Part 16

Part 16

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"Jane is feeling this too. Isn't she?"

Perceptive. "A little. Her situation is a little different. But she'll tell you if she chooses."

"You are respecting her privacy?"

"Yeah. And I'm not going to tell any of the girls about this conversation either. No need. I figure you'll tell them if you want them to know. Why do you think I sent Amy up ahead?"

"You knew? You knew I was feeling this way?"

"Of course I knew."

She managed to get out a smile and I kissed her forehead.

"I'd be better if you didn't find it necessary to torture us so much."

"I know. Not an option. This is my timeline."

"Don't remind me."

She began to walk. Quiet. Lost in her own thoughts. Thoughts of her feelings. Thoughts of her body. Tears threatened a number of times, but she fought them off with an obvious effort. I let her walk in silence. Let her deal with her thoughts. We pa.s.sed through the open gate. I turned and closed it behind us. Up ahead I glimpsed Amy. She was sitting in the gra.s.s beside the path. Her hands supporting her behind her back. Her legs stretched out. Enjoying the sun.

She waited for us to approach and struggled to her bare feet.

"What the heck took you so long? Stop for a quickie?" She'd been tied up in the same room that night that Elizabeth had asked me for s.e.x. It was her attempt at humour.

I aimed a slap at her a.s.s. She managed to block it with her bound hands. She laughed. Her mood had certainly improved with the time she spent alone. She stuck out her tongue and ran to the front porch. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bouncing as she ran through the gra.s.s. She was completely oblivious to the show she was giving me. I doubted if she even cared anymore. They were pretty used to being naked all the time. Not having control of their own bodies. The chain of her handcuffs jangled as she ran.

As she approached the door, she turned around and managed to open it with her bound hands. She slipped inside leaving the door open. I linked arms with the naked bound girl left beside me and we walked slowly up to the door and also slipped inside. Compared to the bright sunshine outdoors, the hallway looked dark and gloomy. My eyes began to adjust to the lower light level. It was actually quite bright in the foyer. Light streaming in through a skylight. Amy was waiting for us sitting daintily on the bottom step. Her legs modestly together. Her hands still attached behind her back.

I turned Elizabeth around and removed her handcuffs. I tossed them on the foyer table. Automatically, she knelt. I motioned Amy over and did the same for her. She absently rubbed her wrists but sank to her knees beside Elizabeth.

"Girls? Feel like showering?"

Elizabeth glanced behind her and grimaced at the state of the soles of her feet. She'd been walking without shoes for a couple of days. She ought to be used to dirty feet. "I'd happily f.u.c.k you a million times if you let me have a hot shower. G.o.d. I feel so dirty." I could tell by her tone that she wasn't just referring to her dusty bare feet.

Amy piped up. "Well, I wouldn't f.u.c.k you a million times, but I'd give you a really good tumble for a hot shower. Maybe even a good b.l.o.w. .j.o.b." She stuck out her tongue again. I wondered what had gotten into her.

I turned to Amy. A smile playing on my lips. "If I ordered you to f.u.c.k me a million times you would."

She lowered her head before I could see the mischievous smile. She tried to feign a gruff voice. "I guess. You couldn't keep up with me, though."

I knew that I couldn't. I probably should have punished her for that remark, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. She was just having fun. And they had precious little of that with me around. Just blowing off steam from the ordeal they'd just been through. Probably was healthy for them. I let it slide, smiling ruefully. She was right after all. I probably didn't have a hope of keeping up with her beyond the first climax. She was female after all. And their bodies did give them some natural advantages.

"After you finish. Make yourselves presentable. Make up. All that. And then you have free time until I need you. You can go back to d.i.c.kens and AC/DC if you want." I smiled at the contrast in their free time activities. "Just keep the noise down to a dull roar. Shower is first door on the right upstairs. Keep it down. Sheila still may be sleeping right next door. No singing."

The girls rose to their bare feet. They both thanked me before disappearing upstairs. They knew that they were expected to shower together. They would. They had bounced right back. Free of restraints. Free of torment. Completely happy again. Female resilience. I'd never figure them out.

I moved off into the living room. The room that held the stereo equipment. I leaned back on the sofa that Amy was using to listen to AC/DC. Comfortable. The Mayers did know how to buy comfortable furniture. Though I had my doubts at the comfort of Sheila's bed. I rose and poked my head into the library. Christi was sitting in her recliner. Head still buried in the Talisman.

She jumped when she saw me. "Oh. Hi. I didn't hear you come in."

"Enjoying the book?"

She curled her bare legs under her and nodded. I could see the look in her eye. Hoping that it wasn't time to put down the book. I walked over to her and kissed the top of her head. "Keep reading little one. You'll be busy soon enough."

"Oh." She wagged her tongue at me. A mischievous smile playing along her lips. "Not with this I hope."

"I somehow doubt it. But one never knows."

I turned away from her and wandered into the dining area. Jane was asleep in the sun in the bay window. She looked very peaceful. Smiling in her sleep. Though she seemed to be pulling gently at her cuffed wrists in her sleep. I walked back out. I wanted to relax for a while. No need to disturb her.

I walked back through the library, past Christi. I touched her hair as I pa.s.sed and she smiled.

"Anything I can do for you? To you?" she inquired sweetly.

I laughed. "If you want." I wasn't in the mood to force her to do anything. I'd had my fill of forcing females today. The images of Karen were still dancing fresh in my memory. Christi's eyes darted back to her book and I laughed again. It was pretty clear what she'd prefer to do.

I wandered back into the entertainment room. I picked through the compact disks. A whole collection of AC/DC. I couldn't imagine who in this household would listen to it. Perhaps they had a teenager or university kid away from home. I guess I ought to find out. Later. Some Celtic music. Country and western. Some rock and roll. Some light jazz. An eclectic mix.

I wanted to relax so country was definitely out. I didn't particularly want to raise my stress levels. I debated putting on the cla.s.sic Back In Black alb.u.m, for about 0.36 seconds. I pulled out an Enya disk and slipped it into the player. I raised my eyebrows. An older B&O system. One thing was for sure. The Mayers had taste. Thinking of Sheila briefly, I'd have to say that at least Evan definitely had taste.

I wandered back to the sofa and lay back. I slipped the headphones over my ears and felt myself slipping away to another land. Another place. The haunting notes and clear voice of Enya transporting me. I closed my eyes. I could have sworn it was only for a moment.

I awoke to feel someone unb.u.t.toning my jeans. Soft hands began to play with me. Storms in Africa crashing about my ears. I felt myself engulfed in a warm wet cavern. I felt teeth graze me. My breathing quickened as I hardened. I thrust up towards her. I still hadn't opened my eyes. I had no idea which of them it was. I was guessing Christi, but I really didn't care. I felt the soft mouth leave me and I heard myself moan over the music.

I felt a different warmth. Warmer. Wetter. Tighter. Engulfing me. I felt a warm leg pressing against my jeans as she straddled me. She began slowly. Softly kissing at my lips. She cried out as well as she increased the tempo. Soon she was moving in rhythm with the drums crashing into my ears. As Storms in Africa ended, and silence ensued I felt her heat rising. I could feel her fingers gently probing between our legs. Pushing herself. Touching her c.l.i.toris. Gasping. I dimly realized that the CD had ended. Meaning that I'd been here for the better part of an hour. Until whoever it was had come to find me. I didn't want to open my eyes. Enjoying the sensations of the s.e.x. Experiencing the girl. Whichever one it was. I could feel her fingers speeding up. Finding her own rhythm which was far faster than mine. Her hips rising and falling. Slowly. She let out a small cry and I could feel her internal muscles spasming. Tightening. Forcing herself down onto me. I felt myself rise. Unable to hold back with the sensations of her o.r.g.a.s.m. I thrust deep into her. Feeling myself tense and gasp out. I felt her weight fall forward onto me as she finished. Her chained hands pressing into my chest through my T-shirt. Her cuffed hands pressing between the softer pressure of her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her lips gently licking at mine as she came down from her climax. Her muscles still twitching. She just lay there panting. Not even bothering to extract me from her. Just enjoying the afterglow. I finally opened my eyes. Flipping the silent headphones from my ears. A blonde head rested on my chest just below my head. I could smell her hair. Clover. With an effort she rose. Pressing against me with her bound hands. She smiled.

She whispered. "I was just going to swallow. But then I realized that I needed it too." She was still breathing hard as she rose off of me. I was soft and I shuddered at the sensation of coming out of her. She smiled again. She knelt and took my limp p.e.n.i.s in her bound hands. She leaned forward and used her tongue and soft mouth to clean me. Despite having just had s.e.x with the girl, I found myself reacting to her again. I just found it incredibly erotic, this nude, restrained creature kneeling beside me after s.e.x and cleaning her own fluids from me. She finished her task and carefully tucked me back into my jeans and reb.u.t.toned the pants. She had some trouble because of the handcuffs, but she managed.

"I think I'll go back to reading. You want the CD on again?" She padded barefoot over to the stereo. I shook my head.

"Where are the others?" I asked her.

She turned just before disappearing into the library. "I think Jane is still asleep in the dining room. Elizabeth and Amy showed up a while back. Pretty clean. Amy was livid that she couldn't listen to the stereo, but you were asleep. She didn't think it was a good plan to wake you. She's just lying on the floor of the library staring at the ceiling. Elizabeth is reading that dreadful bore d.i.c.kens. Enough of an update for you?"

"Do they know what you were doing?"

"Yeah." Christi blushed. "I heard you had some fun with the neighbours. I thought you might be able to use the relief. I heard you managed to control yourself. At least you didn't rape her."

I sat up. "You can send Amy in. I'm not using the stereo anymore."

"Alright. Hey? You mind if I have a shower? I wasn't going to ask, I mean I just had one with Sheila, but after ... what we just did ..." She glanced down at herself. I could see the wetness on the tops of her bare thighs.

"Come here." Christi pranced over. Proud of herself. I unlocked her cuffs. "Go enjoy your shower."

"I will. And thank you."

"Make it quick. I have plans for you."

"Oh no."

She practically ran to the library doorway and stuck her head in. "Stereo's free Amy." Christi ran back through the living room. A streak of nudity and scampered into the foyer and up the stairs. Minutes later I heard the shower running.

Amy slowly walked in from the library. Eyes lowered. I was surprised that her hands were cuffed in front of her. I was sure that I'd left her and Elizabeth free. She noticed my scrutiny.

"Elizabeth and I thought that you would want us cuffed like Christi and Jane. Christi recuffed us."

I was surprised. "You really don't want to be punished, do you?"

"Would you in my position?"

I smiled at the girl. She looked radiant. Fresh make up. Fresh nail polish. Fingers and toes. Her hair shone as it fell across her bare shoulders. She simply glowed, exuding s.e.xuality. Her skin looked silky soft. She walked over to me and carefully knelt on the carpet in front of the sofa.

"Can a slave please listen to her music in her spare time. You are giving us free time, aren't you?"

I nodded and handed her the earphones. I kissed the top of her head. I debated having her lie on the floor instead of the sofa, but couldn't really see the point.

"Why did you let her go?"

"You mean Karen?"

"Yeah. As Elizabeth pointed out, she was your type."

"You think anything female with a pulse is my type."

"No. She was drop dead gorgeous. And you know it. Maybe not as nice as Christi or Jane. But she was certainly nicer looking than me or Elizabeth."

I decided to be honest with her. "She had a kid. She would have been a handful."

"I thought you liked your women feisty."

"She wasn't very feisty at the end."

"You just about killed her. What did you expect? She'd have regained her self-esteem after a rest. I saw her face when you let her dress herself at the end. She still needed a rest, but she would have been even more frisky afterwards. And you know that too."

"I have enough girls right now. Honest. I can always go back for her if I want her."

"I guess." Not really understanding. But she didn't have to. I gave her a peck on the cheek and she smiled. She used her bound hands to place the earphones on her head.

"What were you listening to?" She changed the subject.


"You have to be joking."

"Enya. It's relaxing music. I should force you to listen to it. Tie you to this sofa. Force the earphones on you. And turn it up."

She paled, getting the image. I smiled and she grinned uncertainly. I rose and walked over to the stereo. "Back in Black? Or Thunderstruck?"

"B in B, please," she replied quietly from the sofa. Completely unused to me doing something for her. Even something as simple as putting a disk on for her. Normally I'd make her crawl to the disk rack, take out something she hated, make her put it on and listen to it. I smiled at her confusion. I switched disks for her and pressed play. Not quite understanding. But not willing to question the small kindness, she simply settled herself back into the sofa. I could see her moving her body to the initial bells on the alb.u.m. h.e.l.l's Bells indeed.

She had closed her eyes, and didn't notice as I slipped back into the library.

Elizabeth looked up from her book. "Hi." She regarded me with a mixture of slight apprehension and relaxation. Probably afraid I was going to take the book from her.

She was stunning as well. Freshly scrubbed. Clean. Her red hair catching the light. Shining. Fresh make up and nail polish. I couldn't see her feet, as she was seated at the table. But I a.s.sumed that all of them knew to put on nail polish. Finger and toes. The handcuffs she wore almost looked like jewelry adorning her wrists. I couldn't quite tell but I thought she might have coloured her nipples. Or maybe she was just aroused and they had deepened in colour. I couldn't imagine Tale of Two Cities arousing her, though. Maybe her mind was on something else. She saw where my gaze was falling and let her book fall gently to the table. Not losing her place. She raised her bound hands so I could see her chest more clearly.

"You like?"

"Of course I like."

She gave me a mischievous grin. "I thought that your s.e.x drive would have been diminished." Referring to Christi. She was still holding her bound arms out of the line of view. "Alright. You are confused. I used some rouge on them. You like?" I nodded. "I thought you might." She lowered her arms. Partially blocking my view of her chest again. "My face is up here, you know." I jerked my eyes away from her bare chest. It was surprisingly hard to do. She was smiling. Knowing that she'd surprised me. I'd have to have a closer look at her nipples later. I couldn't believe that I was reacting to this as well. I certainly hadn't had time to recover from Christi. Yet, there it was.

I blew her a kiss and began to walk towards the dining room.

"She's sleeping."

"Not for long."

"Oh. I still have free time, right?"

"Considering your little surprise, I guess it would be really cruel to take it away from you."

She allowed herself a self-satisfied smile and bent back to Revolution France.

I wandered into the dining room. I slipped into a chair quietly and just watched the nude woman reclining asleep in the window. The morning sun caught her bare body as she lay easily on her back. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rising and falling gently with her regular breathing. She looked so peaceful. I almost hesitated to wake her. Unfortunately, I needed her. I let myself watch her for a few more minutes. Just enjoying the sight of her.

Chapter 79.

As I watched, Jane's eyes fluttered open. I hadn't even touched her or made her aware of my presence. She just came awake. Somehow feeling my eyes on her as she slept.

She yawned and stretched, raising her cuffed wrists above her head and pulling her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s into a delightful position. Her legs reached, toes pointed. She seemed unaware of the effect she was having on me. I couldn't understand this. There was absolutely no way I should be interested. No matter what the stimulus. Even this gorgeous teenager nude and stretching. Completely at ease in her nudity. Christi had drained me. I just tried to ignore my reaction to her. Somehow.

She had pulled herself up and was now sitting on the window ledge gently swinging her bare legs.

"I wonder why there weren't plants here."


"The morning sun is beautiful here. Warm. Bright. It would be a perfect place for plants. Lots of room." She indicated the wide shelf upon which she had stretched out.

"Maybe Gertrude slept here in the nude as well."

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