Part 41
I gently guided Amy's body down into my lap. Her cuffed hands pressing into my lower legs. I stroked her face. "Amy. Darling. Be a good girl. You know you don't want to be punished more than you already have managed to earn."
"Oh G.o.d. Alright. I'll try to enjoy it for you. Just don't get the tongue clamp out again. Please."
She melted back against me. Tried to relax.
"Kara?" She hadn't moved. Just watching in horror as Amy spread herself out.
Amy spoke up. "Please. Kara. You have to. I've been punished before. You don't want that. You'll be begging to lick me. Before he's even started. Remember the clothespins? That was nothing. Remember the slapping? That wasn't even a punishment. Come on. Come here? Please?"
Feeling her small nude body pressing down on me, I was reacting fiercely. And I was sure that she could feel it against her bare back. She closed her eyes.
Kara began her slow journey towards us on her knees. Hate flashing in her eyes as she stared at me. Not quite daring to make an escape attempt. Especially with her hands handcuffed tightly behind her. She arrived on her knees between Amy's outstretched legs. She glared at me sitting easily behind Amy, my arms wrapped around her, almost protectively.
I felt Amy swallow. "Kara? I know that you don't want to do this. I don't particularly want to do this either. But believe me, its better than being whipped. n.o.body, least of all me, thinks you enjoy this or that you are a closet lesbian or something. You are being forced, honey. I'll be thinking about my boyfriend. Not you. If it makes you feel any better. As Christi says, it's just skin. d.a.m.n sensitive skin, but just skin."
"You aren't the one licking the skin."
"I know. But I still might have to. Depends on what he wants. I haven't had to tongue a girl yet, thank G.o.d. I don't even know if I could. But I've been tongued enough. And I know it's a h.e.l.l of a lot better than being whipped. Trust me on that one."
Kara hesitated a bit but finally acquiesced, "I'll do it." She stared at me. "Will you let me go if I do a good job?"
"I'll let you go if she climaxes in five minutes."
"Really?" Suspicious. "And Julie?"
"And Julie. Your time is ticking away."
"Oh G.o.d." The nude woman practically dove between Amy's legs. I had a perfect view down Amy's bare body of the woman using her tongue. She didn't even bother teasing her; she just dove between the folds desperately searching for Amy's c.l.i.t. Amy sighed as the tongue found her center and began stroking her. I could see Kara twirling her tongue around Amy's c.l.i.t. Sucking gently on her. Amy had closed her eyes and her breathing had almost immediately began to quicken. Determined to help this woman escape my torments. Fantasizing about whoever her real boyfriend was. Determined to climax before five minutes were up. Struggling, trying to think of a man, rather than Kara between her legs. Pulling against her cuffs.
Her eyes still closed she whispered to me, "Please. My nipples? Please?"
I smiled to myself and let my hands idly stroke her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She arched, trying to get more contact. Shivering. I slowly circled her erect nipples, feeling them tighten still further to my touches. She was breathing like a train, quick short breaths. Trying to concentrate on the sensations from the girl between her thighs and my wandering pinching fingers on her nipples. Trying to imagine it was her boyfriend and that she wasn't having s.e.x with virtual strangers. Handcuffed.
She exploded in my lap. Her whole body tensing, grinding herself into Kara's tongue. Screaming. Her voice carrying through the entire store. Not caring who heard her. She spasmed and collapsed into my arms. Panting. Unable to speak. Kara, feeling the climax, raised her head from licking and sat back on her knees. Her face flushed, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s heaving. Pulling against her wrists. Tears forming, but not quite falling from her eyes. Working her tongue through her mouth, against her teeth. Trying to escape the taste of the other women.
I released the nipples and turned my left wrist. Glanced at the watch.
Amy saw the movement and craned her head to look at my face.
"Did. Did we make it?" she asked softly.
"Five minutes and sixteen seconds."
Her face fell. Tears almost br.i.m.m.i.n.g. All that fantasizing. All that effort. For nothing. Well, not quite for nothing. I watched as Kara's face collapsed. Her bare body shaking. Wanting to spring at me. Pound my face. Hurt me. Not believing that she'd failed after all that. By sixteen b.l.o.o.d.y seconds.
"Please," she begged. "I tried my best. At least let Julie go? Please?"
"I'll do better than that. You come up here and give Amy a big kiss and I'll let you both go. You were close. At least you tried."
Her face fell and then brightened. A kiss. After her adventures between the other's legs, a kiss should be simple. I watched her hesitate. Not quite sure of this. The s.e.x had been, well, forced. Impersonal. She didn't have to see the woman she was licking. Not really. A kiss. She had to look at the other woman. It just seemed more intimate somehow. Kara made her way slowly up to Amy. Amy watched her face. The bound girl in my lap turned her face up to me.
"Please," she begged. "Don't make me do this."
"Amy. This woman has just licked you to o.r.g.a.s.m and you have a problem with kissing her."
"I. That's just it. She was. Just. Licking me."
I laughed. "You've never tasted yourself?"
Amy blushed and nodded. "Ick."
"Personally, I think that a woman tastes wonderful down there."
"Please? I'll kiss Julie instead. I don't mind kissing another woman. Just. She's got me on her. And Julie." She grimaced. "Please?"
"I never knew you were so shy of yourself. You've never tasted your fingers after, you know, masturbating?"
"I. Never. Don't."
"You never m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed?"
She shook her head.
To my surprise Kara spoke up. "You've never m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed? I thought everyone did."
She shook her head again. Serious.
"That's alright. Please, Amy. I really really don't want to kiss you. No offense. But I have to. I just want out of this. Your p.u.s.s.y didn't taste that bad. And I'm sure it's faded off me by now. It's just a taste. Think of it like a strange new food. Please? For me? And Julie? You got gagged to try and help me before. You climaxed to help me. Just this one last thing. He'll make us do it anyway. Please?"
Amy closed her eyes and nodded. Turned back towards Kara's waiting lips.
Kara looked up at me. "Any particular type of kiss you want? You b.a.s.t.a.r.d?"
"I don't know. Open mouth. I want to see your tongues touch."
"Oh G.o.d."
She closed her eyes as well. Amy watched with fear on her face as Kara leaned down. Briefly opening her eyes to find Amy's lips and then closing them again as they pressed their lips together. Amy grimaced, but returned the kiss as best she could. I watched, fascinated, as their lips touched and traced each other. Finally opening and allowing the other's tongue to thrust into each other's mouth. They separated and let me see their tongues touch as they separated. Just the tips touching each other. Lingering. Almost intimate. Two females. Kissing. Kara rocked back on her bare heels.
"That okay?" Absolutely no warmth on either girl's face. It was a mechanical kiss but that was probably the best I was going to get out of them without punishment. And Amy was already getting punished later. She didn't know it yet, but she was.
I nodded. The girls visibly relaxed.
I concentrated on Kara and isolated her from the time continuum, releasing her body s.p.a.ce from this timeline. Her body vanished and rematerialized behind her desk. I idly wondered what would happen if I'd been sitting there at the time. Her hands held an imaginary sheet of paper, Julie's application. I hadn't freed the entire room from time, so that would return as I did so. Her clothes had returned to her body. She sat frozen. Unaware of her timeless fate. Clothespins still strewn about the floor by her feet which were now encased in leather shoes.
I sat Amy up and released her wrists. I whispered to her, "Pick up our equipment and then wait outside."
She turned to me. "You are going to let Julie go as well, aren't you?"
I nodded. I just was going to talk to her again, before I did. Amy scrambled to her bare feet and began to pick up the bondage toys. The handcuffs, the gag, the clothespins from the floor.
While Amy quietly picked up the toys, I walked over and sat down on the floor in front of Julie. She flushed and pulled at her bonds, suddenly very aware of her vulnerability. Her nudity. Her restraints. The perfect view of her most private areas if I chose to look. No way to close her legs. I rested my arms on her bound knees and looked up at her face. She looked away. Her face flushing.
"You are a monster, you know?" she whispered.
"Didn't you have fun?"
"What the h.e.l.l do you think? How would you like having to strip naked for some sick stranger? Tied up like some sort of animal? Threatened? Forced to have s.e.x for their amus.e.m.e.nt? s.h.i.t. I forgot. You are the guy and I'm just a helpless female. Right? I don't count."
"Julie? Calm down. It was just a question. I'm not here to torment you any longer."
"It's hard. You know? I ache."
"I know, sweetheart. I'm going to let you go in a minute."
"What did you do to Kara?"
"You mean the Amy thing? Or the freezing thing?"
"She just vanished. And now, she's over there? I don't understand."
"I know. You don't have to understand."
Amy slipped out of the room. Softly closing the door behind her. Carrying the bondage equipment pack in her fingers.
"Those other women. Who were they?"
"That was Christi, Jane and Amy."
"You aren't going to let them go?"
"They interest me. I'll let them go eventually."
"They wouldn't help us. Kara really tried, you know. You can understand that. But even though they didn't seem particularly happy, they weren't unhappy either. And they seemed to be really frightened of you. You should treat them better. They are people you know. Females. But people. Like me."
"Christi and Jane are currently munching on their favourite snacks in the lunchroom. Perfectly comfortable. Perhaps not normal. A pair of nude women, handcuffed together. But reasonably comfortable. Compared to how they might be. Amy, I'm afraid deserves some punishment, but that will happen later. I'm being as kind to them at the moment as I possibly can."
"You care about them, don't you?"
"In a way."
"Not like us. Me and Kara. You didn't care what we felt like. How much we hated you."
"I was always intending on releasing you. I didn't have to care."
"Am I going to remember any of this? After you do that to me?" Julie indicated Kara sitting behind her desk.
I shook my head. "You won't remember a thing. I promise."
"I won't remember what you put me through? Stripping? Having s.e.x? Sitting here tied to this chair talking to you?"
"Not a thing."
"I can understand why they don't mind being here, then. No responsibility. If you weren't so rough it might actually be fun. Being able to roam around without clothes. Not worrying about paying for anything. Not worrying about idiots. Not having to worry about enjoying s.e.x. Or getting it."
I nodded. "It can be kind of peaceful. And I'm not that rough on them. Most of the time."
"You were rough on us."
"I know. But you won't remember a thing. No marks. No memories. You could have just let yourself go and enjoyed it."
"Easier said than done. You sit here, naked and let me torment you and see if you can let yourself go and enjoy it." She paused. "You'll remember. Won't you."
I nodded.
"Oh G.o.d. Then you could see me. Later. Walking down the street. Knowing what I looked like having s.e.x with another woman. Tied to a chair. Open."
"Yup. And you won't have any idea why I'm smiling at you."
"s.h.i.t. I promise not to attack you. I couldn't possibly hurt you. Can't you at least untie me? Let me dress? Please?"
"Julie. I'm going to let you out in a second. Like Kara. It will take me longer to untie you than to just free you."
"Alright. I guess I've been in these d.a.m.n ropes so long another few minutes aren't going to kill me. You've seen me anyway. Have a good look. n.o.body but you is going to remember this. Right?"
"n.o.body. Just you and me here. And even you aren't going to remember."
"Can I tell you something?"
"I don't believe that I'm going to tell you this. I. I didn't have that bad a time. If I'm not going to remember it anyway."
"I didn't have that bad a time. I mean, I could have had a worse time here."
"You cooperated."
"Yeah. I don't think that Kara had much of a good time."
"I told you up front it would be easier to cooperate. She didn't have to go through all that. She would have still had to have s.e.x with you, but she didn't have to be in pain."
She blushed furiously. "You know. I even. Liked. When you made her. Lick me. I haven't climaxed like that in a long time. I didn't fake it. I wasn't just fantasizing about some guy either. I did. At first. But I also was thinking about you watching me. Getting turned on by my humiliation. That I was helpless and naked. In a store office. And my interviewer, my female interviewer, was between my legs. Licking me. I'll probably never experience anything like that ever again. Will I? I can't believe I just told you that."
I smiled. "Doesn't mean you are a lesbian, you know." I almost laughed.
"I know. I was just frightened. I'm not scared anymore. I am glad that I'm not going to remember any of this, though. I can't believe I'm just sitting her, nude and bound, talking to you like this." She was blushing.
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