Part 60

Part 60

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Her eyes widened as she realized that she wasn't going to lose her clothes this quickly. A smile almost graced her lips.

"I want you to keep licking her until I tell you to stop. If she climaxes again, give her a few minutes of break and then continue. I'm going to trust you with this. Okay?"

"I guess."

I rose to my feet and approached Amy. Sheila was still kneeling quietly at Amy's bound feet. I touched her blonde head and motioned her to sit up on the bed which she did silently. I crouched beside Amy who was still breathing a bit hard from her climax.

"I wasn't expecting that, you know."

"Neither was I." Tears were dripping down her face as she realized the enormity of what she had done. Climaxed voluntarily with another woman.

"Amy. What happened?"

"I don't know. I really don't. I closed my eyes, and it started to feel good. And I haven't been allowed any relief in days. And I. I guess I got turned on. I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about. I'm impressed that you could do it. Listen. I'm going to have Christi continue where Sheila left off."

"Oh G.o.d. Please no. I. I don't want it. No more. I climaxed for you. Please."

"Amy. There is precious little you can do about it. Christi is going to be on her knees, right here, and lick you until I tell her to stop. You can enjoy it if you want, or you can hate it. My guess is that hating it will make the time pa.s.s a lot slower. Pretend it's your boyfriend or something."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because I want to think about you in here with Christi licking you. Knowing it is happening."

"Oh G.o.d. Please."

"Up to you, how you deal with it. Okay?"

"I'm not a lesbian. Oh G.o.d. Please. I've done everything you want. Please untie me. I don't want to do this. Please?"

"Amy, n.o.body here thinks you are a lesbian. If you were, this wouldn't be nearly as much fun for me. You are just following orders. Okay?"

"I can't make you change your mind?"

"*fraid not."

She nodded, tears beginning anew as she realized that spread out the way she was, there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. And if she tried, it would just mean punishment.

"Good girl. Christi?"

Christi shuffled forward, her jeans whispering on the carpet. Her bare feet, upturned as she moved. She looked up at Amy who turned her face away, flushed and crying.

"I know, Amy. I don't particularly want to do this either. But he'll go easier on Jane and Elizabeth if we behave. Alright? I'm not into girls either. I've got it harder on this end. Believe me. Mighty hard to fantasize that I'm doing this to a guy when it's you I'm licking. Try to enjoy it, alright? It'll make the time go quicker. I get the feeling we are going to be at this a while." She turned towards me with a look of sadness. "You are a b.a.s.t.a.r.d you know. We've been good."

"I know, sweety. I'll give you a long rest after this. Okay?"

She nodded and placed her fingers lightly on the ropes that held Amy's knees apart. She sighed heavily and looked up at Amy again.

"You ready, sweety?"

"As ready as I can be, I guess," Amy took a deep breath waiting for the female tongue to touch her bound body.

Christi leaned forward and hesitantly stuck her tongue between her lips and traced up Amy's lubricated lower lips. Amy gasped, and Christi moaned at the touch. Given Amy's look, I wouldn't be surprised to see her reach another climax eventually. After watching the two women for a few moments, I turned back to the three girls on the bed.

"You three ready?"

Elizabeth had managed to stop her crying in Jane's arms. Jane shook her head negative, but she knew that it wasn't going to help them.

Sheila spoke gently from her seat on the bed.

"Master? Can a slave ask why she is involved in this? She was kind of busy during your explanation."

I smiled. She had been busy bringing Amy to her first climax of the day.

"Sheila. You are going to help me with Jane and Elizabeth."

"Doing what?"

"I find myself having to punish them. Are you going to be alright helping me?"

"You want me to hurt them? I. I don't know if I can do that."

"I'll keep my eye on you. If you look like you can't do it, I'll decide and get you out. Fair enough?"

"Yes, sir."

"Jane? Come here."

Jane squirmed out from beneath Elizabeth and rose to her bare feet to come stand in front of me. I could smell the flowers in her hair from her shampoo. She was still silky clean. Quite a difference from the sticky girl I had created earlier this morning.

I reached out and fingered the bodice of her dress. It was a strapless dress held up by her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. The strapless feature might just come in handy. She looked at me with regret in her eyes.

"I suppose that you are going to want me to take it off."

"Net yet."

"I'd rather strip than have you ruin it. If I have a choice."

"I won't ruin it. And if I do, we'll find you something else to wear."


"Maybe. Turn around."

She did, knowing what was coming. She held her hands loosely behind her back allowing me to place the handcuffs around her slender wrists. She whimpered a bit as she felt the steel bite into her skin, but she didn't resist. She knew that she was getting punished one way or the other, and resisting wouldn't make it any easier on her. I'm not sure she quite understood why she was getting punished with Elizabeth, but she was a smart girl. She probably did.

I motioned for the other girls to rise from the bed. They did, Elizabeth having a bit of trouble and favouring her chest, trying to move it as little as possible.

I led Jane out into the hallway, leaving the door open, giving me a view from the hall of Christi licking Amy. Amy's breathing was already getting heavier again as we left the room. Elizabeth and Sheila both trailed me out into the hallway, their bare feet whispering on the carpet.

Chapter 110.

I guided Jane towards the work room. As we approached, the girl hesitated. She knew what was in there, knew that she didn't particularly want to go in there as a victim, bound and at my mercy. She didn't want to feel most of the stuff that was contained in the room.

Her bare feet dug into the carpet as she resisted my guiding hand on her cuffs. She twisted as best she could with an imploring look on her face.


"Yes?" I indulged her for a moment before we entered.

"Please. I. This slave. She begs for forgiveness. For whatever she or Slave Elizabeth have done. She doesn't want to go in there. Please."

"You'll be okay. I'm not going to kill you."

Elizabeth paled, the whiteness extending her entire body.

"We'll both behave. We'll do anything you want. We'll crawl, we'll beg to make love to you? To Amy? To Christi? Sheila? All of you? Please. This slave doesn't want to be punished," Jane continued in a quick voice.

"Didn't you volunteer, earlier?"

"You were whipping her so hard. And I didn't know we were going in there. Please. Please give us another chance. Whatever we did."

Her whole body was shaking in fear beneath the dress. Her eyes were beginning to tear, but she was struggling for control of that. She knew full well that she had done nothing. Perhaps, that bothered her as well, that she was going to feel pain in there, and she hadn't done anything, perceived or otherwise, to deserve it. She'd been a model slave all morning.

"Jane. You didn't do anything."

"Then, why are you going to hurt me?"

"Who said anything about hurting you?"

"You aren't going to hurt us?"

"I guess you'll have to go in there to find out."

"Oh G.o.d. Please."

I heard a small voice from behind me, Elizabeth's. "I'm sorry Jane. I'm so sorry."

Jane gave Elizabeth a rea.s.suring smile through her tears, realizing the effect her pleading was having on the other girl. She took a deep breath, exerted that powerful self-control and stopped the tears. She squared her shoulders and nodded grimly.

I turned. Sheila and Elizabeth were both pale, from their noses to their pretty toes. Sheila, like Jane, and perhaps more so, was fully aware of what was behind door number three. Elizabeth just knew that Jane was really frightened of it, and that was enough to cause her tears.

I turned the k.n.o.b of the door and Jane bravely walked through the doorway. The den looked very normal at the moment. A few eyebolts, but otherwise a normal den. The red stain was still marring the surface of the dark carpet, but it had long since dried. I motioned the two nude women into the room. Sheila hesitated, but forced herself to walk in, probably expecting to see Mayer still there. Elizabeth, unknowing, walked in a bit more relaxed, glancing around, not really knowing what had caused the other girls' trepidation.

Two ropes hung from the ceiling where Mayer had been secured. Jane had tied them there, and they dangled like a gallows, gently swaying in the air that had been disturbed by Jane's pa.s.sing.

Jane swallowed heavily and turned towards me as I closed the door behind us.

"Where do you want us?"

"By the ropes there."

She paled a bit but moved herself towards the dangling ropes stopping beside one. She stood there uneasily, shifting her weight from foot to foot. I stopped Sheila from following Elizabeth, as she walked over beside Jane. I gently pressed on Sheila's shoulder, urging her to her bare knees. She sank down, almost automatically.

I walked over to the frightened girls and smiled kindly at them.

"Calm down you two, you look like you're about to be shot."

"Aren't we?"

"I promise not to shoot you, unless you get really out of hand."

Jane swallowed, her nervousness still evident on her face. I touched her shoulder, turning her gently around. She turned on her bare feet and presented her back to me. I lightly grasped her wrist by the chain between them and guided her backwards to the rope hanging from the ceiling.

I tied a quick knot in the rope, capturing the chain. I urged Elizabeth into a similar position on the other rope. The ropes had previously held Mayer's wrists, and were threaded up through the eyebolt and secured to the other bolt in the wall. Almost a pulley arrangement.

Leaving the girls tethered, I walked back and sat in the leather chair. Jane and Elizabeth turned themselves slowly to watch me, remaining silent. I gazed at them, still marveling that I could have these women so far under my control. They had allowed me to do this to them. This teen, in the unfamiliar and stunning evening gown, her hands encased in steel behind her, tethered to the ceiling. Not allowed underwear or shoes. She gazed back at me, almost defiantly. She'd be screaming soon enough.

And Elizabeth. The red head was standing completely nude. She'd allowed me to restrain her, knowing that she was going to be punished for disobedience. Her eyes were lowered, realizing her helplessness.

I let my gaze wander over Sheila. She was more relaxed, knowing that she wasn't going to be punished, just waiting quietly on her knees and watching. Used to being nude.

I turned my attention back to Elizabeth.


She looked up, her eyes tearing as she realized that she was going to have to speak as well.

"Do you know why you are here?"

"You want to punish me."


"Because I disobeyed. Because I refused to do what you asked."

"Do you know why Jane is here?"

"No. Please let her go? She doesn't deserve this. I'm the one who disobeyed. Please? I'll take whatever you want to do to me, but she's innocent. Please?"

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