Part 17
"Right." She yawned again.
"Still tired?"
"Not really." She was swinging her legs again as she sat on the edge of the window shelf. Completely uncaring that she was nude and I wasn't.
"Sheila make any noise while I was gone?" I asked her.
"Not that I know of. But I was asleep. Maybe you would be better asking Christi. Christi didn't wake me up. I'd a.s.sume if there was a problem, she would have come to get me to help. Those were your orders. Where'd you go?"
"To the neighbours."
"Anybody interesting?" Not anything. Anybody. Jane knew me too well.
"You took another one?"
"Sort of."
"I'll bet she wasn't thrilled."
"Not really. I doubt if she liked acting like a dog."
Jane just raised her eyebrows. "You'll have to tell me more later."
"Perhaps. Amy and Elizabeth can tell the tale as well."
Jane just looked at me. "You just want to talk, or was there another reason you woke me up?"
"I didn't wake you."
"You were going to." I nodded. She was too perceptive. "Time to take care of our Judge? Or are you going to rape me?" She said it calmly. Almost dispa.s.sionately.
I set my mouth in a grim line. "Our judge has reached his judgment day. You know it."
"You haven't told Sheila yet? Have you? She may not even want to see him, you know?"
I couldn't imagine that his former slave wouldn't want the chance to get back at him. "What do you mean?" I asked the naked girl in front of me.
"He's abused her so long, she might not be capable of striking back at him. I'd keep my eye on her. He might still have influence over her. Even if the b.a.s.t.a.r.d is tied down, she might be so used to following his orders that she might turn on you if he tells her to. She might be too afraid to go back into that room. She might not be capable of hurting another person. Even if he deserves it. She knows what being hurt is all about. She might not be able to inflict it back on someone else. Even her tormentor. Don't punish her if she can't. That's all."
I nodded. That made some sense.
"I'll talk to her. Are you going to be alright with this?"
"I think so. I just keep thinking how he just was casually calling me a b.i.t.c.h and I see red. He has no respect for women at all. He actually thinks of the whole female of the species as animals. His animals. No better than your average cute monkey. I've lived my life hating people like that. I think I can strike back at him. I might even enjoy it."
"You thought I was just as bad once."
"Sometimes you still are. Sometimes I hate you just as much. Luckily, or maybe unluckily, you usually have me tied down when that happens. I can't do much. And then you ease up. You can actually be nice to us. And my anger melts. I mean, I've just been lying here nude in the sun for hours. Just relaxing. Thinking. Sleeping. I can't do that in the real world. I have to go to school. Impress my friends. Hold down an after school job. Worry about college. And obviously I can't just lounge around without my clothes. Maybe a bit of torment once in a while is worth it just to have this peace. You know, I still haven't figured you out. I just know that I don't hate you like I hate that b.a.s.t.a.r.d upstairs. I do know that I'm freer here. Despite these." She rattled her handcuffs. "I'm not sure that I can explain it."
I nodded. I was thinking that I might just have to explore her a bit more. Figure out what she was feeling. It felt vaguely important. But now wasn't the time.
I motioned for her to rise. She padded over to where I was sitting. She made a quick motion to kneel, but I stopped her. We were going upstairs anyway. I reached for her bound wrists and released them. She stood quietly rubbing her wrists. There were marks where the steel had dug into her skin. Not because they were particularly tight, but because of the position that they had fallen into while the girl had slept. She didn't make any comment about the deep indents.
"Come on." She fell into step beside me as I made my way back out to the foyer and the stairs. As we climbed the steps, I heard the shower cease and the sounds of clean bare feet squeaking against porcelain.
I opened the door to the bathroom and a cloud of steam flowed out into the hall. Christi had just stepped from the shower. Her skin produced goose flesh as the cooler air from the hallway kissed her bare body. She shivered but immediately dropped the towel from around her as I gazed in. Sensing that she ought to present herself bare unless told otherwise. Her body looked radiant as she stood there dripping. Her nipples were hard from the sudden indraught.
"You can dry yourself."
She thankfully resumed toweling herself. Rubbing the moisture from her skin. Purposefully running the towel between her legs. Sighing. Not even a hint of self-consciousness as I watched her. The girls really were getting used to me just watching their bare bodies moving in everyday tasks. At one point they were distinctly uncomfortable with me watching them. Now it was almost as though they enjoyed it. At least in Christi's and Jane's case.
"Didn't wash your hair?" It was only wet below her shoulders.
"I washed it this morning. It didn't think it needed it. If you want, I'll get back in and wash it for you. Not like I'm dressed or anything."
"That's alright. I was only curious." I could see that the portion of her hair that was still dry shone in the light. It didn't need cleaning. She was telling the truth. I was sure that after she'd brushed it out it would be as l.u.s.trous as though she'd just been to the hair dresser.
She smiled and continued to dry off. Running the towel down her legs and lifting her foot to dry her toes.
"Yes sir?"
"I want you to help Christi get ready. Help her with her makeup and touch up yours. I'm going to rouse the sleeping beauty in the next room."
"Be gentle with her. Okay?"
I nodded, watching as Jane stepped into the bathroom with Christi. I turned away as she picked up a bottle of nail polish off the counter.
I walked to the master bedroom. I found myself consciously holding back my arm from knocking. Sheila couldn't answer the door anyway. I silently opened the door and slipped into the room, turning the k.n.o.b so that the door shut quietly. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the gloom. Sheila was still sleeping peacefully under the blankets. The blankets rose and fell with her soft breathing.
I slipped into the chair that I'd left by the bed and just watched her. I really enjoyed watching them sleep. So peaceful. Sheila moved in her sleep. Her wrist pulling against it's restraint. She mumbled something softly and wrinkled her nose. She settled back down and was peaceful again. I watched her for a few more minutes, then leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead. She mumbled something in her sleep and tried to roll over.
Her right wrist snapped hard against the steel around it and her eyes fluttered open. She screamed as she saw me beside her in the dark. Startled by my presence.
"Shhhh. Shhh. It's just me. You're okay. Relax. I'm not here to hurt you."
She closed her eyes. Trying to control her wild breathing. Gasping for air. I'd really frightened her. Pulling at the handcuff holding her to the bed.
"Oh G.o.d. Oh G.o.d. Oh G.o.d," she mumbled. "Not a dream. Oh G.o.d. Not a dream."
Her face was in profile as she lay on her back. Her lips moving as she rocked her body. She weakly pulled against her restraint and struggled to control her body. I could see her shaking under the covers. Second time today I'd given a girl an adrenaline rush. I just gave her time to recover. I doubted if the rush of adrenaline was enough to make her sick.
Finally she managed to control her breathing; it returned to a slightly fast, but regular beat. I was sure her heart was still hammering a mile a minute. She gingerly grasped the covers in her left hand and lifted them. Regarding her body beneath. Just as nude as when she fell asleep. She closed her eyes and then reopened them.
She turned her head towards me in the dark. "Oh G.o.d. It wasn't a dream. Was it?"
I shook my head. "No, Sheila, it wasn't."
"You aren't going to let him touch me again are you?"
"He won't touch you while I'm in control here. I can promise you that."
Her body began to shake again and she struggled to control it. With an effort, she succeeded.
"Jane? And Christi? Where are they?"
"In the bathroom. They'll be here shortly."
"I'd like to see them. Please?"
"As soon as they're done."
She swallowed. "Please. I'm thirsty. Can I have a drink?"
I rose from the chair. "Sure. Be back in a minute."
I walked out to the bathroom. Blinking in the sudden light. The girls were just about finished. Christi was drying the bottom part of her hair. She playfully thrust her bare chest out as she saw me enter. Her hands above her, her right holding the hair dryer and her left buried in her hair. Most of the steam had disappeared from the room. Escaped through the open door. Jane was drying her nails. She'd changed the colour to a deep red. Her make up was perfect again. No sign of the sleep she'd had. She'd brushed out her hair as well. Still soft and shiny from this morning. I couldn't help myself. I ran my fingers through her chestnut hair. She allowed the touch and actually smiled and gave a small laugh. For some reason pleased that I'd done it.
I searched around and found a plastic cup. Probably used by the former occupants of the house for brushing their teeth. I rinsed it in the sink and filled it with cold water.
"Come to the master bedroom when you are both done," I left them one last instruction as I left carrying the water.
I slipped back into the room with Sheila.
"Lights," I announced to the only other occupant of the room. I flicked on the lights.
Sheila cried out as the bright light hit her. Not quick enough to close her eyes before the lights snapped on. She had scrunched up her face, closing her lids tightly against the harsh light. Her left arm was thrown across her eyes. I sat back in the chair beside her.
Finally she opened one eye and managed to brave the light. "You could have warned me," she chastised me.
"I did."
"Not much of a warning. I'm barely awake. I don't want to be awake."
I looked at her again in the light. Her eyes were both open, but blinking furiously. I cringed as I saw her face for the first time in the light. The right side of her face was slightly swollen. There was a angry red bruise formed on her right cheek. About where the b.a.s.t.a.r.d had slapped her. Her right eye was blackened. Not the worst shiner I'd ever seen. h.e.l.l, I'd gotten worse myself in the schoolyard in my younger days. But seeing it on this delicate woman seemed wrong somehow.
"What?" she asked seeing my scrutiny of her face. She hitched herself up towards the head of the bed, sitting up. The covers fell away from her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Noticing, she tried to cover herself by pulling the covers up with her left hand.
"Sheila. Honey. Leave it, it's nothing I'm not going to see anyway." I was far more concerned with her face anyway.
She noticed that my gaze hadn't fallen to her bare chest but remained on the right side of her face. She lifted her left hand and touched her right cheek, letting the covers settle around her waist. She winced at her touch. She traced along her eye, involuntarily moving away from her fingers. She dropped her hand back to the covers and began to cry silently.
"I'm a mess aren't I? I'm sorry."
I couldn't imagine for what she was apologizing. Maybe that b.a.s.t.a.r.d in the other room had made her apologize for her appearance. Even after he'd caused the bruises marring her perfect face. I couldn't understand what would possess him to be so brutal with such a delicate creature. Control didn't require this kind of heavy handedness.
I lifted the cup of water towards her lips. I noticed that the right side of her upper lip was slightly swollen as well. She allowed me to feed her, wincing as the cup touched her upper lip. She drank the whole cup of water in one big long swallow.
I gently asked her. "How are you feeling?"
"Sore as h.e.l.l."
"I'll bet. What were you sorry about?" I asked her.
"Me. My face. I. I guess I just didn't want you to see me like this."
"Sheila, you'll be alright. It's not your fault. It will heal."
"I've been through worse." I couldn't imagine her looking any worse unless he had gotten to the left side of her face as well. Then it would have been twice as bad, I guess. "Why did you wake me up? Why are you being so gentle with me?"
"I didn't mean to frighten you."
"I know. It's just that, my Master ... I mean the judge ... would wake me up by slapping me, or shaking the h.e.l.l out of me. I can't count the times I was awakened screaming in pain."
"I'm sorry. I don't wake up my girls like that. Usually they are up well before me anyway."
"Thank G.o.d you don't wake us up like that. G.o.d I hated that. Why'd you wake me up then? You want something."
"Sheila. Honey. I just didn't want you to sleep all day. You wouldn't sleep when we do. Tonight."
"That's not all is it? You want to hurt me. Or rape me." Suspiciously. "Why aren't Jane and Christi here?"
I almost laughed, but I controlled the impulse. "I think that you are hurt enough. I don't need to add to it. And I think raping you qualifies as hurting you. I'm not going to hurt you. I promise. And I told you. Jane and Christi just have to finish in the bathroom and they will be here."
She sighed. "You are so different. He wouldn't have cared. He would have raped me and added to my bruise list just for fun. And G.o.d help me if I complained."
"I'm not Mayer. Never will be. And speaking of Mayer, you feel like getting back at him?"
"Getting back at him?"
"Yeah. Paying him back? Getting some revenge?"
"What do you mean?" She was truly confused.
"Let's hypothetically pretend that I had him helpless. You know, how he kept you. Maybe bound up. Uncomfortable. Would you want to pay him back for some of those bruises? Give him a taste of his own medicine?"
She closed her eyes and thought about it for a second. "I'd be yours forever if you let me at him for just a half hour." A thought occurred to her. "He couldn't get at me. Retaliate? Ever?"
"Nope. He'd be completely at your mercy."
"Oh G.o.d. I don't know. I want to. G.o.d, do I want to. But. I know what it's like on the other end. Being helpless. Having someone just beat the h.e.l.l out of you for no reason. It's wrong." She closed her eyes. Remembering some abuse from the past.
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