Part 34

Part 34

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I began to systematically attach the clothespins to the firm flesh of her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She squirmed against he ropes holding her, but not significantly. Twisting her body probably was painful in itself with the tight bonds. She cried out as the sixth one settled into her left breast. Julie was still softly crying behind me. Not being able to stop.

"Now. The hard part."

"Please. Not the nipples."

I nodded. "You ready?"

"Please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'll never swear again. As long as I live. I'll do whatever you want. G.o.d. Please. You don't have any idea how much that is going to hurt. These hurt enough. I'm begging you."

I reached out and touched her right nipple. I could see the concentration across her face. Trying not to squirm. Trying not to twist away. Trying not to react to my gentle caresses. She lost. Her nipple hardened involuntarily and she screamed as the clamp squeezed the tip. She thrashed in her bonds. Shaking herself. Trying to dislodge the pain.

"Ahhhh. Noooooooo. Oh my G.o.d. Oh my G.o.d. It hurts. Please take it off me. I'll do anything you want. I'll fu ... make love to you. Any way you want it. Please."

I waited for her to calm. The pain to subside to a dull throbbing in her nipple.


She turned her head. Looking at me through bleary eyes.

"If you mean love making, you can say f.u.c.k. That's acceptable. It's only when you embellish with it. *f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d' doesn't really sound very ladylike. Unless you are in pain, like now, in which case I can sort of understand losing your composure."

"You fu ... b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"See. You are getting the idea."

I reached out and lightly touched her left nipple.

"Please no. I'll do anything you want. I'll f.u.c.k you. I'll crawl for you. I'll do anything you want. I'll degrade myself. But please. Don't clamp my other nipple. It hurts so much."

She didn't even try beyond the begging. Her nipple slowly tightened to my touch. Again she screamed out her pain as the clothespin closed on her.

"Argh. No. No. Please. Oh G.o.d. My t.i.ts. It hurts so G.o.dd.a.m.n much. Please take them off me. I'll do anything."

I leaned back on my hands and watched the woman as she hurt and pleaded. Finally the pain peaked and descended into that dull throbbing. She was breathing hard. Her clothespin decorated b.r.e.a.s.t.s rising and falling with her distress.

I hopped off the table. Done tormenting her for the moment. I looked out the window. I had a fine view of the front of the store. Cashiers. Front doors. The works.

I turned around. Jane and Christi looked pained. Having to watch Kara sitting there naked as she had to watch her b.r.e.a.s.t.s being tortured. Wanting to comfort her. Wanting to at least say something. But somehow holding their tongues. All they had to do was look at Amy. Head hung, gagged. Hands cuffed behind her back instead of in front. Actually I was proud of them. It must have been near impossible for Jane to keep quiet.

Julie just sat and cried in her chair. Trying to pretend that she wasn't handcuffed naked in some interviewer's office. Waiting to be tortured.


All the heads in the room perked up as I addressed them.

"Kara and Julie. I want you to think about something. Okay? I have a few other things to do. When I get back, I expect you both to be ready to have s.e.x."

Julie looked up at me. I was surprised after all she'd seen that she'd care. "I thought you said you wouldn't rape me."

"And I'm not going to. I meant have s.e.x with each other."

"You have to be joking."

I turned back to the window. "Just be prepared. I am going to ask you to do it. Ask Kara what the price of disobedience is. h.e.l.l just look at her chest."

Chapter 92.

Ignoring the soft crying coming from the women behind me, I glanced out at the store again. I studied the cashiers from above. I had a perfect view of Nicole and Kathleen at lane ten. Frozen in time.

I concentrated. I isolated their body from the vicinity in s.p.a.ce-time. Seeing them made it easier, but they were a fair distance away. And there was a plate of smoked gla.s.s between us. I felt their s.p.a.ce a.s.sert itself onto this timeline and I groaned at the effort. Dizziness washed over me. Kara gasped as I leaned on her bare shoulder shaking her tightly bound body and the clothespins.

I glanced over at Christi, who was struggling to get to her bare feet. She paled at my look, falling back to her knees. She looked like she was desperate to say something, knowing that she wasn't allowed.

I shook my head and the dizziness cleared to be replaced with a very faint nausea. I straightened.

Looking out the window, I watched as the two stunned girls excitedly spoke to each other downstairs. I couldn't hear their words, but I was willing to put money on that they were trying to sort out why their old friend Mr. Gramps wasn't moving. And neither was his grandson. Kathleen carefully stepped out from her cage. Both girls looking around desperately. Frightened.

They crept down the front aisle between the cases of pop and the cash registers. They stopped in front of lane four. Pointing at the middle aged woman. Finally, Nicole, at least I think it was Nicole, got braver and opened the enclosure. Reaching out tentatively with her hand and touching the frozen woman's face. I heard the scream faintly as she pulled her hand back from the frozen cold flesh.

She scrambled out of the cashier enclosure and desperately hugged the other girl. Trembling. Her lips moving soundlessly. Probably trying to make sense of all this. The girls carefully crept around other frozen people. Frightened to touch them. Staying together.

Finally, panicked, they began to run for the door. I had long ago ensured that all the entrance doors were frozen on the prime time line. No matter what they did, they couldn't have opened them.

Kathleen actually ran into the doors. Expecting them to open automatically. She fell backwards onto her bottom and began to shake. Nicole tried to pry the frozen door open with her fingers. Finally, after a few minutes they gave up and sank to the floor. I couldn't tell, but it was looking like Nicole was crying as well. The girls shifted until their backs were to the door and just waited. For what, I have no idea.

I turned to my other captives. "Girls? I want you all to stay here. Quietly. You can talk together. But quietly."

I stepped around Kara and the desk. I petted Julie's head as I pa.s.sed her. She cringed.

I crouched in front of Jane and Christi. I whispered to them.

"I don't want you telling them about the time thing. But explaining the rules is alright. Get them ready for the s.e.x. I don't want either one of you off your knees while I'm gone. Understand?"

They both mutely nodded. I rose to my feet and slipped out of the room. I silently made my way down the stairs. As soon as I opened the door into the store, I could faintly hear the girls through the silence. I carefully closed the door and made my way towards the front of the store. As I approached them, I began to be able to make out their individual voices and the odd word.

"... Nicole ..."

"... trapped ... Ms. Orton ..."

I waited just out of their sight. Curious what they would do. I could barely see them. They were definitely in tears. Trying to make sense out of the messed up world.

"We have to get out. Get help," the girl named Kathleen was speaking.

"How? We can't even open the d.a.m.n doors."

"We'll break the gla.s.s or something. Find a phone that works."

"Come on. Maybe there is someone alive upstairs."

I watched as they got to their feet and began to walk towards me. I stood stock still. Trying to look like one of the frozen people. Kathleen and Nicole walked past me. Carefully moving around my body to avoid touching me. Touching the frozen people, must have really spooked Nicole earlier. I let them get ten meters or so towards the back of the store, before I made any sound.

I softly spoke. "Going somewhere ladies?"

I think you probably could have heard the double scream at the South Pole. Nicole almost fainted. Her eyes actually rolled back but she managed to catch herself and hold onto consciousness.

Kathleen whispered. "G.o.dd.a.m.n you scared us. Thank G.o.d. You're alive. We aren't the only ones."

I let Nicole regain her composure before I continued.

"The others aren't dead exactly. They just can't hear you."

"Excuse me? Do you know what is going on here?" Kathleen's face had lit up. "Who are you?"

"The people are frozen. They aren't dead."

"Why aren't we?"

"Because I let you free."


"Kind of."

"I don't understand."

"You don't have to understand."

"What the h.e.l.l is going on here?" Her tears had dried up. Anger replacing them. Then plaintively, "Are you going to help us?"

"Girls. You are currently on a separate time line. The others are frozen on the original one. Does that help?"


"I doubted it would."

"So, how do we get back to the original timeline? Back to normal?"

"I start it up again."

"You. Start it up again? So why don't you?"

"I like it here at the moment."

"So where do we fit in?" She was still mighty calm. I could see it in her eyes. A conscious decision to remain cool and calm. Similar to Jane the first time I met her.

"It's actually very simple. If you do whatever I say, then you don't get hurt."

"This is some elaborate robbery? I don't have any money." Still calm. But I noticed her eyes darting around.

"Kathleen. Nicole. You look like smart girls. Right?"

They both nodded.

"Were you able to get out of here?"

"No. What have you done to the doors?"

"Believe me. You can't open them. You can't break them. You can't get out of this store unless I let you."

Nicole moaned. Despite the fact that Kathleen was doing most of the talking, she caught on quicker.

"You want us. Don't you?" Nicole moaned.

"Kind of. Kathleen. I see your eyes. You can't escape. Believe me. Save yourself the trouble."

"What do you want with us?"

Nicole answered the question for me. "He wants *us*, Kath. He's going to r-rape us. Or something." She had begun to cry and her body was shaking.

Kathleen absorbed the a.s.sertion. Nodding. Not panicking.

"What if we just turned and ran?"

"I wouldn't if I were you. You don't want to p.i.s.s me off."

"Oh G.o.d. Tell me why we shouldn't just attack you. Right here. You couldn't stop us both." I saw her begin to tense her muscles.

"Kathleen. You look like a smart girl. What if I have a gun? A knife? You willing to risk your pretty body for a futile attack? And what if you don't succeed? What if it just makes me angry? What if I have that gun and I decide to shoot you? And not to kill you? Bullets can be really painful."

Both girls had paled. Kathleen was shifting her weight from foot to foot.

Kathleen spoke again. "What do you want us to do?"

"Are you two sisters?"

Kathleen answered. "We actually get that a lot. No. We aren't."

I just watched them for a few minutes. Considering what I wanted them to do. They stood uncomfortably. Frightened, but not crying any longer.

"Girls? I know you aren't going to like this. But I need you out of the way for a little while. Okay?"

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