Part 40

Part 40

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I grabbed a couple of cans of c.o.kes from the beverage machine and carried the food over to the table. I distributed the snacks to the girls.

Jane looked at the junk food and I could almost hear her stomach growl. I dropped the remainder of the change on the table with the food. There really wasn't that much left.

"Go on. Enjoy yourselves. You haven't had a break in a long time. If you want anything else, feel free to go buy it. Just there isn't a lot more change."

"Your slaves thank you, Master," Jane said softly, her face flushing.

"Just enjoy the time. I'll be back for you soon."

"Thank you for not making us go back in there, and for the treats," Christi whispered.

I nodded to her. Watching her as she tore into the bag of chips. A look of happiness gracing her face for the first time in a while. She picked up a curled chip and closing her eyes let it fall between her perfect teeth. Sighing.

I turned from the naked beauties and made my way back to the office door. I could hear faint voices behind the door. Kara's voice. Very faint.

"One last time. Okay? I don't know which of us he'll free, but if you get a chance. Kick him in the b.a.l.l.s. And run. Don't worry about the rest of us. Okay?"

I heard Julie make a non-committal answer. Mumbling something. I waited a few more minutes and opened the door. Amy was still on her knees, gagged behind Julie's chair. Julie still hung in her ropes. Kara was defiant again. Her face a little worried that I had heard her. I gave her no indication that I had.

I walked over to Amy. I knelt behind her and unbuckled the gag from behind her head. I felt her bare body tense as she held the gag in on her own. Waiting. I placed my hand below her jaw and she pushed the intrusion out of her mouth with her tongue, letting the wet ball drop into my hand.

She swallowed a couple of times heavily. She had been drooling around the gag. She worked her jaw back and forth. Sighing.

"Oh G.o.d. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

"Did I give you permission to speak?"

Her face registered fright. Thinking that her instinctive grat.i.tude would be punished by the gag going back in. She shook her head. Closing her eyes.

"It's alright. You can speak. Just not to them. Yet."

She let her breath out. Relief. The gag was going to stay out. For now.

"Please. This slave wants to say she is sorry for earlier. Very very sorry. She'll do anything not to be gagged anymore."

"Apology accepted. Just remember. No speaking to the women here. Got it?"

She nodded her head. "Thank you for taking it out. It hurts when it has been in that long."

"I know it does. Had to teach you a lesson though, didn't I."

"I learned."

"I doubt that very much. But for now, I'm almost sure that you'll behave."

She hadn't told me about the plan yet. I didn't even know if she was involved. I doubted it. But I expected her to tell me about it, at least. Perhaps, she was just being pa.s.sive. Letting the kicking plan play out. If it worked it might be in her benefit, even if she didn't help in it directly. I'd find out later what the heck she was thinking. Maybe she just forgot about it, in the relief of having the gag out. Maybe she'd still let me know about it.

I rose to my feet. Glancing at Kara and Julie.

I sat on the desk in front of Kara again. She glared at me. I didn't particularly like that look of defiance on her face.

"You want those pins off?"

"You know I do," she almost hissed at me.

"Ready to beg to have them off?"

"You pig. Yes."

I waited.

She swallowed. Her face turning bright red. "Please? Take them off me?"

She was having real trouble with the begging. Sounded about as sincere as your average politician.

"Kara. You can do better than that. Do I have to hurt you some more."

"I can't beg. It's not in my nature."

"You begged to have your feet loosened."

"That was different."

"What? The clothespins don't hurt enough?"

"They hurt. But not like my feet did." The initial pain of the pins had probably dulled to an annoying ache. Not really painful until they were removed. I smiled at her.

"I can make them hurt more if that would help."

"You don't have to hurt me. Why are you treating me like this?"

"Because I can, Kara. Haven't you figured that out yet?"

I casually reached forward and gave her nipple pins a quick sharp twist.

"Oh s.h.i.t. Not again. Ow. Please. That hurts."

I hadn't really given them a really painful pull. Just a twist. Her nipples just had rolled with the pressure. It hurt, I'm sure, but not like the torment I'd put her through before.

"There. See. You can beg."

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Just let us go."

This time I pulled the nipple clamps, and gave them a sharp twist at the end. Stretching her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s by their nipples. Holding them like that. Her face twisted in agony. She screamed.

"Ahhhhhhh. G.o.d. Please. Stop. No more. I'll do what you want. I'll beg. Please. Oh G.o.d. Please take them off me. Jesus Christ. My t.i.ts. My nipples. They hurt. Oh Jesus. Stop. Stop. Please stop."

I released the pins from my fingers. Letting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s fall naturally. She gasped as the pain reduced again. Her trapped nipples throbbing.


"Oh G.o.d. Okay. Please. I'm begging you. Take them off me."


"Why? What have I ever done to you? I'm sitting here, in pain. Please. I'll do anything you want. Just take the d.a.m.n things off my t.i.ts. Please."

That sounded a bit better. I reached forward and flicked one of the clips on her left breast. Enough to dislodge it. The clip snapped over her pinched skin and fell to the floor.

"Oh G.o.d." She gasped as the pain of the removal hit her.

I continued in this way with all the clips except the ones clamping her by now very sensitive and sore nipples. She cried out as each clip left her skin.

She looked up at me. All traces of defiance gone. She knew what was about to happen to her. Realizing that the ones on her nipples were really going to hurt coming off. If I flicked them off, like the others.

"Please?" she asked plaintively. "Please just remove them normally. I'm begging you. You have no idea how much it hurts."

I casually flicked the left clothespin off her nipple. She screamed.

"Argh. Ah. Ah. AH. G.o.d. Worse than I thought. My nipple. G.o.d, you tore it from my t.i.t. s.h.i.t. Please let me go. Arghhhhhh."

She screamed twice as the clip snapped off her nipple and again as the circulation returned to the sensitive mound.

We repeated the procedure on her right breast. Her screaming. Me watching her. Finally, she calmed as her nipples fell into a dull ache rather than the burning agony of before. Her breathing falling back to normal slowly.

"You ready to make love to Julie?" I asked her as she recovered.

"f.u.c.k you."

"You really want those pins back?"

She ignored me. I gently slapped her face. Reminding her that she had to answer.

"Please no. I can't take that again. Please. I'm sorry. I really am. Don't slap me." She babbled in her bonds.

"You ready to make love to Julie?"

"Not really."

I turned my body and looked at Julie. Bound to her chair. "You ready?"

"Please. I. Can't. I'm not a lesbian. I've never even thought about making love to a woman. Please don't make me do this."

I turned back to Kara. "Alright." I rubbed my hands together.

"Now. I don't want any funny business here. I'm going to release you from the chair. You are going to fall to your knees and crawl out to Julie. I'm going to leave her in the chair. You are going to make love to her. Until she Then you are going to wait for further instructions."

She paled. Realizing that she was going have to do this. Like it or not.

"If either one of you look like you aren't trying. I have this." I held up the crop. "It's really nasty on bare skin. Here." I flicked it lightly across Kara's sore b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She cried out at the light blow. "Imagine that but harder. Across whatever I can reach. On Julie. On you. Trust me, making love is far more comfortable. Do you both understand?" Kara nodded and looking over my shoulder, Julie was just crying. I knew that they didn't understand. That they would both need some convincing. I'd try to keep the pain to a minimum. I really did want to see Julie climax to Kara's attentions. And she didn't look like the strong type that could concentrate to an o.r.g.a.s.m while being whipped. The applicant applying for more than she bargained for.

Chapter 96.

I bent down on my knees. Cursing Jane's knots. I worked my fingers trying to release the bindings around Kara's ankles. It took some time, but I eventually managed to release her bare feet. Mindful of any possible kick. None were forthcoming. Yet.

I rose and touched her shoulder. The naked woman wordlessly dropped to her knees from her seat. I guided her towards Julie, ignoring her soft protests. Julie just watched in horror as Kara approached. Creeping forward on her knees. Hands still cuffed behind her. Her right hand was getting noticeably bluish from the tighter cuff.

I sat up on the desk and watched the older woman creep across the floor. Finally she sat back on her bare heels in front of Julie. She turned her head, her eyes tearing and pleaded with me.

"Please? Don't make me do this."

"If you prefer, I can whip your b.r.e.a.s.t.s for a while."

"Will that get me out of this?"

"No. I'll whip you until you beg to do it."

"Oh G.o.d." She turned her face up towards Julie. "Sweety, you heard what the other girls said. He'll do it. And I know that I'll break. No matter how much I try to be strong. He'll whip my t.i.ts. I. I'd be in pain, more in pain, and still doing this. Please try. For me?"

Julie nodded. Kara whispered to her. "Good girl. I can't do this alone. I don't do this for all my applicants."

She shuddered and lowered her head. Instinctively Julie tried to snap her legs closed, but the ropes held her bare body securely open on the chair. Tears were rolling down the girl's face but she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on Kara's tongue. Probably, Jane or Christi had advised her to just pretend it was her boyfriend or something. I was surprised, after all the protests, I was fully expecting to have to crop at least one of them to convince them to make love. They continued, aware of my scrutiny of them, but trying to ignore it. Trying to get it over with. Perhaps it was useful letting them think about it beforehand.

Lost in her own private world, Julie had her eyes closed. Breathing harder and harder. Fantasizing. Bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s rising and falling. Faster and faster as her rate of breathing increased. Concentrating on the sensations of Kara's soft tongue flicking across her c.l.i.toris. Tracing her lips. Amy was kneeling watching in fascination at the s.e.x in front of her. I thought even her lips were flushing, her nipples hardening. It was erotic. No matter who you were. No matter what gender.

Finally, Julie took a deep breath and cried out. Pulling desperately against the ropes binding her. Her soft cries filling the room. Struggling to catch her breath.

Julie spoke, as her breath returned. "Kara? I'm done. You can stop now."

Kara raised her head and looked at me. Instinctively knowing that she wasn't to stop until given permission. I nodded to her. Julie slumped against the ropes and sighed. Tears beginning to fall as she realized that she had just had oral s.e.x with another woman. In front of other people. Naked and tied up like a slave. And she had managed to enjoy it. Her face flushed.

I walked over to Amy. Crouched down behind her. I stroked her hair and whispered in her ear. "You're next."

She shook her head wildly, her soft hair whipping across my face. I turned her head sideways, so she could see me. "Amy, sweetheart. One way or the other, you are next."

"Please no," she begged. "I'll do anything else. I'll let you whip me. You can rape me. Wouldn't that be more fun? You can tie me up. Gag me. I'll try to resist you. You can f.u.c.k me while I squirm. Please? I'll m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e for you even. Just not another woman. Please? I hate that."

I stroked her hair again. "Kara? Feel like doing another one?"

"Oh G.o.d. Please no. Don't make me do it again. You can f.u.c.k me. I'll do it with Amy there. Together. Two women at once. Please."

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