Part 15
"You'd allow Karen to make love to you though. Right?"
Amy swallowed and nodded her head. She spoke. "I don't really have a choice if you tell me to do it. Right? But please. I helped you whip her. Please."
I nodded. She didn't want the lesbian contact. I'd spare her this time. Amy had behaved herself. Her punishment could be simply helping me whip Karen earlier. I know that was hard on the poor girl. She really hadn't wanted to do that. Besides I think it was her trying to jump out of her chair that had tipped me off that Karen had run. Amy looked relieved. Bigtime.
I turned my eyes back to the mother on the floor. She was still on her hands and knees. Her whole body was shaking. She looked up at me with pleading in her eyes. Begging. She was crying again. She struggled. Not knowing if she was in the dog role still, but desperately wanting to plead with me.
I sat down in one of her chairs and regarded her. Finally she braved it.
"Please. Master. Don't punish this b-b.i.t.c.h for talking. If you don't want her to talk, she won't."
I was silent. I didn't mind her talking. I was curious what she wanted.
Finally she wracked up her courage. "Please. This slave is sorry for whatever she's done. All she wants is to be let go."
"Why should I let you go?"
"Please. I've. This slave has done everything you wanted. Please. Your slave is tired. She's hurt. She'll do everything you want, but she needs some rest. Please."
I could see that she was tired. She was having trouble even keeping herself upright on her hands and knees. Having trouble lifting her head. The adrenaline and endorphins were probably coming out of her system. She probably felt sick too, but she didn't say anything about that. And with the withdrawal of the endorphins, her pain was probably returning. Aches and pains that she probably didn't even realize were there. Her whole body was shaking uncontrollably. Probably a reaction to the adrenaline and fear combined. She just continued to beg. It was all she could do.
"Please. Your slave begs you to let her go. I'm. She's so worried about her daughter, Autumn. Please. Can your slave beg to see her daughter. Just one last time?"
"What have you got to offer me?"
"Please. Master must know that his slaves have nothing to offer. You can take whatever you want. Your slave is just begging her master for some rest and to see her daughter. She loves her." Tears were rolling down her face as she remained on all fours. Naked. Shaking.
That surprised me. I was expecting her to offer me herself again. Or anything. She was catching on that she didn't really have anything anymore. I nodded to her.
"Karen. Honey. You can drop the slave talk. Get to your feet."
"Oh G.o.d. This slave isn't sure she can." She was actually having trouble stopping from talking in the third person. I watched as she struggled to her knees. She tried to get to her feet, her thighs straining. She finally made it. Tears falling down her face. Swaying on her bare feet. Struggling to keep her balance. She looked like she was fighting faint nausea as well. She didn't complain about it though. "Please. I can't do anything else. I can barely stand. Please don't make me do anything else. Please."
"I know you are tired, Karen. Can you get dressed?"
Her eyes looked at me questioningly. "You want me to put my clothing on?"
"Unless you particularly want to o.r.g.a.s.m or something."
"Please don't tease me. I hurt."
"I know. You've been very cooperative. And I'm going to let you go."
"Please. I don't need my clothes. Can I just go to my daughter? Please?" She had nothing left to hide. I'd forced her to hold a cuc.u.mber in her for what seemed like hours. Might have been. I'd completely lost track of the time. Nevertheless, she didn't care about clothing anymore. I'd seen everything.
"Karen. Put on your clothes."
"Alright. Just don't hurt me anymore. Okay?"
She stumbled over to her discarded clothing on the far side of the kitchen. She looked at me once again. "Really? You are just going to let me dress myself and walk away?"
"Sort of."
I reached over and began to release Elizabeth's bonds. Keeping my eye on Karen. Karen was pulling her sweat pants over her legs. Moving gingerly. Her legs and arms probably aching. She picked up her sweatshirt and tried to pull it over her head. She cried out as her muscles cramped when she tried to put her arms over her head. She struggled with it anyway. Her desire to cover her nudity more important to her than the transient pain in her body. Maybe she did still have some pride left. She ignored her socks and stood barefoot in front of me. But mostly covered. After seeing her bare body, it was much easier to visualize her without the clothes. I undressed her again with my mind. I debated making her take off the clothing again, but she didn't look bad with them on. A little disheveled, perhaps, but she couldn't hide her beauty. Even the red marks on her chin and face, leftovers from the wooden spoon treatment enhanced her features.
By this point, Elizabeth was free of her chair except for her wrists cuffed behind her. She was still flushed from her climax.
I motioned Amy and Elizabeth to their feet. They struggled out of their chairs. Their bound wrists impeding them, making basic balance a bit of a ch.o.r.e.
Karen spoke. "What are you going to do with them?"
"Keep them for a while."
"You are just going to let me go? Why?"
She'd never understand the time thing. She thought that I was going to just walk out with the girls and she'd call the police. She couldn't understand why I'd just let her do that. And I didn't feel like explaining it to her.
"You've been cooperative," I answered her.
"Why didn't you rape me?"
"I didn't want to. Not in the mood."
"I'm not attractive?"
"Very attractive. Under different circ.u.mstances, you'd be joining Elizabeth and Amy here."
"I noticed that they were attractive." She flushed. Probably thinking how up close and personal she had had to get to Elizabeth.
I took a last look at Karen. The red welts on her face from the spoons already fading. Her amazing body hidden under the clothing. It wasn't necessary let her get dressed, but I wanted to watch her pull on her clothes. She was feeling much better with her clothing returned to her. Standing taller. Less defeated looking. A bit stronger. More human.
"Can I go to my daughter now? Please?"
"Who are you?" I asked her a last question. She looked a bit puzzled.
She considered her answer. "I'm your slave. Your s.l.u.t. Your b.i.t.c.h. Your pet. And I'm Karen Johnson. All rolled into one."
I nodded. It was a good answer. I concentrated on her body s.p.a.ce and released it from our time line. She gasped as she felt the time collapsing around her and she winked out of existence. Her body jumped from one side of the kitchen to the other. Instantaneously. Her body again frozen with the rest of the world in time.
I left Elizabeth and Amy standing quietly by the kitchen table. I walked up to the frozen woman. Her socks had materialized back on her feet. She was holding the knife. No marks on her body. Happily preparing her lunch. Having no idea that I had taken her, broken her, tortured her. This woman was still blissfully unaware that she could bark like a dog and she still had no idea what nipple clamps were. I actually hoped that she'd never find out in real life.
I kissed her time frozen hair and whispered to her. "You were fun Karen. That's why I let you go. Sleep well. Say good-bye to Autumn for me as well." She couldn't hear me, but I just somehow wanted to leave her with something.
I turned on my heel and approached Elizabeth and Amy. The girls were a little pale from their adventures. I touched their bare arms and guided them towards the front of the house. The girls walked silently beside me, their bare feet moving across the tiles in the silent house.
Chapter 78.
I guided the women out the front door and onto the porch. I concentrated and collapsed all the time fields within Karen's home. I never did find out if she actually was married. She probably was though. Whoever it was, was a lucky man.
Amy seemed to be in her own world. A distant look on her face. Elizabeth sighed.
"Amy?" The nude girl turned towards me. Questioning me with her eyes. "You know the way back right? Can you lead? A bit ahead?" I wanted to talk to Elizabeth on the way back.
For some reason her face brightened. "Of course," she replied. Perhaps she just wanted some time alone. She had witnessed the complete degradation of another woman. She had helped in the complete degradation of another woman. She knew it could have just as easily been her begging and pleading. Her wrists bound above her. Humiliated. Barking like a dog. She looked a bit rattled. It had been a while since I had put any of them through an ordeal. I suspect that they were getting used to slightly better treatment. Their free time.
I held Elizabeth back as Amy bounced on ahead. Her mood improving as she moved away. Elizabeth looked a little frightened, but she stood her ground somewhat defiantly. Pulling weakly against the restraints still adorning her wrists.
I looked at her and we began walking slowly back to the Victorian home next door.
"What's the matter?" I asked her.
"Look at me. What do you think is the matter?" She pulled against the handcuffs to make her point.
"Elizabeth. You've been in chains for days. You have to be getting used to it by now."
"Hmph. You try being nude and in chains twenty-four hours a day. No privacy at all. Always frightened. See how you like it."
"I can understand that. But I don't believe you."
"It was Karen," she admitted.
"Yeah. You were really really rough on her. It scared me."
"She's fine now."
"I know. I couldn't believe that you let her go. She was such a nice looking woman. So much better than Amy or I. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were perfect. And that body." She paused. "I was thinking what if you decide to do that to me before you send me back. I don't think I could do all that. I know I offered to take her place. But I don't think I could have gone through the pain she did. That kind of humiliation." She paused again. I just waited for her to continue.
"That crop." She began to cry. "It was all I could do not to scream my heart out. And you weren't even hitting me hard. I don't know how Jane survived. I've watched you hit her, like, ten times harder. All on the t.i.ts. Christ."
"I won't torture you that bad unless you disobey me. p.i.s.s me off. I promise."
"She was obeying you. And you still put her through the wringer. You scared me."
"I should scare you. Means you are still sane."
"What if I can't keep up?"
"Keep up?"
"Keep you happy. You'll kill me? I don't want to die."
"Don't be silly. Amy really p.i.s.sed me off the other day and she's still alive. I have no intention of killing you. Or of even hurting you badly. Even the punishment I gave Amy wasn't *that* bad."
"She might be of another opinion. She won't even talk about it. She's changed."
"If you went through what I put her through. You'd change too. Believe me. She hasn't changed that much though. She's just more frightened of me. More obedient now. More accepting of her position. I saw her eyes flash at me once today. She hasn't been broken. Believe me."
Elizabeth lapsed into silence. We were about halfway back. Amy was walking about 100 meters ahead. Well out of hearing range. My eyes traveled the back of her body up ahead. From the top of her head, down her bare back, her hair gently bouncing with her gait. Her hands handcuffed behind her. Her bare feet gently falling on the asphalt.
"That's not all. Is it?" I asked the bound beauty beside me.
Elizabeth grimly nodded. Her eyes beginning to tear up again.
She swallowed. "Please. I don't understand."
"Understand what?" But I had a pretty good idea. I was beginning to think of it as Jane's syndrome. But the other girls didn't know about Jane. At least I hadn't told any of them.
"Please. I can't."
I decided to help. I knew what the problem was. "Elizabeth. It's normal."
"How would you know? You aren't a girl. You aren't bound up all the time. You aren't being tortured all the time. It scared me."
"Elizabeth. Sweetheart. It's precisely because of that. Any pleasure is magnified. You are just having a normal reaction to the pain. It doesn't mean you are weird. You just turned it into something more pleasant. That's all. Honestly."
"But. I don't understand. Why pain? Why are you doing this to me? I can't believe another girl got me off. I'm not. Honestly. I'm not lesbian."
"You are just in a strange situation. I'm forcing you to do this. You're fine. It's just that I'm not giving you any choice."
"But I wasn't thinking about some guy tonguing me like I told you." The tears really started to flow. "I was feeling the pain of that d.a.m.n crop. I was thinking of you and Amy hitting Karen. I was seeing Karen naked and begging. Crying. I was visualizing her head between my legs. HER head. Not some guy's. I was thinking of Amy and Karen. Oh Christ. Naked. Maybe I am a lesbian. I o.r.g.a.s.med to thoughts of you torturing me and Karen making love to me. My own thoughts. I hate myself. And I didn't have a normal o.r.g.a.s.m. No. Not me. Not just a tiny climax to satisfy your twisted game. I have the mother of all climaxes. Some multiple thing. I can't even work myself up that high when I'm by myself. You and some girl took me there and I'm scared."
Her voice trailed off. I didn't quite know how to handle this. "Elizabeth. Baby. Please. You've got to believe me. You are alright. You aren't a lesbian. And you aren't into pain. I'm forcing this on you because I enjoy it. You are just identifying with me. Don't hate yourself. Honestly. You were only enjoying the sensations because that was all you could feel. And you just managed to turn it into something less painful. The mind does these things to protect you. That's all I let you feel. Your mind had to do something with it. You would have had the same reaction if I'd been eating you out. Or Tom Cruise. Same reason that you wanted to make love to me the other night. I haven't given you the opportunity for s.e.xual release and any stimulation is going to make you hot. And besides it is normal to have thoughts of the same s.e.x. Especially in women. It doesn't make you gay. It doesn't even make you bis.e.xual. It's normal. It was just a fantasy. In normal time, you know, the real life that I took away from you a while back, you'll never feel these things because there won't be some a.s.shole tying you up constantly and preventing you from normal s.e.xual expression. Elizabeth. You'll be alright. You can't let this get to you. You'll be nuts before you know it."
She thought about this for a minute. "I'm not all that experienced, you know?"
"I know." I had suspected as much. The almost virginal pleasure she was finding in everything. She seemed to feel almost proud of herself when she managed to give a good b.l.o.w. .j.o.b. Have a multiple o.r.g.a.s.m. Losing herself into this unfamiliar s.e.x. But then, she dropped into this guilty mode. I suspect that this was just those age old daemons and s.e.xual taboos surfacing again. Despite the multiple o.r.g.a.s.m things, maybe there was some disadvantages to being female. Always fighting these daemons. Didn't sound like much fun.
"Don't get me wrong. I've had a couple of lovers. But. It was always straight forward. Boring. I. I can't ... I had better o.r.g.a.s.ms by myself. Then you come along. Whips and chains. Visions that I never should have seen. Lesbian acts. Pain. Torture. Incest for crying out loud. And I'm getting h.o.r.n.y? I've been turned into a s.e.x slave. I don't even have control over my s.e.xual urges. Incest! My G.o.d I should be disgusted. But no. Elizabeth gets turned on. G.o.ddammit. The s.e.x I had with you the other night, the stuff I *asked* for? You know that you are the one and only guy I've ever asked for s.e.x from? The oral s.e.x? It was the best s.e.x with another person I've ever had. And I'm not in love with you. And now a complete stranger. A woman. Is forced to have oral s.e.x with me while I'm bound and being whipped. I have a f.u.c.king multiple o.r.g.a.s.m. Maybe the only one I'll ever have. I'm so confused."
"Elizabeth. I know. Honey. I wish I knew. Everybody reacts to stress differently. And believe me. You are under stress. You'll be alright. You are such a strong woman. Don't let it bother you. Just enjoy yourself when I let you. There's no pressure here. No inhibitions. I'm not going to think anything. That you're some kind of s.l.u.t. Honest. If anything, I'll be impressed that you can actually find some kind of pleasure in all this. I'm betting that most women would fall apart completely. Go insane. If they were put into your place. I'm forcing you to do it. Try to remember. It's only temporary. You get to forget everything when I send you back."
Elizabeth just pulled against her handcuffs and stopped in the middle of the road. She looked so lost. So alone. Standing in the middle of the asphalt. Naked. Handcuffed. Tear streaked face. Body shaking.
This suffering creature managed to choke out. "But. But what if I never get to have another multiple o.r.g.a.s.m again?" She just collapsed into tears.
I moved to her and gathered her into my arms. Giving her a hug. She trembled and I could tell that she wanted to return the embrace but the handcuffs behind her back prevented it. She just stood still and cried into my shoulder. I stroked her hair until her shakes subsided. Finally she pulled away. I checked over my shoulder. Amy wasn't in sight, but the gate to the house was just up ahead.
"I'll be alright? You promise? I'm not a lesbian?"
"I promise. Maybe you should talk to Jane. She's pretty good at these things." I knew that Jane had been, and was still, going through this process. I don't think she was worried about turning into a lesbian, but she certainly was concerned about the pain and degradation turning her on. She was far more naturally m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.tic than Elizabeth, but the feelings were similar. They might be able to help each other through the confusion.
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