Part 66

Part 66

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Tears rolled down her face as she realized that she hadn't been able to keep her voice down on the fifth. She immediately began to beg pitifully.

"Oh G.o.d. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream. I couldn't help it. Oh G.o.d. Please don't shock her. Hit me again. I'll be quiet. I promise. G.o.d." She collapsed into sobbing. Defeated. "I'm so sorry, Elizabeth."

I cupped her face, forcing her to look at me. She looked at me, pleading in her eyes.

"Hit me again. I'll be good. I won't scream. Hit my clamped nipple again. I swear I can do it. Please," she whispered to me.

I kissed her face.

"You don't have to Jane. That's the end. Five. You did better than I thought you would."

She collapsed sobbing, defeated, upset and in incredible pain. Her failure meant pain for Elizabeth, and she knew it. Her anguish was evident on her tear streaked face.

I returned to the chair, picking up the box and shifting it from hand to hand. Sheila looked up at me from her knees.

"I couldn't have taken that either. I know how much that paddle hurts."

"Jane did well."

"Please. Master? Can I go to Jane? Please? She helped me when I was hurt."

I nodded. Sheila didn't even bother getting to her bare feet, but just crawled over to where Jane was bound. She whispered to her and Jane nodded. Tentatively, Sheila reached up and began to caress Jane's b.r.e.a.s.t.s, kneading out the pain and soreness, occasionally using her lips to almost kiss the sore orbs better. I watched Sheila comfort the crying woman above her for a while then made my decision.


"Yes sir?" She turned away from ma.s.saging Jane for a moment.

"Bring the probes here, alright?"

She looked confused.

"The ones currently in Elizabeth?" I replied to her unspoken question.

Elizabeth looked up sharply at me, relief evident in her face. Sheila crawled over to the naked woman and put her hand in front of her face. Elizabeth thankfully let the suction of her cheeks relax and dropped the silver probe into Sheila's hand. Sheila then moved between Elizabeth's stretched legs and pulled at the tape, slowly easing the silver phallus from her as Elizabeth gasped. She shuffled forward with the probes in her hand.

"Thank-you," she whispered as she handed me the instruments of torment. "She would have pa.s.sed out, you know."

I stroked the bare girl's hair and guided her more comfortably to her knees.


"Yes sir?" she said with a quiver in her voice.

"Don't you think you should thank Jane?"

"Oh G.o.d, I would kiss her feet if I could." She turned to Jane to whom she was still connected via the nipple chain. "Thank-you. I don't think I could have taken another one. Thank-you." Tears were running down Elizabeth's face as she spoke.

Jane was still in tears from her sore b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but I thought I saw her nod her head in acknowledgment.

Elizabeth turned and looked up at me, tears running down her face as well.

"Master? Can your slave speak?" her voice cracked as she struggled with her pain and tears.

I nodded.

"Please Master. Your slave is so sorry. She's been sorry since you brought her into this room. Please, allow your slave to do what you wanted from her in the first place. She'll do it gladly. She doesn't want to be punished anymore. Please?"

That was a lot better than earlier. I rose and walked back to the bound nude girl. I bent and released her ankle cuffs. She didn't immediately close her legs, not knowing if she had permission or not to do so.

I released her nipple clamp next. She cried out as I released the pressure and her blood flowed back into the sensitive flesh. She kept still, though. Jane cried out as I dropped the clamp to the floor, pulling at her still trapped and very sore nipple. I regretted it almost as soon as I did it. I hadn't meant to hurt Jane further. I stopped releasing Elizabeth and turned to the still sobbing girl beside her. As an act of kindness, I released Jane's nipple from the clamp as well. To her credit she had never begged for it's removal, and I knew that she hated the clamps, perhaps more than anything. I gently kissed the sore nipple and Jane flinched at the touch.

Leaving her to her tears, I returned to Elizabeth, finally letting her hands down. She remained bent over, but was unable to hold her hands up without the rope. She fell to her knees, sobbing in relief. She'd probably been dreaming of this moment since this had all begun.

"Oh G.o.d. Thank-you," she whispered.

I released her wrists from her bonds and guided her to her knees, hands in front of her.

"Jane?" she whispered.

"I'll let her down in a while."

"Don't hurt her anymore. She doesn't deserve it. I'd rather go back up there. Please."

"I won't hurt her much more."

"Oh G.o.d."

"Can you crawl?"

I watched as the freed girl flexed some of her sore limbs. She nodded silently, tears br.i.m.m.i.n.g in her eyes as she realized that she didn't have much choice. She would crawl if I told her to, sore or not.

I reached down and carefully gripped Elizabeth's red hair, gently guiding her to her hands and knees. She knew that she was expected to crawl, and she strained to keep her balance with her thighs and arms protesting. I knew crawling, or even standing, was going to be hard for the naked beauty, but she had been spared a lot of the pain I was intending for her. This discomfort wasn't in the same league.

I was approaching the door as Sheila's musical voice called softly out to me.

"Master? Can this slave go to Jane? Please? Don't leave her alone like that. She's hurt."

Sheila could see that I'd intended to leave Jane in her bondage until I returned, and she knew that Jane's arms had to be aching horribly being bound above her like that. I wanted her to stay there, but I couldn't see any problem with letting Sheila try to comfort her while I was gone.

I nodded to Sheila and watched as she crawled forward whispering to Jane, who was still crying softly in her ropes.

I turned and continued to guide Elizabeth out into the hallway and towards the master bedroom with her hair. She cried out once as she stumbled and I wasn't able to release her hair quickly enough. She struggled back to her hands and knees, tears in her eyes, and waited for me to take her hair leash before falling back into the unfamiliar gait.

Chapter 115.

I pushed open the bedroom door and allowed Elizabeth to crawl into the bedroom under her own power, releasing her hair. She sighed as she crawled over to Amy and quietly knelt by Amy's bound feet.

"Elizabeth? Are you alright? What did he do to you?"

Elizabeth looked at me, seeking permission to answer Amy's questions. I shook my head, denying it.

"Amy, honey? I. I can't tell you. I'm sorry."

Amy, shrugged as much as her bonds would let her. She didn't understand why I wouldn't let Elizabeth tell her what had happened to her, but she knew better than to push the issue. She wasn't in the best position to defend herself if I chose to punish her for not accepting my decisions.

Elizabeth looked down at herself, shivered, remembered her punishment and looked back up at me.

"Can ... can a slave begin her task, now? Please?" She wanted to get this over with as well.

I swallowed, looking forward to seeing Elizabeth having s.e.x with Amy. I nodded slowly.

With a last look of pleading in her eyes, Elizabeth spoke softly.

"Please don't make do this. I'm begging you."

"We can go back to the other room if you like."

"Oh G.o.d. Please no. I'll do it. I didn't say I wouldn't. I just asked ..." her voice trailed off.

"It's alright. You've touched women before. You've slept with them before."

Tears brimmed again in the girl's eyes and she bent her head.

"Can I ask how long?"

"Until I tell you to stop."

"Yes sir."

She reluctantly shuffled her bare body around until she was facing Amy. Amy was still bound nude and spread open in the chair, looking down calmly at Elizabeth.

"If it makes it any easier, Elizabeth, I don't mind anymore," Amy spoke quietly.

"Y-you don't?"

"I've already had Sheila and Christi down there. I'm used to it. I don't like it. I wish I didn't have to do it. But I don't have a choice. Having you down there is no worse. I'll try and enjoy it. Okay? Maybe he'll let me out after you're done." Amy attempted a weak smile.

"I. I guess." Elizabeth shivered and Amy visibly braced herself for the third female tongue of the morning. She squirmed a bit in her bonds belying the words she had just spoken to Elizabeth. But she didn't complain.

As the first gasp emerged from Amy's lips, I sat down on the bed. Christi was still breathing heavily, watching the girls make slow love by the chair.

"What did you do to them?" she whispered to me.


"Oh G.o.d. How's Jane?"

"Sore. But she'll be fine."

"You didn't hurt them too much?"

"They won't forget the morning."

"I'll bet. Are you going to untie me?" She pulled at her bound wrists. "We have something to finish."

I was sitting by her bare feet and I reached out and traced along her instep. She squirmed a bit, but the cords holding her body prevented her from kicking her feet as she no doubt wanted to. She cried out at the touch and wrenched her bare toes as they pulled against the small toe cords.

I did it again, and she willed herself to turn the touches into something less ticklish. I looked up into her face.

"Please. Untie me. We can finish what we started earlier."

I traced her right instep once more and shifted up towards her top end. I leaned down to her and touched her lips gently with mine. She hungrily returned the kiss, pulling at her ropes.

"Untie me," she whispered to me. "You can tie me back up after we're done. If you have to. I don't even mind if you leave me naked."

I ignored her voice and traced along her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s which were heaving with her breathing. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the sensations.

I traced her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, purposely avoiding her erect nipples. She moaned, thrusting herself as best she could towards the light touches. Her skin was silky smooth and warm to my finger tips. Her lips parted as she cried out when I touched her nipples gently with my tongue.

I idly touched her chest as she lay there while I turned my attention to the girls by the chair. Elizabeth was doing exactly as she'd been ordered. Her head was moving as she licked the bound girl in front of her. Amy had her eyes closed and she was pulling gently against the ropes that restrained her bare body. Her breathing was quickening, and her nipples betrayed her arousal. She looked like she was heading for some release, but she also looked like she was fighting it on some level. I could feel my arousal building as I watched, almost jealous of Amy. Elizabeth's mouth would have felt good at that point, but I simply didn't have the capacity that a female did. If I let Elizabeth pleasure me, I'd have to forgo the pleasures with Christi. At least for a while. I closed my eyes as again I felt the jealousy rise that Amy could recover so much quicker than I. She was heading for her third or fourth climax of the morning. Being female has some advantages.

As I turned my attention back to the girl squirming under my gently caressing fingers, I felt an odd sensation, almost like a spider crawling through my mind. I gasped as the sensation intensified, filling my mind and darkening my vision. I vaguely heard Christi's voice crying out as darkness overwhelmed my senses and I lost touch with the outside world.

I awoke sometime later, my hearing returned before the rest of my senses.

"What the h.e.l.l are we going to do?"

"You can start by untying me," Amy's voice rang through my consciousness.

"In a second," Elizabeth's voice sounded close. I struggled to open my eyes. My strength was slowly returning, but I would have to wait for a moment before I could move. It didn't sound like I'd been out very long.

I felt soft fingers trace down my cheek and touch my lips.

"He's still breathing, thank G.o.d."

"Thank G.o.d? Tie him up before he wakes up," Amy's voice again.

"Amy, shush," Christi's voice sounded really near. I though I could feel her breathing close by, perhaps even under me. "He's the only one who can get us out of here. And if he can get free, you don't want to be the one who tied him up. Trust me."

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