanted, she lowered her head to me and I gasped as her tongue found me. Her softness traced and teased me as images of Jane, and Elizabeth bound and waiting in the other room tantalized me. I groaned as she pressed her silky b.r.e.a.s.t.s against me, cradling me between the gentle hills, licking me as she rose and fell with me between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I could feel her soft breath against me, and her clean sweet skin of her fingers. I felt myself engulfed in her as she again used her mouth.
I closed my eyes, knowing that Amy was bound naked only a few feet away, watching this. Knowing that Christi was going to be bound after this. Feeling myself tightening. So ready.
I touched her bobbing head and she released me from her warm mouth.
"Please," she murmured, breathing hard.
I closed my eyes and struggled with my own desires. I wanted her. Badly. Sometimes things are sweeter if you wait. I reached down and slowly pulled up my jeans, re-b.u.t.toning them.
"You have to be kidding," Christi breathed, her breathing still ragged.
I wasn't kidding. I slowly shook my head.
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