Part 4
The section of the Tower presenting the least difficulty to elevator installation was that above the juncture of the four legs--from the second platform to the third, or observation, enclosure. There was no question that French equipment could perform this service. The run being perfectly straight and vertical, the only unusual demand upon contemporary elevator technology was the length of rise--525 feet.
The system ultimately selected (fig. 37) appealed to the Commission largely because of a similar one that had been installed in one tower of the famous Trocadero[13] and which had been operating successfully for 10 years. It was the direct plunger system of Leon Edoux, and was, for the time, far more rationally contrived than Backmann's helicoidal system.
Edoux, an old schoolmate of Eiffel's, had built thousands of elevators in France and was possibly the country's most successful inventor and manufacturer in the field. It is likely that he did not attempt to obtain the contract for the elevator equipment in the Tower legs, as his experience was based almost entirely on plunger systems, a type, as we have seen, not readily adaptable to that situation. What is puzzling was the failure of the Commission's members to recognize sooner Edoux's obvious ability to provide equipment for the upper run. It may have been due to their inexplicable confidence in Backmann.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 31.--The French Girard pumps that supplied the Otis and Roux systems. (From _La Nature_, Oct. 5, 1889, vol. 17, p. 292.)]
The direct plunger elevator was the only type in which European practice was in advance of American practice at this time. Not until the beginning of the 20th century, when hydraulic systems were forced into compet.i.tion with electrical systems, was the direct plunger elevator improved in America to the extent of being practically capable of high rises and speeds. Another reason for its early disfavor in the United States was the necessity for drilling an expensive plunger well equal in length to the rise.[14]
As mentioned, the most serious problem confronting Edoux was the extremely high rise of 525 feet. The Trocadero elevator, then the highest plunger machine in the world, traveled only about 230 feet. A secondary difficulty was the esthetic undesirability of permitting a plunger cylinder to project downward a distance equal to such a rise, which would have carried it directly into the center of the open area beneath the first platform (fig. 6). Both problems were met by an ingenious modification of the basic system. The run was divided into two equal sections, each of 262 feet, and two cars were used. One operated from the bottom of the run at the second platform level to an intermediate platform half-way up, while the other operated from this point to the observation platform near the top of the Tower. The two sections were of course parallel, but offset. A central guide, on the Tower's center-line, running the entire 525 feet served both cars, with shorter guides on either side--one for the upper and one for the lower run. Thus, each car traveled only half the total distance. The two cars were connected, as in the Backmann system, by steel cables running over sheaves at the top, balancing each other and eliminating the need for counterweights. Two driving rams were used. By being placed beneath the upper car, their cylinders extended downward only the 262 feet to the second platform and so did not project beyond the confines of the system itself.[15] In making the upward or downward trip, the pa.s.sengers had to change from one car to the other at the intermediate platform, where the two met and parted (fig.
39). This transfer was the only undesirable feature of what was, on the whole, a thoroughly efficient and well designed work of elevator engineering.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 32.--The Otis distributor, with valves shown in motionless, neutral position. Since the main valve at all times was subjected to the full operating pressure, it was necessary to drive this valve with a servo piston. The control cable operated only the servo piston's valve. (Adapted from Gustave Eiffel, _La Tour de Trois Cents Metres_, Paris, 1900, p. 130.)]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 33.--General arrangement of the Roux Combaluzier and Lepape elevator.]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 34.--Roux, Combaluzier and Lepape machinery and cabin at the Tower's base. (From _La Nature_, Aug. 10, 1889, vol. 17, p.
In operation, water was admitted to the two cylinders from a tank on the third platform. The resultant hydraulic head was sufficient to force out the rams and raise the upper car. As the rams and car rose, the rising water level in the cylinders caused a progressive reduction of the available head. This negative effect was further heightened by the fact that, as the rams moved upward, less and less of their length was buoyed by the water within the cylinders, increasing their effective weight. These two factors were, however, exactly compensated for by the lengthening of the cables on the other side of the pulleys as the lower car descended. Perfect balance of the system's dead load for any position of the cabins was, therefore, a quality inherent in its design. However, there were two extreme conditions of live loading which required consideration: the lower car full and the upper empty, or vice versa. To permit the upper car to descend under the first condition, the plungers were made sufficiently heavy, by the addition of cast iron at their lower ends, to overbalance the weight of a capacity load in the lower car. The second condition demanded simply that the system be powerful enough to lift the unbalanced weight of the plungers plus the weight of pa.s.sengers in the upper car.
As in the other systems, safety was a matter of prime importance. In this case, the element of risk lay in the possibility of the suspended car falling. The upper car, resting on the rams, was virtually free of such danger. Here again the influence of Backmann was felt--a brake of his design was applied (fig. 38). It was, true to form, a throwback, similar safety devices having proven unsuccessful much earlier. Attached to the lower car were two helically threaded vertical rollers, working within the hollow guides. Corresponding helical ribs in the guides rotated the rollers as the car moved. If the car speed exceeded a set limit, the increased resistance offered by the apparatus drove the rollers up into friction cups, slowing or stopping the car.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 35.--Detail of links in the Roux system. (From Gustave Eiffel, _La Tour de Trois Cents Metres_, Paris, 1900, p. 156.)]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 36.--Section of guide trunks in the Roux system.
(From Gustave Eiffel, _La Tour de Trois Cents Metres_, Paris, 1900, p.
The device was considered ineffectual by Edoux and Eiffel, who were aware that the ultimate safety of the system resulted from the use of supporting cables far heavier than necessary. There were four such cables, with a total sectional area of 15.5 square inches. The total maximum load to which the cables might be subjected was about 47,000 pounds, producing a stress of about 3,000 pounds per square inch compared to a breaking stress of 140,000 pounds per square inch--a safety factor of 46![16]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 37.--Schematic diagram of the Edoux system. (Adapted from Gustave Eiffel, _La Tour de Trois Cents Metres_, Paris, 1900, p.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 38.--Vertical section through lower (suspended) Edoux car, showing Backmann helicoidal safety brake. (Adapted from Gustave Eiffel, _La Tour Eiffel en 1900_, Paris, 1902, p. 12.)]
A curiosity in connection with the Edoux system was the use of Worthington (American) pumps (fig. 40) to carry the water exhausted from the cylinders back to the supply tanks. No record has been found that might explain why this particular exception was made to the "foreign materials" stipulation.
This exception is even more strange in view of Otis' futile request for the same pumps and the fact that any number of native machines must have been available. It is possible that Edoux's personal influence was sufficient to overcome the authority of the regulation.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 39.--Pa.s.sengers changing cars on Edoux elevator at intermediate platform. (From _La Nature_, May 4, 1889, vol. 17, p. 361.)]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 40.--Worthington tandem compound steam pumps, at base of the Tower's south pier, supplied water for the Edoux system. The tank was at 896 feet, but suction was taken from the top of the cylinders at 643 feet; therefore, the pumps worked against a head of only about 250 feet. (From _La Nature_, Oct. 5, 1889, vol. 17, p. 293.)]
[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 41.--Recent view of lower car of the Edoux system, showing slotted cylindrical guides that enclose the cables.]
In 1900, after the customary 11-year period, Paris again prepared for an international exposition, about 5 years too early to take advantage of the great progress made by the electric elevator. When the Roux machines, the weakest element in the Eiffel Tower system, were replaced at this time, it was by other hydraulics. Built by the well known French engineering organization of Fives-Lilles, the new machines were the ultimate in power, control, and general excellence of operation. As in the Otis system, the cars ran all the way to the second platform.
The Fives-Lilles equipment reflected the advance of European elevator engineering in this short time. The machines were rope-geared and incorporated the elegant feature of self-leveling cabins which compensated for the varying track inclination. For the 1900 fair, the Otis elevator in the south pier was also removed and a wide stairway to the first platform built in its place. In 1912, 25 years after Backmann's startling proposal to use electricity for his system, the remaining Otis elevator was replaced by a small electric one. This innovation was reluctantly introduced solely for the purpose of accommodating visitors in the winter when the hydraulic systems were shut down due to freezing weather. The electric elevator had a short life, being removed in 1922 when the number of winter visitors increased far beyond its capacity. However, the two hydraulic systems were modified to operate in freezing temperatures--presumably by the simple expedient of adding an antifreezing chemical to the water--and operation was placed on a year-round basis.
Today the two Fives-Lilles hydraulic systems remain in full use; and visitors reach the Tower's summit by Edoux's elevator (fig. 41), which is all that remains of the original installation.
_The Otis System_
Negative effect
Weight of cabin: 23,900 lb. sin 789' (incline of upper run) 23,390 lb.
Live load: 40 persons @150 lb. = 6,000 sin 789' 5,872 ------ -- 29,262 lb.
Positive effect
Counterweight: 55,000 sin 5435' (incline of lower run) ------------------------------------------ 3 (rope gear ratio) 14,940 lb.
Weight of piston and chariot: 33,060 sin 5435'
------------------ 12 (ratio) 2,245
Power: 156 p.s.i. 1,134 sq. in. (piston area) ---------------------------------------- 12 (ratio) 14,742 31,927 lb.
Excess to overcome friction 2,665 lb.
_The Roux, Combaluzier and Lepape System_
Negative effect
Weight of cabin: 14,100 sin 5435' 11,500 lb.
Live load: 100 persons @150 lb. = 15,000 sin 5435' 12,220 ------ -- 23,720 lb.
Positive effect
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