Part 18
"Alright. I won't force you to do it. But I think you should reconsider. You have a d.a.m.n good reason to do this. It would hardly be for no reason. I doubt if I've ever met someone who had a better reason for beating the h.e.l.l out of someone. There aren't any courts here to determine right or wrong. Just me. And I think that he deserves it. Any damage that you inflict is temporary anyway. I won't let you kill him though he probably deserves that as well. And even if you decide to spend the time relaxing in this comfortable bed instead of getting some much deserved revenge, just so you know, I am letting Jane and Christi take out some of their frustrations on the guy. And believe me. They have their frustrations. Not to mention a touch of anger at what he did to you. They didn't have a problem with it after being with you earlier."
"Jane and Christi are going to do this? They'll be there as well?"
"Yes. For you. Personally, if I were in your shoes, I'd want to just beat the h.e.l.l out of him. Maybe you should see your face before you make a decision."
Sheila thought about it. "I'm not wearing any shoes." She managed a smile. "You wouldn't let me. So I don't think that you could be in them. But I guess you are right. If they can do it, I guess I can. I'll do it." Tears began to fall down her face. She'd bowed her head a bit while thinking and her tears fell slowly off her cheeks and onto her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I'm sure. I hate him." Simple sentiments. I could hear the simple truth in her words.
I nodded. I heard a knock on the bedroom door. Could only be Jane and Christi.
"You okay?"
I watched as she exerted her will and fought back the tears. She nodded wiping viciously at her face with her left hand. Crying out as she forgot about the bruises on the right side of her face.
"Come in." I called.
I saw Jane poke her head around the door as she opened it. "I wasn't sure if you wanted us to wait outside." She gasped as she saw Sheila's face. Without waiting for my answer she practically ran into the room and jumped onto the bed with Sheila. Taking her face in her hands. Gently stroking her.
"Oh G.o.d. He really did a number on you. Didn't he?" She looked over at me. "I can do anything to him? I'm gonna f.u.c.king enjoy this. See how he likes it."
Christi had walked into the room and came to stand by my chair. Gazing at Sheila's bruises. Tears beginning to form in her eyes as she realized in stark detail just what this woman had had to endure. Sheila was wincing a bit at Jane's probes of her bruises, but she just closed her eyes, sat still and let the other girl rattle on. Finally, Jane noticed that she was hurting the other girl and withdrew her hands.
"Oh my G.o.d. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
"It's okay. I've endured worse and with a lot less love." Sheila impulsively bent at her waist and gave Jane a quick kiss on the cheek. Definitely not shy around women. She was far more nervous when we were alone together, even though I'd never done anything to suggest that I'd hurt her. Or even touch her. Only what had to be done to keep her in my control which pretty much consisted of placing a handcuff on her wrist. Hardly on par with mauling her. But I guess I couldn't blame her. I was her new master and she didn't really have a clue what I was like.
Sheila turned to me. "M-master? Can your new slave clean herself up before we do this?"
I nodded. I handed Christi the key to Sheila's restraints and Christi moved towards her. Sheila suffered another kiss to her bruised cheek as Christi moved towards her. Christi whispered to her. "We'll get him back. Just you wait."
As Sheila was released from the bed, she idly rubbed her wrist. She smiled and then cringed a bit. Even smiling hurt her.
Chapter 80.
Sheila took a deep breath, cringed again as something inside her twinged with the motion, and threw off the covers. They landed pretty much on Jane who was still kneeling on the bed beside her. It didn't look like the cover thing was intentional on Sheila's part. I smiled.
"Ooof." Jane mumbled as she untangled herself laughing.
Sheila swung her legs off the bed and stood on her bare feet, slightly swaying. I swallowed as I looked at her perfect figure. Her face looked like it had gone through a war. Her hair was tangled. She sported a number of minor bruises along her arms. Probably where Mayer had gripped her before I met her. Her left thigh had a yellow bruise just above the knee on the inside. Again, it looked like an older discolouration. I motioned her over and she gingerly walked towards my chair.
Her entire left side was purple. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine the discomfort that she was experiencing. The angry looking bruise began just below her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and extended all the way to halfway down her hip. It wrapped around to her back and touched her belly on the other side. A bright purple tinged with yellow.
I ran my finger slowly down the discolouration and she cried out softly. She didn't back away, which surprised me. I really was concerned that she had a cracked rib. I couldn't imagine anything else causing this kind of bruise. If she did have a cracked rib there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it. She'd just have to suffer. But she seemed to be in decent spirits despite the pain. Perhaps she was just glad that she wasn't under Mayer's control any longer.
I heard Christi whisper, "Oh my G.o.d," as she saw the injury.
Sheila spoke up. "I've had worse, you know. Don't worry about it."
I just shook my head in disbelief. I couldn't believe this girl was standing here, much less calmly talking about it. She must have had an incredibly high tolerance for pain. Perhaps she'd just learned to accept it during her stay with the judge. I'd seen it inflicted on her, but I had no idea that he'd kicked her this hard. n.o.body deserved this. Even a dog wouldn't have been treated this badly.
She calmly continued. "Last time I had one of these, he forced me to crawl for him, he raped me, and then he laughed as he kicked me in the same place again. I think I pa.s.sed out. And the next day it was like twice this big. And so purple. I bruise easily." Tears began to fall from her eyes silently as she dispa.s.sionately described what had happened to her. "It eventually healed. This will heal. If I don't get kicked again."
I closed my eyes. It was going to be a pleasure watching these girls go at this monster.
I rose and gently guided the injured woman from the bedroom. Jane and Christi just followed us silently, their bare feet whispering across the carpet. I leaned on the bathroom doorjamb as Sheila cleaned herself up. She gasped as she splashed cold water on her face. Gingerly drying it off. Dabbing at her right cheek. She picked up the brush in her left hand and was unable to raise her arm to run it through her hair. She transferred it to her right and raised her arm again. Cringing at the pain from her left side. But she managed.
I heard Christi's voice close behind. "May I?"
I nodded. Even I was having trouble watching this beautiful creature struggle with the pain. Such a simple task too. Brushing her hair. I couldn't imagine her having to do anything strenuous. Like crawl. Or be raped. Christi walked into the bathroom and gently took the brush from Sheila. Sheila gladly relinquished it and Christi began to carefully brush out the tangled blonde hair. Sheila tilted her head back and sighed as Christi took care of her. Even with all the bruises, all the pain, and absolutely no makeup, she was still gorgeous.
"You know. I was never allowed to use this bathroom. I had to clean it. But I wasn't even allowed to pee in here," she spoke to me. I could have guessed as much. Servants use the good facilities? Even unpaid s.e.x slave servants? Never!
Christi finished and Sheila thanked her. She surprised me by walking over to me and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. Rising up on her toes carefully to reach my face with her lips.
"Because I know that you could have made me brush my hair myself. Evan would have."
"You want me to put on makeup? Cover at least these?" She pointed at her cheek and eye. She was still worried about her appearance. She'd been knocked to h.e.l.l and back, and she was worried if she looked good enough for me.
I shook my head. There wasn't any need. I didn't mind. The bruises didn't particularly detract from her natural beauty. And the reminder of the brutality might be useful in the hours ahead.
"He would have made me." Meaning Evan and her makeup. I could have guessed that as well. Destroy a beautiful face, and then force her to make it beautiful again. So he could destroy it again. All because of a power trip. b.a.s.t.a.r.d.
"Maybe later. You won't need it for now. You can stand to touch those bruises enough to cover them with makeup?"
"I've done it before."
I shook my head. "It's alright. I'm not going to make you go through that. At least not now."
"Okay. If you can bear looking at me."
I could stand looking at her. As I'd noted before, she still looked ravishing. Despite her pain and the bruises. I doubted if there was any way that you could completely destroy her natural beauty. She was in the same cla.s.s as Christi and Jane. Model material. High firm grapefruit sized b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Long athletic legs. Tight a.s.s. Long flowing blonde hair. A real blonde.
I guided the girls around the hallway and stopped in front of the business room. I had no idea what Mayer was doing in there, but I doubted if he was happy. He'd been left in those ropes for a long time. I hoped he was d.a.m.n uncomfortable.
I unlocked the door. Before opening it, I glanced around at the girls. Sheila was shaking and Christi had an arm around her shoulders.
"I. I don't know if I can go in there."
"He can't hurt you now."
"I know. But. You don't know what went on in there. What I had to do." She drew herself up to her full height. Threw back her shoulders. Took a deep breath. "I can do it." Taking some emotional support from Christi's closeness.
"Okay. I'm going to talk to him first. I don't want you three to go at him until I tell you. You'll get your chance. He might be offensive towards you. Don't let it bother you. He's a coward underneath. Okay?"
The three females nodded.
I opened the door and walked in. Mayer was just where I'd left him. Hanging with his arms bound above him. Jane's knots holding him nicely. As the door opened he twisted in his bonds, looking over his shoulder. His eyes widened as the girls followed me into the room.
"It's about f.u.c.king time," he exploded. "Do you have any idea how hard this is on your arms?"
I walked in front of him. His eyes and head swiveled to follow my movements. I sat down in his chair and silently regarded him. The girls stayed out of his sight, standing easily behind him.
I spoke quietly. "I know exactly how hard that would be on anyone's arms. In your case, I could hardly care less."
"This isn't funny," he continued. "Let me out of this right now."
"How long have you been like that Mr. Mayer?" A feminine voice from behind him. Sheila. He didn't even bother to turn around. I don't even think he realized that his former punching bag was in the room.
"What is this? Why'd you bring back the b.i.t.c.hes? This is between you and me."
"Answer her."
"A long time. Five. Six hours maybe," he gruffly answered. Still talking to me and not to her. "And I demand that you let me out of this. f.u.c.k. I'm not a G.o.dd.a.m.n animal. Do you any f.u.c.king idea who you are messing with?"
"Now you know what I felt like when you left me like this for a day and a half. But you were kind enough to have me stripped naked and gave me some entertainment. Between my legs. I begged you for hours to let me down before I gave up and just hung there. Crying my eyes out. You've only been there for five hours or so. Imagine what it would be like for twenty-four. Or thirty-six pain filled hours. Just imagine. I was sure that my arms were going to fall off. Why didn't you let me down?"
Mayer twisted around. Finally realizing who was behind him. He sneered at her. "So. c.u.n.t. Come to see me again? Just couldn't keep away from my handsome face, huh?"
I motioned for Sheila to join me. She carefully walked over to my chair. Limping. Favouring her left side. Her small hands trying to ease the discomfort. Pressing just outside of the purple bruise. She just silently stood beside me, looking at her former tormentor. She was shaking a bit, but she held his gaze. I was proud of her.
He spoke again. To her. "So, you worthless little s.l.u.t, you finally called some help in. Couldn't handle my love on your own? c.u.n.t?"
I spoke, "She didn't call me in. I just stumbled into this. Decided I didn't like you very much."
I could tell that he didn't believe me. I didn't particularly care.
"Well, b.i.t.c.h, are you happy? You belong to him now?" He smiled cruelly. "Like your new decorations? They're kind of pretty. They hurt? Answer me, you f.u.c.king worthless c.u.n.t."
I saw tears begin to form in her eyes, but she didn't back down. She still held his gaze. I saw Jane had balled up her small hands into fists behind him. She was barely keeping her anger in check. She was shaking; she was that angry. But she didn't go at him. Obeying.
I touched Sheila beside me. I could tell that Sheila was fighting the urge to answer him, as he'd demanded. She was definitely conditioned to an extent. But she was fighting it. Successfully.
"You know what I'm going to do when I get out of this? And I will get out. You are going to regret the day you were born. You think those pretty bruises hurt you? Try some broken bones on for size. I'm going to break every one of your f.u.c.king fingers. One at a f.u.c.king time. Then I'm going to break your toes. With a G.o.dd.a.m.n hammer. Then I'm going to f.u.c.king ream you until you f.u.c.king pa.s.s out, you G.o.dd.a.m.n b.i.t.c.h."
I sat calmly through this tirade. Sheila just stood beside me. Anger and fear flashing across her bruised face. Her body was shaking. But she had managed to keep a handle on her tears. I was surprised. This had to be very difficult on her. Facing this guy.
I spoke gently from the chair. "Sir. There is no need to scream. We can all hear you just fine without it. And swearing isn't really necessary, is it? Now. I'd like to get something straight."
"f.u.c.k you and the f.u.c.king horse you f.u.c.king rode in on."
"I'd like to get something straight here," I repeated, ignoring his bl.u.s.tering. "Sheila is mine now. Got it? If you want to break her fingers or her pretty toes, you are going to have to go through me first. I happen to like her body intact."
"You f.u.c.king little a.s.shole. When I get free of this, I swear, I'm going to kill you." He sneered again. "And when I do, I'm not only going to break her fingers and toes, I'm going to break the fingers and toes of those b.i.t.c.hes back there as well. Christ, I'm going to enjoy doing that. They look like they'd be really good f.u.c.ks while they're screaming their lungs out." He ran out of steam again. Pulling against the ropes that held him.
"You know as well as I do that that is really unlikely to happen."
"We'll see."
"After I let these girls go at you, I very much doubt if you'll care about Sheila's fingers or toes. I suspect that you'll either be glad to be alive, or wishing you were dead. Her pretty fingers and toes will be the last thing on your mind. Believe me."
"Oooooh. Big man. Can't even deal with me himself. Has to tie me up and let his *girls' do his dirty work. That's real fair. Three on one."
I calmly looked at him. "Let me get this straight. You blackmail a girl. Hardly out of college. What is she, maybe a hundred, hundred and ten pounds? Five foot four? Maybe five five? You keep her tied up. Naked. Subservient. Because you can extort her because her brother is an idiot and you. You claim to be a judge? Now that sounds fair. What are you? Five eleven? Six feet? Two hundred pounds? Two fifty? Sounds like a fair fight to me. Blackmail and physical size. Yeah. You play fair."
He gazed at me with hatred in his eyes. Realizing that he wasn't going to be able to intimidate me like he could the women. He tried a different approach.
"You know. We're about the same, you and I. You are just deluding yourself that you are different. Look around you. Check out the female flesh. Your b.i.t.c.hes. Your c.u.n.ts. Your f.u.c.king little harem. You keep women too. You rape them. You abuse them. Just like me. Only I was smart enough to only take one at a time. You think you are going to get away with this? You think they f.u.c.king like being under your power? They'll turn on you too. Just like that b.i.t.c.h turned on me. You f.u.c.king hypocrite."
Actually I knew I was going to get away with this. As long as I kept control of the situation with him.
"Janey? Come here."
She walked towards me, stopping on the other side of my chair across from Sheila. She gazed at the monster with utter disgust in her eyes. I noticed for the first time that the girls were about the same height.
"Evan? Look at her." That he didn't have trouble with. His eyes were glued to Jane. Traveling up and down her proud bare body. Just his type I would guess. Pet.i.te. Young. Smart. Feisty. And best of all, naked. I watched his face as he imagined what he'd do to her. To her fingers and toes before he f.u.c.ked her. I pointed to Sheila's bruised face. "Evan. Pay attention, you f.u.c.k. Look at Jane, then look at Sheila. See any difference? I don't put these things on my women." Referring to the bruises gracing Sheila's body.
"So? I'm a bit rougher. Give yourself time, and you'll do the same thing."
"I think not. Jane? Given that you had to be someone's slave, who would you prefer?"
"You, of course," she answered immediately.
"Please don't make me do this." She paused. Her eyes flicking to Mayer then back to me. Probably still unsure if Mayer could get to her. She took a breath. Made her decision. "Y-you."
"You know my answer." From behind him.
I raised my eyebrows at him.
"You f.u.c.king little weasel. Let me out of this." He strained his arms pulling at the rope on his wrists. There was no way that he had the brute strength necessary to part the ropes holding him. And if I knew Jane, there was no way he was going to get anywhere with the knots. h.e.l.l, I had trouble untying her knots and my hands were free.
"Care to apologize to the ladies? Especially Sheila? Might make them a little less angry with you."
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