Part 52

Part 52

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I walked over and settled myself into the center of the sofa. Christi and Jane both pulled up their legs to allow me to sit down between them. They modestly kept their legs together as they shifted.

I picked up a remote and aimed it at the huge wall unit across the room. The doors silently slid open to reveal a huge television and the stereo to which Amy had previously been listening in here.

"Alright. We have choices here."

The girls all looked towards me expectantly. Except Jane who knew what the choices were because she'd set them up.

"The bozo didn't have a huge selection, but these are your choices. I don't want a lot of arguing."

The girls nodded. Confused.

"Forrest Gump. Debbie Does Dallas. Sleepless in Seattle. Toy Story. Or Virile Vixens Bound and Whipped ... an exciting three hour extravaganza."

Christi started to laugh. "Virile Vixens? You have to be joking."

I reached under the coffee table and pulled up the box. Showed it to her. She stopped laughing. "Oh my G.o.d." She hesitated. "Are you honestly giving us a choice? Or are you expecting us to pick ... uh ... certain ones."

"I'm honestly giving you a choice. Pick two. I feel like watching a couple of movies, and I thought that you all might appreciate it as well. Not much for entertainment around here. At least nothing that you'd like as well."

I touched Jane's shoulder and motioned for her to rise. She did.

"Now. By the time I get back I want a consensus. I already know what Jane is voting for."

I guided the bound woman around the sofa and we walked back out towards the kitchen.

"You are so cruel. I swear it," Jane murmured as we walked along.


"You know that they aren't going to know which ones to pick. Be afraid of punishment if they pick what they really want to see. Why'd you throw those two in? Debbie Does Dallas? Huh?"

She grinned at me. Actually kind of liking being on the inside of the joke for a change.

I laughed as we entered the kitchen. I released her arms and she idly rubbed her forearms. I looked at her and she held her arms up. I cuffed her with the handcuffs she'd laid out on the table for me earlier. She pulled at them a bit but eventually settled down. Between us we popped four bowls of popcorn and salted and b.u.t.tered them. I had to keep slapping at her hands as she playfully tried to get some into her mouth.

After we were done, I handed her a bowl, and clipped three pairs of handcuffs to her left arm loosely. I balanced the other bowls in my free arms and we walked back to the entertainment room. I stopped just outside the doors. I heard Christi's voice.

"You have to be joking. He's going to punish us if we don't pick the ones *he* wants to see. And I think that is pretty obvious."

"I suppose," Elizabeth sounded so disappointed.

"See," Jane hissed in my ear.

I smiled at her and pushed the door open with my foot. Jane walked into the room and the girls faces lit up as they smelled the popcorn. I placed the largest bowl on the coffee table in front of the sofa and distributed the smaller bowls to the other girls. One to Amy on the floor and one each to Elizabeth and Sheila.

"Now. If you chose right, I'll let you all out of those ropes so you can eat your popcorn. If you chose wrong, you can pick who feeds you. Either way you get the popcorn." I'd gone to the trouble of making them snacks, d.a.m.ned if I wasn't going to let them eat it.

The girls looked a little confused but that didn't really matter to me.

I turned to Christi. "Have a consensus?"

"We want to watch what you want to watch," she smiled.

"Cute. But no. What have you all chosen? Hmmmm? Do we need to vote?"

"No. We decided."


"We'll watch the p.o.r.ns with you. The Virile Vixens and Debbie."

"That's very kind of you. But you're lying."

Christi went pale.

"But. We thought that is what you wanted."

"It might be. But I told you to pick what *you* wanted. Not what *I* wanted."

"Oh G.o.d. Does this mean we are going to get punished? Please no. It's been such a nice evening. Please?"

"You are going to get punished. But it isn't a hard punishment. Are you all reasonably comfortable?"

Thrown by the question, the girls all nodded. Even Jane who wasn't really expecting any of this.

"Alright. Between Amy, Elizabeth and Sheila, pick one of you to be handcuffed like Jane here. She'll be responsible for feeding the others their popcorn. That's your punishment. If you'd done what you were told, then you'd all be free of the ropes. Okay?"

They all nodded. The lightest punishment that any of them had ever endured.

"That means Elizabeth and Sheila will have to join Amy on the floor until the popcorn is done."

The two girls slipped to their knees and moved towards Amy. I got up and moved their popcorn to the center of the room where they were all kneeling.


"Elizabeth, I guess." Amy spoke quietly.

I released Elizabeth from her ropes and quickly recuffed her hands in front of her. She nodded, understanding what was expected from her.

I returned to my seat. "Now. What movies are we going to watch tonight?"

Christi spoke. "Our other choices were Forrest Gump and Sleepless. We'd all seen Toy Story. Most of us had seen Forrest Gump too, but Amy hadn't. If we still have a choice." She looked a bit glum. She'd been the one to cause this trouble. Her arms would be free now if she'd realized what was expected of her. Same with Amy and Sheila.

"Alright then."

I sent Jane to load up the VCR. Her bare body moved effeciently towards the television. Jane returned to her seat after pushing Forrest Gump into the VCR, moving the big bowl of popcorn into my lap.

I flicked the remotes, getting away from the static on all the channels and starting the movie. I sent Jane to dim the lights. She did and returned.

I'd already seen Forest Gump, so I contented myself with watching the girls. Jane carefully feeding me and Christi. Taking the occasional kernel herself as she watched the movie. The girls on the floor were engrossed. Kneeling. Bound. Elizabeth feeding them quietly. I relaxed. Occasionally watching Tom Hanks b.u.mble his way through life.

It seemed so short as the credits rolled up the screen. We'd long ago finished our bowl of popcorn, Jane settling back into her seat. Her legs pulled up. Sometime during the movie, Elizabeth had finished feeding the other two, it didn't look like they'd finished all their popcorn, but presumably they didn't want any more, since Elizabeth had moved back to her chair. Amy and Sheila had just remained kneeling on the carpet through the whole movie.

I felt my eyes closing as it ended. But I'd promised the girls two movies. I didn't bother rewinding Forest Gump, just asking Jane to change the tapes. She complied.


"Yes sir?"

"Come here."

She rose her bare body from her chair and approached. A bit apprehensively.

I took her cuffed hands and released them. I gently refolded her arms behind her bare back and retied her as she squirmed a bit. Preferring the handcuffs.

I did the same to Jane. She didn't seem to mind and settled back into her position.

"You two don't need to stay there, you know." I spoke to Sheila and Amy still curled up on the carpet together.

"We know. If you want us to move, we will, but it's nice down here." They'd come off their knees and were sitting a little more comfortably after the first movie. Stretching themselves out.

"Alright. Suit yourselves."

I flipped on the second movie. The girls settled back in their bonds and were captured by the movie. The flick didn't interest me again, though I watched more of it this time. Instead I reached out, drawing Christi's bare feet into my lap. She allowed it without any hesitation. As she watched the movie, I played with her bare toes, rubbing her insteps. She moaned a bit at the attention, seemed to be enjoying it. About halfway through the movie she drew her legs back. In moments Jane had extended her feet into my lap. I relaxed idly playing with her feet, occasionally tickling her, making her squeal. But she kept her bare feet in my lap through it all.

I don't remember the end of the movie. I woke up sometime much later. Static on the television. Glancing around the room, Elizabeth was asleep with her head ducked to her chest. She hadn't moved from her chair. Jane and Christi had both extended their bare feet over my thighs. Toes touching. My hands rested easily on their shins. They were fast asleep. Christi's head bent to her shoulder. Jane's fallen forward, her hair obscuring her face. Amy and Sheila had stretched out on the floor. Sleeping peacefully, despite the ropes. On their sides. Their bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s rising and falling as they breathed shallowly.

I flipped off the television, silencing the static. Christi stirred as the white noise disappeared. She opened her eyes and looked at me. Pulling gently against her trapped arms.

"Good night, Master" she murmured before closing her eyes and falling back asleep. I was exhausted. I tilted my head back as well, idly thinking that I was going to regret not going up to bed as I fell into a deep slumber.

Chapter 104.

We were all awakened a few hours later. Sheila screamed like she was being tortured to death. A high pitched wail that rivaled anything I'd ever wrung out of Jane.

My eyes snapped open and adrenaline poured into my system. The other girls were instantly awake. Struggling with their bondage. Questions falling from their lips. I jumped to my feet trying to locate the source of the agonized screams. Christi and Jane almost thrown from the sofa by my movements. My heart hammering.

The adrenaline increased my awareness. I scrambled over to Sheila. She was the only one in the room still asleep. Amy had initially scrambled away, her bare feet scrabbling at the carpet. Moaning. As she realized what was happening, she began to inch her way over to her carpet mate. By this time I was kneeling beside the still screaming girl.

I gathered her into my arms, gently rocking her. Unsure whether I should wake her, or let her wake herself. I was saved the decision. As I cradled her bound body, she snapped awake with another scream. Struggling violently. Swearing. Trying to free her arms. Kicking out at Amy, who had to scramble away again to avoid the thrashing legs. Finally, I managed to calm her, stroking her hair gently and holding her tight against myself. She fell into a deep weeping. I wasn't even sure that she had any idea where she was.

Amy managed to get herself to her knees. Fright and adrenaline flushing her face in the weak light.

"Is. She alright?" she whispered.

"I'm really don't know. Probably just a nightmare."

Amy nodded, watching with wide eyes. I glanced around the room. All the girls were flushed and watching with morbid fascination.

"You can all go back to sleep. She just had a nightmare."

Elizabeth mumbled something, "Some nightmare ..." She tried to settled back into her chair. Fighting off her adrenaline. Trying to slow her breathing.

I turned my attention to the shaking girl in my arms. She was breathing hard. Her eyes closed. Sweat was pouring off her brow. Her tangled blonde hair damp. Whispering to herself. I stroked her hair like a child.

"Shhhh. It was just a nightmare. Shhhh."

She seemed to calm a bit. Pulling at her ropes. Still crying. She hitched a few times and managed to stop. I wiped at her face. Brushing away her tears.

"I. I'm so sorry," she said quietly. "I. I didn't mean to wake everyone."

"That's alright. What happened, sweetheart?"

"N-nightmare. I. I should have warned you. I get them. My. Evan used to come into my room when I was screaming and hit me until I woke up and stopped. I'm sorry."

"He hit you for screaming? That makes sense."

"I don't know. Please. I didn't mean to wake you up. I'll try to go back to sleep. Please don't punish me."

"Relax. I'm not going to punish you for having a nightmare. Sweety. I'm surprised that you didn't scream last night."

"It was the first night in a long time that I haven't."

I stroked her hair. "Care to tell me about it?"

"I. I don't remember all of it. I. I was chained up. Naked. And. You were there. But you weren't doing anything. Just watching. Mayer. He was whipping me. Trying to get me to do something. My. p.u.s.s.y. Hard. I can still feel it." Her eyes began to tear up.

"Sheila. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It wasn't an order."

"I know. He was whipping me and I was screaming. Finally, he let me down. I remember him letting my wrists go and I fell. I ran to you. Begging you not to let him hurt me. Oh G.o.d. You showed me a riding crop. And I knew. You were going to whip me. My. p.u.s.s.y. As well. And I ran. Screaming. Because I hurt. Because you and Mayer were chasing me. Oh G.o.d. It just seemed so real. I. Feel sick."

I stroked her damp hair and kissed the top of her head. She shivered a bit.

"You going to be alright?"

"I. I don't know."

"Should we be getting you to a bathroom?"

"No. It's fading. I should be alright. I think."

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