Part 51

Part 51

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"Christi. Stop."

She actually began to cry. The rest of the girls were looking decidedly uncomfortable. Elizabeth was trying to pick up her pasta, not having to worry about her clothes. She burned her fingers a little as well. Her fingers got put in her mouth quickly as well. She sucked gently at her digits, trying to ease the burning sensations.

Christi spoke through her tears, "Oh G.o.d. Please. I'm not hungry anymore."

I knew that was a lie. She was as hungry as the rest of us. She was just more afraid of punishment than of her hunger.

"Calm down. Calm."

She tried to stop crying. I wasn't quite sure what had upset her. Having to take off her clothes, or just the simple fact that she wouldn't have to if I just let them eat like human beings. Or both.

She looked at me with her baleful blue eyes. "I'm sorry. I know I'm not going to be allowed to wear them forever." Didn't even bother asking for cutlery. Knowing what the answer would be, if it wasn't accompanied by punishment just for asking. It just all seemed so unfair to her. I couldn't blame her. It just didn't seem right for her to have to strip and be upset in this atmosphere. Nor did it seem right that she couldn't enjoy this wonderful dinner she'd prepared.

"Christi. I don't want all of you to need showers before bed. Go on. Dress yourself. And then go get forks and spoons for everyone. I would have told you before, but I didn't realize that you were going to make such a wonderful meal. I had actually sort of forgotten you didn't have utensils."

She face fell in disbelief. She hadn't been allowed cutlery since I took her. Clothes and cutlery in one day. She didn't need to be told twice. She picked up her sweater and reb.u.t.toned her jeans. She pulled the garment back over her head, hiding herself again. She practically ran to the kitchen, returning with her hands full of forks and soup spoons. She distributed them to the anxious girls. Elizabeth was silently licking her fingers to clean them. Smiles on all the females, nude or otherwise.

"Don't get used to it. It's back to fingers tomorrow. You can thank Christi for it tonight. If this wasn't so delicious, you'd be using your fingers anyway. Showers or no. It's hard to enjoy it if you are worried about slopping. And it is excellent. Especially when it's hot. Eat up. Quit listening to me."

The girls dove into the pasta. Their fingers working the utensils. Savouring the flavour. Everyone enjoying it. Everyone complimenting Christi.

After the pasta, I was stuffed. Some of the girls, Jane and Elizabeth took seconds after seeking permission. Christi distributed the salad and bread. I b.u.t.tered the bread for them, since they weren't allowed knives. And they happily ate the salad and bread with their fingers. Licking themselves clean afterwards. It was almost normal. Jane was stunning. Christi looked almost normal. If you ignored the fact that the other three were nude, and Jane and Christi were barefoot, and the women were eating with their fingers, albeit daintily, it almost could have been a dinner at a fine dining restaurant.

I finished up and leaned back in my chair. Satiated. The girls were still eating since their salads took a little longer, eating with their fingers. I just watched as they talked amongst themselves. Telling stories about their siblings. Families. Goals. University stories. I just drank my wine slowly. Not quite believing this scene. Hadn't expected this. It was actually quite nice. I was curious which of the girls had come up with the idea. Probably Christi or Jane.

Amy looked like she just might have had a bit too much wine. Her face was flushed and she was talking a bit louder than normal. But she was hardly drunk. I debated saying something, but she probably deserved a bit of an escape. Maybe it was dulling the ache between her legs. I took note as Christi purposefully, but discreetly moved the wine bottle down towards our end of the table. Away from Amy. Amy didn't seem to mind. Perhaps sensing that she was about to go over the limit, and into the realm of possible punishment for getting out of control. And she'd was well aware of punishment today.

One by one, the women finished their meals. Sighing. Content. They all sat back and quietly talked. Sometimes including me in their conversation, but sensing that I really was content to simply watch them interact. They weren't shy. Even talking about s.e.x and relationships. Almost as though they could pretend that they were just a bunch of friends on an evening out. Able to ignore the oddity of the scene in the low light. The nudity. Their positions. Almost forgetting that they were captives.

Finally Elizabeth, Amy and Sheila all rose, almost as if on cue, and began to clear the table. The nude women, still chattering with the clothed ones and myself. The three of them gathered up the dishes and finally exited to clean up.

Christi and Jane leaned on their elbows and just looked at me. Jane spoke softly.

"You know, if it was more like this, I'd love it here."

Christi echoed the sentiment.

"You liked this evening?"

"I loved this evening. I'd happily go all the way with you for giving us this evening," Jane murmured. "And not because I had to." Her face was a little flushed as well. She was definitely underage to be drinking. Like I cared. She probably just wasn't used to it. She hadn't gotten drunk though. Just flushed. Her self control a.s.serting itself well before she crossed any danger lines.

"Me too. At the same time even," Christi echoed softly.

"I enjoyed it too. Kind of relaxed. Don't have to torment you all the time, I guess."

"It almost feels weird, you know," Jane remarked.

"What does?" Christi asked.

"Sitting here. You in jeans and a sweater. Me in this ... thing," Jane reflected. "If I had shoes, I'd almost believe I wasn't ... here. And this was the most relaxing time I've ever had in my short life. It almost doesn't seem real. That pasta was so good."

"I know what you mean. G.o.d it was hard taking off this thing." Christi pinched her sweater between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "I'm almost used to it. I. I don't want to go back to the way I was."

"Christi. Enjoy it. But please don't get attached to it. You know I'm going to have to take it away from you eventually," I had to inject some reality into this.

"I know. I look too good nude," she spoke almost with a pang of regret.

I smiled. "You got it, babe."

"Well, I'm going to enjoy it as long as you let me. It feels good."

"Me too," Jane chimed it. We all sipped at our wine and lapsed into silence. Just thinking. Watching the candles flicker in the darkness. We were still like that as Elizabeth, Amy and Sheila padded back into the dining room. Each of them filed past my chair and gave me a kiss, then returned to their own chair.

"What was that for?" I almost laughed.

"For tonight. You don't often treat us nicely, and we thought we'd show our appreciation. You can have more appreciation later if you want," Elizabeth grinned up from her end of the table.

"Christ, I almost forgot." Amy jumped to her feet and ran back towards the kitchen.

I watched the nude girl as she disappeared. A frown creased my brow. I wondered what she possibly could have forgotten.

She reappeared moments later with a big bowl of ice cream.

"Dessert!" she cried as she placed it down in front of me with a teaspoon.

I smiled. "Where'd you find this?"

"Freezer. That's all there was."

It was a huge bowl. I couldn't possibly eat it all. I took a spoonful of the dessert and offered it to Amy. She stared wide eyed. Not expecting any. She opened her small mouth and extended her tongue. The same tongue I'd clamped so long ago. I slipped the spoon into her mouth and she took the dessert. Swallowing with a look of pure rapture on her face. After today's events I doubt if she expected any kindness from me ever again. I couldn't blame her. She was probably still aching something fierce between her thighs.

"Anyone else?"

Christi spoke from beside me. "I wish. Milk doesn't agree with me. Remember? G.o.d. And I love the stuff."

"Alright. You go make the coffee then. Everyone but me and Sheila."

"Really? Why can't Sheila have any? She hasn't done anything to be punished has she?"

I turned to Sheila. "Sheila? You want any?" She shook her head negative. "Go on before I change my mind. You girls are going to be up half the night."

Christi laughed and jumped to her bare feet. Practically flying out of the dining room to prepare the coffee. I caught a flash of her blue jeans as she stumbled through the swinging door.

I gave each remaining girl a taste of the ice cream, before taking some myself. They each savoured it; just being female. Their faces showing their pleasure. I ate most of the rest of the ice cream. It was really good. Maybe I just hadn't had any in a long time. Chocolate.

I left each girl about two spoons each and fed them the last of it. Jane hesitating over the last spoon.

"You sure you don't want it?"

"I do. But you'll enjoy it more and I've had lots. Go on. Eat it. Not like I'm going to punish you for taking something I offered to you."

"You sure?" still a bit hesitant. But I could see her desire for it deep in her brown eyes. She was just unsure of my motives; I couldn't blame her.

I gently pushed the spoon against her teeth until she opened her mouth and took the offered treat. She savoured the chocolate and swallowed it. Closing her eyes.

I dropped the spoon in the bowl just as Christi entered with a tray. The aroma of fresh coffee permeated the room. She poured a mug for everyone but Sheila and I. I topped up Sheila's wine and we sipped at that instead. The girls prepared their coffees and enjoyed them in silence.

I spoke down the table. A thought occurring to me.


She turned her head towards me. Her eyes questioning.

"This the first time you've eaten in here?"

"Like this? Yes."

"You've eaten in here before?" I couldn't believe that Mayer had allowed her to eat with them.

"Once. Sort of. But nothing this good. Or pleasant." Her face flushed at the memory. "When Gertrude was away with her sister ... Mayer could force me to do all my duties the way he liked me. Bound. Naked. Dismissed Polly for the day. Had me. Had me bound to the table. Naked. Tight. And he invited a few friends over for a little dinner party. I. I was dessert that night. That was well before he started to hit me. His friends were, actually, mostly civil for a change. Though, I did have to service them all later that evening. Ick. I don't remember that much, thank G.o.d. Just their boring conversation during dinner, as they ignored me. Not that I minded being ignored. And the burning of the hot dishes they placed on me from time to time. They. They forced me to drink a lot of champagne. I. I don't remember much but being eaten after dinner. Them making comments about the quality of the dessert. And begging them not to do it. Begging them to stop. It was early in my, uh, service. I didn't know that this was actually kind compared to some of Mayer's tastes. All I knew was that strange men were getting a lot closer to me than I liked. I think he made me eat a cold dinner later that night in here after his friends went home. It was a while ago."

The girls listened to the account quietly. Amy touching Sheila's shoulder as she finished. Sheila had been nearly emotionless as she told the story. She snapped out of it with Amy's touch.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin dinner."

"You didn't sweetheart," Jane whispered from her end of the table. "You didn't."

"I'm pretty sure the table was cleaned after that," Sheila managed to force herself to grin. Breaking the tension. I had to give her credit, she could cope with what was done to her.

As Elizabeth cleared the coffee and my dessert bowl, I turned to Jane.

"Everything set up?"

The girl in the evening gown nodded solemnly.

Elizabeth wandered back into the room and took her seat. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rising and falling gently with her breathing.

I nodded to Jane, and she rose. She padded quietly out towards the kitchen giving me a furtive glance. The other females shifted a bit uncomfortably in their seats. Not knowing quite what to expect. Christi looked a bit apprehensive, knowing that nice treatment was sometimes followed by rough treatment.

Chapter 103.

After a few minutes Jane walked quietly back into the dining room. Her feet whispering across the hardwood.

She had tears in her eyes, but she willed them back. She walked over to where I was seated. She swallowed heavily and handed me what she had in her hands. Five lengths of rope. I took them from her hands and just placed them on the table in front of me.

She looked at me pleadingly, but knew what she had to do. Actually she was the only one who knew, so she had to go first. Taking a deep breath, the girl slowly pulled at her gown until it lifted over her bare body and over her head. She shook her hair out, not quite being able to stop the tear as it rolled down the left side of her face. Hating stripping for me, again. She carefully laid the garment out on the table in front of the others, so it wouldn't wrinkle and then stood proudly in front of me. I'd turned my chair and sat back watching her move in the candlelight.

She sighed and turned her back to me. She carefully folded her arms behind her, silently waiting for the ropes to be placed on her. I wound the soft rope around her wrists and forearms, holding them securely together. Not tight, but inescapable for the girl. I tucked the last end in, and touched her bare shoulder. Tears were br.i.m.m.i.n.g again in her eyes as she gently pulled against her bound arms. Knowing that she wasn't getting out of this until I let her out. Her arms folded behind her had the effect of accentuating her bared b.r.e.a.s.t.s and she knew it. She took another deep breath.

"Your slave. She thanks you," she whispered. Knowing that this is what we'd arranged. She walked over to her seat and sat herself down. Now bound, but not particularly uncomfortably. She just couldn't lean back into the chair. She sat up straight instead, quietly fidgeting. She shouldn't have any problems with circulation in her hands.

Jane looked to her left and whispered to Amy who was sitting beside her. Silently watching. "You're next. Just do what I did. Okay?"

The nude girl nodded and quietly got to her feet. She didn't have any clothing to remove so she just stood with her back to me. Allowing me to tie her. Thanking me. One by one, Jane told the girls who was next. Even Sheila, with her discomfort submitted to the binding without complaint. They had no idea how long I was going to leave them like this. Finally ending at Christi.

The last girl rose to her bare feet. She approached with tears falling down her pretty face. Unashamed. She lowered herself to her knees and looked up at me.

"Please. I'm begging you. Don't make me take them off. I swear. I'll do whatever you want. You can tie me. I don't care."

"Christi. Sweety. On your feet." Silent tears traced down her face. She obeyed. "You knew you weren't going to be allowed them forever. I'll let you put them back on later. I promise."

"You promise?"

"Even if I didn't, you can't do much about it. Come on. I don't want to punish you. Take them off for me. I just want you naked for a while. I'll let you have the clothes back. Honest. Okay?"

I was being gentle with her. Not really wanting to ruin the evening. I don't think she wanted to either; she sighed a bit and simply reached for her top and pulled it over her head. In a few minutes, the jeans had slipped down her legs and she daintily stepped out of them. She flushed a bit, but bent to pick up the clothing. Carefully, she folded it and placed it with Jane's evening gown.

She swallowed heavily and turned her back to me. She folded her arms like the other women. I wrapped her as I had the others and she silently returned to her seat. The women were all quiet. Sitting there in their bonds and waiting patiently to see what else I had planned for them. Even Jane, who sort of knew, was aware that I could change my mind as well as any female.

I rose to my feet, gazing at the females, so naked and beautiful in the candlelight. I almost just wanted to order them to be silent and just watch them all night like this. Perhaps one night I would. Tonight they deserved something else.

I motioned for them to rise, and as one, they all scrambled to their bare feet. Their bound arms impeded them, but they managed. I walked out to the large room that housed the entertainment area. The girls quietly followed.

"Make yourselves as comfortable as you can."

The girls looked around the room. Only Amy had spent any time in here. It was a huge room. Carpeted. Lots of choices for five women to settle in. There was two easy chairs. The sofa. A recliner. Ha.s.sock.

Uncertainly the women looked around. Unsure what was going to happen, and not sure where they were best situated. Jane sighed and led them once again. She knew. She walked over to the sofa and lowered herself carefully to one end. Having a bit of trouble with her balance. Her arms forcing her into an awkward position. She settled herself in, settled back. Stretching her bare legs out across the sofa. Her legs reached about halfway.

Jane looked up at the rest of the unmoving girls. She smiled encouragingly at them. "Come on, you fraidy cats. Jeez. The furniture isn't going to bite you. Relax."

Christi tentatively stepped forward and walked towards the other end of the sofa. She dropped into it and sighed. Comfortable. The rest of the girls followed. Elizabeth and Sheila taking easy chairs and Amy settling herself on the carpet. Her back up against the ottoman, leaning back, her legs curled under herself. She was facing the wrong way, but she didn't know that yet. She probably thought that I wanted the recliner and the women had run out of furniture. She took the floor.

I looked at Amy. Spoke to her. "Amy? You can take the recliner if you want it. I'm going to join Christi and Jane on the couch."

Amy looked up gratefully and smiled. "That's alright. Can I move to it later? I'm comfortable here."

"Sure. Whatever you want. You can even switch around later if you want. No problem."

The girls shifted a bit uneasily. Not sure what was coming up.

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