Part 35
"Please. Just let us go."
"I need to tie you up for a while. Okay?"
"Please. You don't need to tie us up. Why?"
"Got other things to take care of." I lied.
"If we let you tie us up, will you leave us alone? You can do whatever it is you want to do, and then leave. You can just call someone to come untie us."
"Okay. Just don't go ballistic here. n.o.body wants to get hurt. We'll do whatever you want. You want to tie us up. You can. I've been tied up before. I have brothers. Where do you want us?" Kathleen was still calm. Nicole was beginning to cry again. Kathleen threw her arm around Nicole's shoulders and tried to comfort her.
"Nicole. Calm down. It's just a bit of rope. He'll tie us up for a while. No big deal. Better than being raped or shot. Okay? Honey?"
Nicole snuffled but managed to control her crying. "You aren't going to hurt us?"
I considered the question. I really didn't know what I was going to do with these two. I wanted to see them nude. That almost went without saying. And I was picturing them screaming.
"I'm not going to hurt you," I lied again to them.
I had the girls walk ahead of me back towards the front of the store. As we walked, I watched their bodies as they moved beneath the uniforms. So soon to be removed uniforms.
I glanced up. The ceiling in this store was very high. A good six meters up. I wanted their hands above them. Somehow, I'd have to get a connection up into the rafters.
I moved towards the women. They had stopped by the second cash line. Waiting quietly for my instructions. I produced another couple of pairs of handcuffs. I could have frozen them again while I prepared, but the dizziness had scared me a bit earlier. Last thing I needed was to pa.s.s out trying to refreeze them. Kathleen would have me in knots, if not dead, in a matter of seconds.
"This won't hurt you. Hold out your right hand Kathleen. Left for you Nicole." Nicole was standing to Kathleen's right.
I walked up to the girls and carefully slipped the first pair of cuffs over their extended wrists. Nicole began to cry again as she watched her left wrist encircled by the steel. I double checked since I hadn't tightened the cuffs into their skin. Nicole shuddered at my touches. The cuff was secure between them. I connected another cuff to Kathleen's left wrist and led them together to the second cash. There was a convenient red railing marking the lanes. I slipped the cuff around the railing securing them to it temporarily.
"You are just going to leave us here?" Kathleen asked.
"For now."
"How long? Shush Nicole." Nicole struggled to control herself.
"I need to work out a few things. I'll be back for you in a little while."
"Take your time," Kathleen told me. She pulled a bit against the handcuff holding her to the railing. Realizing that she wasn't going anywhere.
I wandered back towards the rear of the store. The store had advertis.e.m.e.nts swinging from the rafters. There must be a maintenance area somewhere. A big ladder for putting up those signs. After a brief search I located a long stepladder. It was a bit of a struggle, but I managed to drag it to the front of the store.
Kathleen and Nicole had dropped and were sitting quietly on the floor. Cross-legged. Kathleen's left wrist was extended up, dangling from her tether.
"Sir? Can I ask who you are? And why you need that ladder?" Her eyes betrayed her confusion. But it hadn't settled into worry yet. She was a cool customer. By now, she had to have figured out that if I really only wanted to tie them up, I could have just left them cuffed to the railing. I could see the knowledge burning behind her bright blue eyes. I was sure that she hadn't voiced her concerns because of Nicole.
I set up the ladder and called down to her as I climbed it. "Kathleen, I don't really have a name. Not really. Sir will do." I didn't want to frighten her by suggesting that Master would also be acceptable. "Who I am is really unimportant."
"I just feel odd, you knowing my name and me not knowing yours. After all, I let you restrain me. That should put us on a first name basis don't you think?"
I considered telling her my real name. I wanted her off balance a bit so I just decided to wait. I'd tell her if the time was right. Until I had complete control of her. I was almost sure that she was just stalling for time. Waiting for an opportunity to either try an escape or incapacitate me. She was a smart girl. She'd go along with whatever I wanted to do to her, and she'd just wait for the right time. I'd have to watch her.
"I don't have a first name. You want to make one up?"
She considered it. "You'll hurt me if I come up with one you don't like."
Pretty bright girl. "Uh-huh." I'd reached the top of the ladder. I reached up and touched the rafter above me. Idly I wondered if any of the girls could see me up here through the private window in the manager's office. I glanced down. d.a.m.n good thing I wasn't afraid of heights. I idly considered what would happen if I fell off this thing. Perhaps I should have made Christi or Jane do this. Too late now.
I fished a length of rope out of my pocket and looped it over the rafter. It was one of those warehouse steel beams. Strong as h.e.l.l. It would need to be.
I let the end of the rope fall to the floor, six meters down. I gripped the other end and descended the ladder, pulling the rope down with me. After I reached the bottom, I retrieved a can of apple juice from the shelves and tied it off. Didn't want the rope slipping back up. I gathered up the ladder and moved it off to the side.
Kathleen looked up at me from her seated position.
"What's the rope for?"
"You are a smart girl. What do you think it is for?"
She glanced at Nicole who was pulling gently at her cuffed wrist. By extension pulling at Kathleen. Kathleen just suffered the motion in her right hand quietly. Thinking. Probably wanting to ask more, but afraid of frightening Nicole further. Knowing that this wasn't as innocent as it appeared.
"Why?" She finally asked.
I considered my answer. This could go two ways. If I managed to frighten Nicole, then Kathleen was going to become uncooperative. She was being cooperative to spare Nicole and thinking that doing what I told her would prevent her from being hurt, or raped. In that she was correct. At least, she wasn't going to get punished if she cooperated. She was sparing herself a lot of agony. She didn't know that though. She would still hurt, but not like she would if she actively resisted. But if Nicole got spooked, then she really had no reason to cooperate and she might become a little more dangerous. I'd probably have to use my gun. At least as a threat.
"You are going to be in the way if I leave you here." I made something up on the spot. Not particularly plausible, but Nicole wasn't really in any shape to notice.
She nodded. Not understanding, but realizing that she wasn't ever likely to understand why some strange guy could freeze people and wanted to unfreeze her and tie her up.
She raised her right arm, carrying Nicole's wrist with her. I carefully released the cuff from Kathleen and guided the free end to the railing. I cuffed Nicole directly to the railing. I then released Kathleen from the rail and recuffed her hands in front of her. Her blue eyes held a questioning look, but she didn't complain. She just accepted the bonds.
I guided the girl to the shorter end of the rope. The end I'd protected from escaping from the rafter with the can of apple juice. I slipped the rope from the can and attached the end to the chain between Kathleen's wrists. She squirmed a bit.
She glanced over her shoulder at Nicole and then turned back. Nicole was crying, not really paying attention to the restraint of her friend.
Kathleen whispered to me as I attached her.
"Please. What are you going to do with us? You aren't just going to tie us up are you?"
"I'm not sure exactly."
"You are going to hurt us? Rape us? Aren't you?" Calmly.
"Kathleen. If you cooperate, I'll try to go easy on you." She didn't really deserve full fledged lies. I hedged around the truth a bit to keep her calm. "And I'm not going to rape you."
She nodded. "I'll do whatever you want. Please. You don't have to hurt us. And, I'll. I'll do *whatever* you want. Please just leave Nicole alone. She. She can't take this. Can't you see her crying?"
Girls always seemed to come in pairs. The strong one. And the weak one. Must be something in pairing. One always felt protective of the other. Kathleen and Nicole. Jane and Elaine. Lynn and Janet. Catherine and Elizabeth. Even Evelyn versus Ashley and Lisa. Kara and Julie. Always a stronger one.
"Who is she? You look too similar to be friends."
"We are friends. But she's also a cousin. A distant one. That's why there is a resemblance. Please. Don't hurt her. I'll do whatever it is you want. You want me? I'll let you have me. I'll give you whatever you want willingly. Just let her go. Please?"
"I'll try not to hurt her, but I need her secured as well."
"She is secured." Perceptive. No fright in her eyes anymore. "I'll start to resist you if you don't let her go."
"Kathleen. Be smart. You don't want to resist. And how do you know that I'm not turned on by a girl resisting? Huh?"
"s.h.i.t. You are a b.a.s.t.a.r.d. What are you going to do to us? Me?"
"Right now, I'm serious. I just want to have you both bound. Easy. A little embarra.s.sing. But I'm trying to make sure that you aren't really uncomfortable. You are somewhat comfortable because you've been behaving so far."
"Actually, I noticed. My brothers used to tie my up worse than this." She knew I wasn't lying about making her uncomfortable at least.
"I'm going to move Nicole over. Alright? I won't hurt her. I promise."
"Please. Just let us go. You don't have to do this."
I smiled at her, but ignored her plea. I returned to Nicole who looked up at me with frightened eyes. Her eyes, I noticed, were brown. Matched her hair.
"Nicole. Honey. I'm just going to move you over there with Kathleen. Okay? You aren't going to do anything dumb are you?"
"N-n-no. I'll do what you want. Please. Just don't hurt me."
"You'll be comfortable enough. Okay?"
I released the cuff from the railing and coaxed the upset girl to her feet. I handcuffed her like Kathleen. Hands in front of her. I walked her over by her cousin. I gently pulled on the other end of the rope. The rafter working like a pulley. Kathleen's hands rose and though I could feel the weight of her arms, she didn't resist.
"Nicole? Raise your hands above your head. High. Reach for the ceiling."
She just stood there crying.
"Nicole? Sweety?" Kathleen spoke to her friend. "You have to do what he says. Or he's going to hurt me. Please? It's just me that you are going to be attached to. Please? For me?"
Nicole looked up and raised her hands above her head. Fingers outstretched towards the ceiling.
I wrapped the rope around the short chain between her wrists and tied it off. I had to reach up a little, but neither girl was all that tall. I was able to secure the knot adequately. I stepped back from the bound women to check the scene. The women just stood quietly with their arms bound above them. Their cashier uniforms pulled tight across their chests with the arms high position. b.r.e.a.s.t.s flattened against their jerseys. There was slack in the tethering rope, but the women couldn't move very far apart. Any movement on the part of one was transferred through the tether to the other girl. I nodded. It would do.
Kathleen spoke. "Don't make me regret letting you do this to me."
Chapter 93.
I left the two cashiers and slowly made my way back upstairs. As I approached the manager's office I could hear soft voices inside. Jane's and Kara's. I stood outside the doorway and listened.
Kara's voice floated through the door. "You are freer than I am. Please."
Jane's quiet voice. "I can't. I wish I could. G.o.d how I wish that I could."
"But, he's not here. I'm not suggesting that we attack him. I know it won't work. But, I could get out of here. Get help."
"Didn't you say that you yelled earlier?"
"I don't understand why the police aren't here yet. G.o.d, this hurts."
"It looks like it. Jane? Kara? Whatever your name is? You have to listen to him. You have to obey him. I know it is hard. I know you are an independent woman. So am I. I know it doesn't look like it. But I was. You aren't going to like what he wants you to do. But believe me, you have to do it. It will be over soon. I promise. I know that he doesn't want to keep you. You'll be freed if you cooperate." Jane spoke soothingly to the other woman.
"Oh G.o.d. I can't take this much longer. Just. Please. If you won't untie me, please get these things off my nipples. Please?"
"I can't. I'm so sorry. I feel for you. I really do. I know how much that hurts. Having clamps on your nipples. But he could be outside the door listening right now. I'm not allowed to move."
"He's not here, G.o.ddammit. Why are you so afraid of him?"
"Kara. Listen to yourself. Your feet are blue. Your b.r.e.a.s.t.s have a half dozen clothespins on them that you can't remove. You've been slapped. My G.o.d. Aren't you afraid of him?" Jane reasoned.
"I just want out of this."
"I know you do, sweety. I know." It sounded strange this teenager calling a woman twice her age *sweety', but Jane managed to pull it off. Strange situation. "He'll let you out if you cooperate and don't go out of your way to p.i.s.s him off."
There was a pause. I was about to walk in, I had my hand on the doork.n.o.b when I heard Julie's soft voice begin.
"He's. He's not really going to make us do that is he?"
Christi's voice floated through the thin door. "Honey? Julie? You have to try and get used to the idea. He is going to make you two have s.e.x together. Honestly."
"I can't do it."
"Sweetheart. That's what I thought as well, the first time he made me have s.e.x with a woman. G.o.d. I hated it. I still do."
"Then why?"
"Why do I do it for him? I don't have a choice. The alternative is so much worse. Jane. She's been through it. I've seen her screaming. I couldn't do that. So I just close my eyes and make love to whoever he tells me to. I just try to forget it's a woman. It's just skin. I know it's hard to think that way, but you are going to have to try. It won't kill you. But the alternative might. I don't want to watch if you can't do it."
"What. What will he do to me? What did he do to Jane?"
"Honey, he'll probably whip you. If you are lucky."
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