Part 33

Part 33

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"It will be Kara until I tell you otherwise."

"Alright. Just don't hurt me."

"Kara. How are you feeling right now?"

"Sore. Please."

"Please what?"

"Please. If you have to tie me up. Alright. But please. My feet are already falling asleep. They don't have to be that tight. And my wrist. Please. I'll do whatever you want."

"Kara. I thought you wanted them tight?"

"Wanted them tight?" she said incredulously. "I don't even want to be here. You f.u.c.king insane psychopath."

I ignored her language for the time being. She'd slip again. "Well. I did give you the chance to put the handcuffs on yourself. And you did a pretty lousy job." She began to cry. "So I naturally a.s.sumed that you wanted me to tie you up instead."

"You can't treat me like this. I demand to be let go."

I laughed. "You demand? That's cool." I casually reached forward and slapped her face again. She cried out. "You demand that I stop that as well?"

I heard a soft voice from behind me. I turned. Julie, tears still streaming down her face was talking to me.

"Please. I don't even know what your name is. Please don't hurt her anymore. She didn't do anything wrong."

"Julie. Do you really want to get involved with this?"

"No please. Please just stop slapping her. I'll be quiet back here. Please just let us go."

I turned back to Kara, seated naked and bound in front of me. I reached out and began to lightly fondle Kara's bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She twisted and tried to get away. She screamed at me.

"Leave me alone. You f.u.c.ked up b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

I gripped her right nipple. I began to apply pressure. In gradients. I watched her face intently. Her face beginning to register the pain emanating from her breast. Finally, as I began to twist the nipple she cried out.

"Argh. No. Please stop. I'll do whatever you want. Just stop hurting me."

I released her. She sat breathing hard. Gasping for breath. Struggling with the handcuffs.

"You'll do what I say?"

"Yes." Resigned. "You'll make me f.u.c.k you anyway." She thought I wanted to rape her. She was in for a surprise.

"What if I don't want you to f.u.c.k me?"


"What if I don't want you to f.u.c.k me?"

"What the h.e.l.l do you want then."

"First I want you to listen to me. I want you to put handcuffs on properly when I tell you to. I want you to stop using unladylike language when I tell you to. And after you've learned that lesson, I'll let you know what else I want."

"Oh G.o.d."

"Just sit there and be quiet while I take care of your friend. Then we'll decide what to do with you."

She nodded. Not wanting to feel the nipple torment again.

I hopped off the desk and approached the cowering girl on the floor. I crouched in front of her.


She looked at me through her tears.

"Julie. I want to tie you into that chair. We can do it the hard way. Like Kara. Or you can just let me do it. You can be in pain, like her. Or you can be a bit more comfortable. Ask her which is better."

I looked at Kara.

"Julie. Just let him tie you up. He's going to do it anyway. And my feet are already asleep from his f.u.c.king ropes. You don't have to go through that."

"You going to do this the easy way?" I asked the terror-stricken girl.

She nodded dumbly and I helped her climb to her feet. She placed herself into the other chair with her cuffed hands on the other side of the backrest. I knelt in front of her and lashed her slender ankles to the chair legs. I was careful of her skin and made sure it was just tight enough to hold her. She wouldn't have the same circulation problems that Kara had.

Satisfied, I let myself out of the office. I ran down the stairs and walked briskly to the front of the store. The three girls were waiting as instructed by the cashiers. Jane as reading the National Equirer aloud to the other two. Laughing at some two headed baby from Mars tripe.

I moved to release Christi from her bonds holding her to the cart. As soon as her hands were free she held them up. Knowing that I was going to recuff her. I slipped the steel over her wrists and then led them all back into the store.

"Clothespins. Where?"

Jane thought about it. "I think I remember seeing packages of them with the cleaning stuff. Please. What do you need them for?" Knowing full well what I needed them for.

"Don't worry. Your nipples are safe for now. Run and get me a package."

Jane scampered away, her bare body doing delightful things as she ran down the main aisle. Her bare feet flawlessly gripping the tile as she turned into the cleaning aisle. She returned seconds later, completely out of breath but holding a package of like three hundred clothespins between her bound hands.

"Enough?" she managed to gasp out. When I told these girls to run, they ran. I shook my head. I wasn't really intending for her to run a marathon.

"You didn't have to bring me enough to sink t.i.tanic." I stepped back. Briefly pictured Jane, bound and naked with three hundred clothespins pinching her body. All over. I smiled to myself.

"I'll get you a smaller package if you want," she replied breathlessly. Missing my smile.

"It's fine," I told the nude beauty.

We began to walk back to the employee's stairs.

"Okay girls. I don't want any shocked women here. I have a couple more women upstairs."

"Oh no." Amy groaned.


"We only shopped for six."

I actually laughed, expecting another diatribe about me subjugating women. "I'm not keeping them, bozo."

She flushed, but grinned.

"Now. We are going up there. I don't want to hear a peep out of any of you. No matter what you see. What you hear. Got it? If I hear you sneeze, I'll gag you for the rest of the afternoon. You stay where I put you. Jane? You understand?"

"I understand." She flashed me a mischievous grin. "Why are you picking on me?"

"You know full well why I'm picking on you. I'm serious here. You won't enjoy the punishment. I'm not kidding. I have half a mind to gag you right now and avoid the trouble later."

She paled a bit. "I'll be good. I promise."

The girls stopped out of habit as I guided them towards the door marked Private. I almost laughed.

"Since when is anything private around me?"

The girls smiled ruefully and waited for me to open the door for them. We all climbed the short flight of steps together. Christi and Jane ahead. Me and Amy trailing. Their bare feet scuffing at the stairs.

"Remember. Not a peep." We approached the manager's office door.

I opened the door and the girls filed silently into the now crowded office. I gently took the clothespins from Jane and the three nude beauties sank to their knees on the threadbare carpet just behind Julie's chair.

I was immediately faced with questions from Kara.

"What the f.u.c.k is going on here?" She was beginning to recognize that this wasn't your average hold up, break and enter, or rape scenario.

"I thought I told you to watch your language."

"I want to know who the h.e.l.l they are? And how the f.u.c.k you managed to get them in here like that?"

I could see the desire burning in Jane's eyes. Wanting to explain to this woman what was going on. Make her understand not to disobey. Help her. She managed to keep her tongue. I glanced around the room. Christi and Amy were sitting back on their calves trying to be impa.s.sive. Not really succeeding, but trying. Julie was just staring over her shoulder at the new pa.s.sive women. Frightened out of her mind. Realizing suddenly that events had pa.s.sed far beyond her ability to understand and control them. Beginning to realize that rape might be the least of her concerns.

I sighed. I sat back on the desk in front of Kara.

"Kara. Kara. Kara."

"That isn't my f.u.c.king name. Are you going to answer me? Who are they?"

"Kara. Each time you swear, you get another one of these on you. Eventually, you aren't going to care about cursing anymore."


I reached forward and grasped a small pinch of flesh on her right breast. Just above her budding nipple. I snapped a clothespin over the patch of skin. It stood up from her flesh like a small tower.

She cried out. "What the f.u.c.k do you think you're doing? That hurts."

"I know it hurts. What does that make? Seven? Or eight?"

"What the h.e.l.l are you talking about?"

Patiently I looked into her frightened eyes. "Kara. I told you. Unladylike language."

Her eyes teared up. "Please? What do you expect from me?"

It was Amy that broke the silence. Surprised the h.e.l.l out of me. I was sure it was going to be Jane if any of them.

"Ma'am. Please. You have to listen to him. Believe me. I'm going to be punished horribly for even opening my mouth. But. He's going to hurt you like you've never been hurt before if you don't listen. If he told you not to curse, you can't. No matter how much you want to. Please."

I dropped off the desk and rummaged through the pack. I picked up a red ball gag and walked over to Amy. She closed her eyes. Shaking her head.

"Please. Master. I was only trying to help."

"Do you know why you are being gagged?"

"Yes." Tears were running down her face.


"Because I was ordered not to speak. But. Please. I couldn't help it."

"I know. And you are a brave girl. Silly. But brave. She won't listen to you, you know?"

Tears just rolled down her cheeks and she opened her mouth.

"You are just going to let him gag you? Just like that?" Kara asked incredulously.

Amy opened her eyes. "Please. I knew what I was getting into when I opened my mouth. If I don't let him, he'll just gag me more painfully and then whip me or something. Something I won't like. Easier just to take my punishment. Please don't let it go to waste. Listen to him."

Her words were cut off as I pressed the gag gently into her accepting mouth behind her white teeth. Her eyes still trying to express her earnestness over top of her stretched mouth. She held it easily in her mouth as I moved to the back of her neck. I buckled it behind her head but didn't wrench it into her. She'd be uncomfortable, but as long as I didn't leave it in for hours on end, she'd be alright. She'd end up with a slightly sore jaw. Nothing worse. No more outbursts out of her.


The glum girl just obediently raised her cuffed wrists. I removed the left cuff and she unconsciously touched her lips, stretched around the ball. She moaned and then realized that I hadn't given her permission to move her free hand. She paled a bit and placed her left hand back into position with her right. I grasped her wrists and moved them behind her. I could hear her protesting behind the gag, but couldn't understand her words. I clipped her wrists back together behind her and then rose.

I returned to the desk and sat back in from of Kara.

"Now. Where were we?"

"Please don't do this."

"Clothespins, right?"

"You were placing eight clothespins on my t.i.ts for my swearing." Kara's att.i.tude seemed to have changed with the appeal from Amy. Maybe she was beginning to realize that she was in some real trouble and she better start cooperating if she expected to get out without some real pain. Perhaps realizing that Amy had taken punishment for her to try and warn her.

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