Part 61
"Do you know why Jane is here?"
"No," she replied. I could see a spark of anger beginning to form in her eyes as I kept reminding her that Jane was here.
"Jane is here as part of your punishment."
Elizabeth's eyes overflowed with tears again, her whole body wracked with sobs as she wept at the unfairness.
"She is going to suffer everything you do."
"Please. I'll be good. I'll do what you say. I'll be obedient. Please."
Jane just looked on grimly. Ironically, she was feeling like she was the cause of Elizabeth's distress.
I rose, ignoring Elizabeth for now and walked to the rope connected to Jane. She turned to watch as I loosened the rope from its anchor. I gently pulled on the rope, using the eyebolt in the ceiling as a pulley. Jane obediently allowed me to raise her hands behind her back. As the pressure increased on her hands, she began to bend involuntarily at her waist. She finally cried out as her arms were pulled up into the air behind her and she was unable to relieve the pressure on her shoulders any more. I was vaguely reminded of Catherine, and the tree when I took Elizabeth.
Jane whimpered as I tied off the rope, holding her into the awkward position. She softly let one word escape her lips before pressing them together.
I ran my hands down her exposed flank, and she involuntarily kicked her bare foot. Not at me, just into the air. She squirmed as much as her arms let her. She felt soft beneath the material of her gown. Soft and vulnerable.
I slowly walked over to Elizabeth's rope. She spoke again.
"Please don't do that to me. Please? Let her go?"
I ignored her again, and gently pulled on Elizabeth's tether. She began to resist almost as soon as her hands began to rise. She squirmed, her mouth forming pleading words.
"Please. Talk to me. Please? M-master? Th-this slave begs you."
"Elizabeth, hush. I'll talk to you after you are like Jane. Okay?"
"No. Please. I can't."
I heard another soft voice speak from the other tether. "Elizabeth? Honey? Just let him do it. You'll end up this way anyway. You don't want a gag do you? You don't want any more welts do you? You have to listen to him. He'll talk to you after. Okay?"
"But ... oh G.o.d, please?"
I ignored her again, but this time when I applied pressure to her tether, she didn't resist. I purposely pulled her arms up a little tighter than Jane's, but she had no way of telling that. All she knew was that she was helpless, vulnerable and aching. She had risen on her bare toes to relieve some of the strain on her arms. I casually ran my fingers over her hanging breast, causing her to moan a little at the touch.
I left the girls in that awkward position, and returned to my comfortable chair. They remained quiet as I just watched them for a few minutes.
Elizabeth raised her head and looked up at me.
"Please, Master. Can a girl speak? Please?"
I sat back in my chair and nodded slowly. I'd allow her to speak for a moment.
She gathered her thoughts, knowing that this was probably her last chance to speak to me before she was screaming or gagged and unable to talk.
She took a deep breath, grimacing at the sensations in her bound arms.
"Master. Please. Can a girl beg for release?"
"You know you are going to be punished, Elizabeth," I told her gently.
"I know. Please. I want to beg for Jane's release from this. I'll do anything you want." She hung her head at the last words.
"You'll beg to have s.e.x with Amy?"
"In a second, if you'll release her. Please. Jane didn't do anything. She doesn't deserve to be in this pain. Please. My arms hurt. Her's do too."
"Elizabeth, you'll beg anyway once I'm done with you."
"Please. What can I offer you?"
"Don't scream."
"Don't scream?"
"Whatever I do to you, you can't scream."
"Oh G.o.d. I. I can't. I'll try. Just let Jane go. Please."
"I'll let Jane go when I'm sure you aren't going to scream."
I knew that this was an offer Elizabeth wasn't going to be able to hold up. She didn't know, but I wasn't going to hurt Jane anywhere near the amount that she was going to hurt. But having Jane here was part of her punishment.
"I'll try. Oh G.o.d, you can be a monster."
I smiled at that and rose to my feet. I walked back to the kneeling girl and crouched by her.
"Sheila? You alright?"
"You aren't going to hurt them are you? Not really?"
"They'll be fine. A bit sore, but I promise, no bruises. Alright?"
She nodded, tears still forming in her eyes.
"I want you to blindfold Elizabeth and tie her ankles apart."
Sheila just dumbly nodded her blonde head and fell to her hands and knees.
"Sheila, honey. You don't have to crawl."
"I. I'm sorry."
I a.s.sumed that Mayer probably had expected her to crawl sometimes. Perhaps she'd been through something like this before. She slowly climbed to her bare feet and made her way to the closet with the toys. I walked back to my chair and watched the girls uncomfortably shift, trying to ease the ache settling into their arms.
Sheila emerged seconds later holding a leather blindfold and a bar with leather cuffs attached to it. I'm quite sure that she had been the last person to wear them, and she looked distinctly uncomfortable even touching the things. But she walked over to Elizabeth, murmuring something, probably an apology. She slipped the blindfold over Elizabeth's head, carefully working her red hair out from under the elastic strap. Sheila then knelt behind Elizabeth, urging her feet about three feet apart and attaching the spreader bar to her. Elizabeth moaned as she felt the increase in pressure on her arms as her legs spread apart, but remained relatively quiet.
When she was done, Sheila walked over to my chair, handing me the tiny keys to the padlocks she'd used on Elizabeth's ankles. She then knelt demurely beside the chair, trying not to look at Jane or me.
I bent to Sheila's ear and whispered a command. She paled a bit, but obediently crawled towards Jane. Jane looked up from her bent position and caught my eye, a bit of fear in her face. She remained silent, though.
Sheila knelt in front of Jane and whispered something to her. Again, probably an apology, but this wasn't going to hurt her. Sheila brought her free hands up and slowly began to caress Jane's b.r.e.a.s.t.s through the thin gown, just lightly touching her. Jane gasped at the sensations and tried to stop herself from pulling away, knowing that I'd ordered Sheila to do this to her.
I sat back and watched the women, still loving the sights of them playing. Elizabeth was beginning to look really uncomfortable; she was shifting her weight and softly moaning.
I rose silently, and entered the closet. I picked up a small paddle from a shelf and walked back out. I motioned the other girls to be quiet, and Jane, who had twisted around a bit just widened her eyes and hung her head. She knew that the paddle was going to fall on her at some point in the near future.
I walked up behind Elizabeth, still silent. The only warning she got was the swish of the air as the paddle traveled towards her defenseless bare body. The sound probably reached her before the pain did. The paddle left a red mark across her left thigh and she jumped, desperately pulling against the bonds, trying to close her legs, wanting to scream but knowing that she couldn't. Wanting to see, but blind. She twisted, trying to free herself.
I watched as she gritted her teeth to the pain as it washed over her. Finally she drew in a huge breath and spoke in a strained voice.
"Please. Master. This slave begs you. She didn't cry out. Please release Jane."
Jane moaned again from her position. Sheila was now running her soft hands along Jane's calves. Jane's feet were free but she remained still for the exploration, struggling not to move.
Ignoring Sheila's plea, I brought the paddle down on her right thigh. Not hard, but I'm sure that she had never been exposed to this before and any unexpected blow was a struggle not to cry out. Again she fought her impulses not to scream and won.
"Oh G.o.d. I can't take much more of this. Please stop. You said if I didn't scream you'd let her go."
"Hush, Elizabeth. We've only just begun."
The bound girl fell into sobs, her entire bare body shaking with her silent crying. She was beginning to realize that I wasn't just going to hit her once. She'd have to keep control for a while yet before I'd let Jane go. And she knew, as well as I did, that there was no way that she'd succeed. She'd cry out involuntarily soon.
I crouched and let another soft blow land on her left calf. Instinctively she fought the leather holding her bare ankle, trying to move away from the pain. Again, she caught the gasp of pain before it rose to a wail.
Her right calf broke her. She finally cried out, not loud, but enough to be counted as a scream. She fell against her wrists and hung there, defeated.
"Oh G.o.d. Please. It hurts. Why? Please let her go. You can paddle me forever. I'll scream, but that's what you want, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Just let Jane go. Don't make her do this, too. Please?"
I gave her one last quick snap of the paddle against her right b.u.t.tock wrenching another scream from her lips. She twisted her body more, trying to avoid the next blow that wasn't coming. She continued to beg between gasps and tears.
I crouched by Sheila, leaving Elizabeth to cry to herself in her ropes.
"Sheila, give her a big kiss and then go kneel by the chair."
"Who? Jane or Elizabeth?"
I smiled. "Both."
"You weren't hitting her very hard."
"She hasn't been hit before. I don't constantly beat my women, you know."
Sheila nodded and rose up on her knees. She gently touched Jane's lips with her own, waiting for Jane's response. The girls kissed gently and Sheila crawled her way over to Elizabeth, still crying from her defeat and her pain.
Sheila whispered something to Elizabeth and reached up to touch Elizabeth's face with her lips. Elizabeth kissed back and Sheila crawled over to the chair, demurely kneeling.
Tears welled in Jane's eyes as I carefully worked the bodice of her gown down to reveal her naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She was breathing hard and her nipples were tight.
I whispered to her. "Sheila's talented, isn't she?"
"G.o.d. I just wish more guys knew how to touch girls like that." Jane paused. "You didn't have to hit her, you know. You knew she wouldn't be able to keep quiet."
"I know."
"If you didn't want to let me out of this, you should have just told her."
"She wouldn't have taken no for an answer. She wanted you out. She was willing to try for you."
"I suppose. What are you going to do with us. With me." Jane looked at her hanging naked b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
I reached up under her gown and let my finger trace through her pubic lips. She was wet, and she knew it.
She groaned. "Please don't do this. I. I hate when you do this to me."
"I haven't hit you yet."
"You will."
I brushed her nipples with my moistened finger, making her gasp again.
I whispered to her again.
"I am going to punish you both."
She just stood there and shuddered.
"Can you please loosen her arms. I know you've got her tighter than me, and I hurt. Please? For me? I'll do whatever you want out of this game of yours, but you don't need to hurt her as much as you are. She's not used to it."
"She'll be fine."
Jane sighed, knowing that she wasn't going to be able to influence this any further.
"Do what you have to, then." Resigned.
I picked up the paddle and retreated around Jane. She braced herself, knowing what was coming. I let the paddle fall onto her a.s.s. Even through the material she yelped. I continued, mirroring the punishment that I'd given to Elizabeth. Jane, being more used to the pain, was able to get by with sharp intakes of air, until I increased the strength of the blows to her calves. To her credit, she managed to stay relatively still as I punished her. I wrenched some involuntary cries out of her with the calves and the last harder blow to her b.u.t.tocks. I knelt in front of her and kissed the tears from her cheeks.
She whispered to me, "Let her go. Please? I'm hot. Wouldn't you rather f.u.c.k me?"
I kissed her again and returned to my chair.
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