Part 50

Part 50

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She smiled up at me. "Thanks. I was getting tired of that position."

"You sore as well?"

"A little. Being tied up in the same position is hard on the muscles. Even in a relatively comfortable position. Elizabeth really was in a lot more pain that I was because of that."

"I hadn't intended that."

"Obviously you can do whatever you want with us. But its just something to be aware of. It's probably more appropriate for a punishment, is all."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"She didn't complain too much about it while you were gone. I would have been cursing you."

"If you are sore, you can go join Elizabeth in the bathtub. Tons of room for two in there."

"Can I take one alone? Later?"

"I don't think there will be time." I wasn't about to let her bathe alone anyway. If she managed to get a hold of a knife or razor, that could be it. I simply didn't know her well enough to allow her to do anything dangerous on her own.

"Alright. I'd love a hot bath. And I like Elizabeth. Important to like the person you bathe with." She grinned. I idly wondered what these two talked about in my absence.

I took her hand and pulled her up. She winced at the pain in her face and side as she rose. I walked with her to the bathroom.

Elizabeth was stretched out under the water. Her head back against the porcelain. She looked up as we entered. Her body was visible beneath the clear water. Her arms floating. Bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s just under the water as she laid back. She made no move to cover herself. She smiled up at us.

"This feels so absolutely wonderful. I could stay in here forever."

"Room for Sheila?"

"Of course." Elizabeth pulled her legs back a bit, bending them until her knees broke out of the deep water. Sheila daintily stepped into the water at the other end, gasping as the hot water caressed her lower legs. She inched herself into the water. Her skin reddening with the heat. Almost crying out as her crotch lowered into the steamy water. Finally she settled and the two girls entwined their legs. Completely unselfconscious. Comfortable with each other.

I sat up on the counter and just watched the two nude beauties relaxing until Jane walked in.

Chapter 102.

"You finished with putting everything away?"

"Yup. Just these left." Her hands were full of toiletries. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair clips, make up. That sort of thing. She dumped them on the counter and straightened them up. The short chain between her wrists hampering her. But she knew better than to complain.

Sheila opened her eyes as she heard Jane's voice.

"Holy s.h.i.t!" she exclaimed from the tub. "He let you dress? That thing is gorgeous. What? Where? Oh my G.o.d. When he dresses you up, he dresses you up."

Jane almost laughed. Her voice raised in mocking. "Holy s.h.i.t! He let you take a bath? Actually ... you don't have any idea what a privilege that is."

Elizabeth opened her eyes. Smiling. "I got about five minutes in here *alone*," she boasted.

Jane's eyes widened. She crouched beside the tub. Her bare feet contrasting against the evening gown as she leaned forward on her toes. She gently pulled Elizabeth's arm out of the water and traced the rope marks.

I heard her whisper to Elizabeth. "I'm truly sorry, Liz. I didn't want to tie you up like that. G.o.d. It must have hurt."

"It did, sweety. Don't sweat it. I know you didn't want to do it. I know who to blame." She threw a withering look my way. "I'm alright now. This bath is wonderful."

Jane rose to her feet. Looked at Sheila. "You alright? How's the bruises?"

"They still ache. But Elizabeth is right. This bath is wonderful. I could stay in it all day."

"And become a prune," I interjected. "You can stay in there for a while, and then both of you get ready for supper. Okay?"

They both nodded. I motioned Jane over to my seat on the counter. She walked over, head bowed.

I released her hands. She was the last girl to be wearing fetters. And I needed her free. I told her what she had to do, and her eyes lit up.

"You're kidding," was her only response.

"Don't let any of the others know. And tell them to keep out of that room."

"Alright. I can't believe you are going to let us do this."

"Enjoy. Go get it set up, then help Christi and Amy in the kitchen. Set up the dining room. There's room for six there, right?"

"Room for twelve."

"Good. None of you will have to be on the floor."

"I can't believe you care."

"You want to argue, or get going?"

She scampered out, her gown flowing around her body as she left.

"What the heck was that all about?" Elizabeth asked lazily from the water.

"You'll find out. Now, I'm going to relax before dinner. You two can stay in there for another fifteen minutes. Then out. I don't want you pruned for dinner. Dry off and then come to the master bedroom. Understand?"

"Yup." Both girls answered together. Dreamily. Relaxed. They had better not fall asleep in there. They really weren't going to like their punishment if they disobeyed. This was not the night to disobey. Jane knew why.

My eyes wandered to the counter where Jane had arranged all the toiletries. The extra jewelry was sitting there. Two anklets, a bracelet and a necklace. All diamonds. Christi had probably given them to her and she'd forgotten to mention it in her excitement.

I turned just as I was about to leave. "Oh. And girls?" They turned towards me. Elizabeth arched her neck to see. "There's a present for each of you on the counter. Actually two each. Share them and I don't want to see you without them. Okay?"

Elizabeth craned her neck up to see onto the counter. But she was far too small to allow this maneuver. The gifts were safely hidden at the back of the counter. She relaxed back into the water. Content that she'd find out what her present was later. Pretty sure she wasn't going to like it anyway. Especially if it was something she had to keep with her. I smiled as I saw her mind working. Probably thought it was nipple clamps or something. She was in for a pleasant surprise.

I walked back to the master bedroom. Alone for the first time in a long time. I lay back on the bed. It was still warm from Sheila's body heat. I fingered the ropes that had held her, wondering what it would be like to be restrained for so long. Unable to free yourself. Vulnerable. Naked.

I leaned my head back and relaxed. No girls to worry about. The silence only broken by the occasional sharp sound as something was dropped in the kitchen and the soft murmur of Sheila and Elizabeth softly talking in their bath. I closed my eyes. Just listening to the silence. Enjoying it. Quiet.

I heard the girls get out of the bath. The water splashed and the vibrations of their bodies as they moved around the bathroom. I could hear the faint sounds of the hot bath water draining from the tub and the girls drying off. I heard them as they entered the bedroom. Unsure what to do. I could sense them as they moved to the center of the room and just knelt. Unsure if they should wake me up. Or just kneel quietly until I woke and gave them further instructions. Neither particularly wanted to guess wrong.

I opened my eyes and hitched myself up on the bed, saving them the decision. Glanced over. They were kneeling in the middle of the carpet. Quietly watching my movements. I could see that their fingers were pruned the way they were kneeling with the palms of their hands upturned on their naked thighs. Legs together. Elizabeth had chosen the necklace and Sheila was wearing the diamond bracelet on her left wrist. Presumably both were wearing the anklets. Even though I couldn't see, their feet were probably pruned too. Their skin almost glowed, in that way women's skin glows after a bath. I could watch them all day, kneeling there.

Elizabeth spoke softly. "I'm not sure if I'm allowed to speak, but thank you for the gifts. They. Are beautiful. I wasn't expecting that."

"What were you expecting?"

"I don't know. Knowing you, maybe some nipple clamps, or a new vibrator, or platinum handcuffs. I don't know. But thank-you. Did you pick them out?"

"No. Actually Christi, Jane and Anne did."


"You don't want to know."

"They are gorgeous. Whoever she is."

Sheila was silent.

"Is there anything else we can do for you?"

"Nope. Just kneel there and look pretty until dinner is ready."

I leaned back and rested again.

A soft voice, hesitantly spoke again. "Sir? Can I speak?"

I opened my eyes again. It was Sheila.

"What's up?" I asked kindly.

"Can we. At least talk while you are resting? Please? We'll talk quietly."

"Sheila. I'd prefer if you didn't. I'm enjoying the silence."

"Alright. I'm sorry." She lapsed back into silence. Her expression was one of confusion and hurt. Not sure why I couldn't just let them go to another room and talk. But she knew better than to question it. It was better than being gagged. And she knew about being gagged.

I closed my eyes again and relaxed into the comfort of the bed. I could hear the soft breathing of the girls as they just quietly knelt and waited. Probably a bit uncomfortable on their knees.

Finally I heard a faint voice from the bottom of the stairs. Sounds didn't travel particularly well in this home. It sounded like Jane or Christi calling that dinner was on the table.

I opened my eyes. Elizabeth and Sheila had both heard the call as well. They looked anxious to go. I suppose being forced to kneel naked for twenty minutes with nothing to do but keep silent makes a woman a bit restless. I forced them to remain on their knees while I slowly got up.

Finally Sheila risked breaking the silence.


"Did I give you permission to speak?"

"I'm sorry." She closed her mouth again.

"Come on. Dinner is served. I think." It had been about three minutes since the call.

Elizabeth and Sheila both scrambled to their bare feet. Waiting for me to tell them they could go downstairs. Elizabeth's eyes expressive. Wanting to say something. Ask if she could go downstairs. As I approached the door, I knew why. It hadn't reached to the bed yet, but the smell of dinner, whatever it was, permeated the room. Garlic. My mouth began to water. I'm sure the women were in as bad a state. Hadn't eaten since breakfast. I thought I could hear Elizabeth's belly rumble as she smelled her coming food.

I gave them both a pat on their bare bottoms. "Go on. You two are like a pair of lions, smelling the kill. You can talk now as well."

The girls gratefully scampered out of the room. Elizabeth calling a word of thanks over her shoulder. I could hear the two of them thundering down the stairs and towards the dining room. I followed them at a more sedate pace.

When I got into the dining room, I stepped back in shock. The girls had made the dining room up into something to rival fine dining establishments. They had moved the extra chairs over to the other side of the room. Now there were only six chairs towards one end of the huge table. The end of the table was obviously reserved for me. Jane and Christi flanked me, and the rest of the girls were seated demurely in the remaining chairs. Candles graced the table, and the lights were dimmed. Their hair and faces glowed in the soft light. They were all waiting patiently for me to allow them to eat. Hands clasped in their laps. I glanced at the table before I sat. Christi had prepared a full dinner. Bread. Wine. And a steaming bowl of pasta. Some sort of cream sauce. A huge tossed salad.

I sat and looked over at Christi. Her red sweater flickered in the candlelight. I idly wondered what our ill.u.s.trious Mr. Mayer would think of us, three clothed, three unclothed strangers using his kitchen and dining room as though it was our own. Drinking his precious wine. I didn't particularly care what he thought.

Christi smiled. She whispered to me. "Did we do good?"

I nodded. It had been a long time since we'd had dinner together. And this really blew my mind. I guess they were probably looking for something to stimulate themselves as well. Christi saw my questioning look at the pasta.

"Carbonara. I used some of the lunch meats. I really hope you like it. My last boyfriend did." She whispered to herself, "G.o.d. I hope he likes it."

She picked up the serving spoons and put some pasta onto the plate in front of me.

"Can I serve the rest of us as well?"

I nodded, watching her body move as she doled out the noodles. Giving the girls less than she did me. I wasn't going to stop them from having seconds if they wanted it. There was tons of pasta.

I picked up my fork and spoon and twirled the first strands of linguine on the fork. I popped it in my mouth, my mouth exploding with flavour. The best carabonara I'd ever tasted. Garlic.

I looked up. Christi looked worried. I rea.s.sured her.

"Excellent. What are you all waiting for?"

Christi smiled and swallowed in relief. She experimentally dipped her fingers into her plate and pulled at a few noodles. Having trouble with the slippery food. Tears beginning to form at the corners of her eyes. Frustrated with her dinner and her inability to eat it. She s.n.a.t.c.hed her hand back, the pasta still a little hot for her. She stuck her fingers in her mouth to ease the burning sensation.

The other girls watched as Christi slipped her fingers out of her mouth and stood. She licked the cream sauce off her fingers carefully. I could see the tears br.i.m.m.i.n.g in her eyes as she grasped the bottom of her sweater and pulled it over her head in one swift motion. I was too surprised to react. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s fell free and she sighed. She began to unb.u.t.ton her jeans.

I finally found my tongue. "Christi?" I asked her. "What are you doing?"

"I'm. I'm taking my clothes off."

"Uh. Why?"

"I'm going to spill. And I don't want to get punished. Not tonight. Please just let me take them off." She swallowed heavily. Hardly being able to stop the tears.

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