Part 74
"Bring her back to say good-bye?" Christi pleaded.
"I've brought all of them back. Don't worry about that."
"Can I go to Jane?"
"Of course, if you want to." I told her gently.
With that, I gently guided Elizabeth out into the hallway, guiding her up the stairs towards the master bedroom. She followed the soft commands of my fingers obediently and slowly climbed the stairs in front of me. I cherished the view of her bare body as she moved. I wasn't going to have her much longer.
I shut the door behind us. I wasn't afraid of Jane or Christi coming upstairs to eavesdrop, nor did we particularly require the privacy. But it felt cozy, just the two of us.
I turned and Elizabeth was standing awkwardly in the center of the room, much like Amy had. She looked over at me.
"Can you take these things off me?" she asked quietly, rattling the chain on her handcuffs.
I walked over to the bed and sat down, gazing over her nudity.
She sighed, and sank to her knees, knowing what was expected of her. "I guess not." She murmured mostly to herself, in reference to her wrists being joined.
I sat and gazed at her. She wasn't a ravishing beauty, but she exuded an inner beauty, and inner strength, a certain n.o.bility. All despite her submissive posture on her knees in front of me. And she certainly wouldn't be out of place in a bikini on the beach. She lowered her head and suffered my last inspection of her without complaint.
"Yes, master?" she relied in deference.
"You don't ..." I began and then realized that she simply didn't have any other t.i.tle or name by which to call me. I was going to tell her that the word "master" wasn't necessary. But I had created a situation where it couldn't be avoided.
"Why do you keep us?" she asked quietly. "If I can ask that."
"I don't know, Elizabeth. I really don't know. I'm letting you go, now."
"I know. I. I can hardly believe it. I'm. I'm sad in a way."
"Me too. I like you."
"I know. Can I ask why you won't let me out of the chains?"
"Because I like to watch you in them. Are they uncomfortable?"
"No. Beyond the humiliation of wearing them at all." She rattled the bonds on her wrists again to make her point.
"I'll let you out of them soon. After we talk."
She nodded slowly, her mind processing that she wouldn't be restrained much longer. A smile almost graced her features.
"Amy. I miss her," she spoke slowly.
"I do too."
"I'd like to know her in real life. And the others."
I slowly shook my head. "I'm really sorry. Unless you meet by chance, and that would be unlikely, I fear."
"You could ..." Elizabeth began.
"Do you really want me meddling in your real lives?"
She closed her mouth and thought about it, unsure of herself suddenly. Finally, she closed her eyes and shook her head. I had no intention of meddling in their real lives, even had she agreed now to it. That would make me as bad as Mayer.
"What did Amy want?" she asked quietly.
I was thrown by the unexpected turn of the conversation. Females were good at that. I answered with a very intelligent "Huh?"
She wore an exasperated expression, like I should have followed her leap of connectivity. She explained patiently, "Amy. You were going to give us something we all wanted. What did she want?"
I couldn't see any harm in telling the girl. "She didn't want anything. She wanted a kiss, and to say good-bye, but mostly she wanted to just go home."
Elizabeth thought about that for a moment. "I can see that. She really wanted out."
I nodded as Elizabeth lapsed into silence kneeling there quietly and thinking. I watched her, but she showed no signs of continuing the conversation.
"Elizabeth?" I asked gently. "What do you want?"
She looked up as though wakened from a dream. She began to say something. Something I couldn't make out then she took a breath and spoke.
"I can have anything? Anything at all?"
"No. You can have anything reasonable. Anything that isn't going to take a lot of time. And nothing that will hurt me or any of the other girls."
She snorted. "You think I'd want to hurt one of the other girls?"
I looked at her. "No, but I just wanted to be clear."
She thought for a moment. I was sure she'd known what she was going to ask for since I'd mentioned it. But now the time was here, and she was getting cold feet. Perhaps it was her lack of socks.
"I'm not going to remember any of this, am I?"
I shook my head.
She took a deep breath. She began slowly, and built up momentum, her words beginning to tumble from her lips near the end.
"You. You know that I'm not exactly the most ... um ... experienced girl that you took. Right? I mean, I may be the oldest, but that doesn't necessarily make me the most s.e.xually active. I. I've always been shy, and I've always avoided s.e.xual contact. I. I m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.ed. A lot. But that's it. I mean, I've had partners in real life. But nothing like you've shown me. I didn't even know that some people get turned on by these." She rattled her hands. "I didn't even know that I got turned on by these," she whispered. "You've opened my eyes. I've never felt any of these things before, and I'm afraid of losing them when you send me back. I've never had a multiple o.r.g.a.s.m, never been with women, never felt the rush of being in bondage. Even the whipping. I can't say I liked that, but I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would. Oh G.o.d. You are going to think I'm the biggest s.l.u.t ever."
She collapsed into crying gently, her bound hands rising to her face.
I slipped off the bed and crouched in front of the bare girl, letting her cry for a few minutes. Finally she sniffled and looked up at me, surprised that I was so close to her.
"I. I wanted you to take me to the neighbours again. Let Karen ... oh Christ ... I can't do this. Let her pleasure me again."
I looked into her teary eyes, not quite believing my ears. She continued swiftly.
"You can tie me up. To the chair again. Whip me if you want. Have Karen lick me. Down there. Please don't think I'm weird. I just want to feel that again."
I swallowed. We could do that, and I certainly didn't have any objections to it. I'd love to see it again. I couldn't believe that she wanted to do it, but I suppose I could understand. However, it would take far too much time. We would have to take Karen again, take the time to walk over there.
I controlled my impulses and slowly shook my head. "I'm so sorry, Elizabeth. I want to do it too, but time ... doesn't permit. Is there anything else?"
Her face was a mask of disappointment, but she managed to control herself.
"Christi is going to hate me. I know it. But what about you?"
"Yeah. Make love to me?"
That threw me. The girl wanting to make love to me. Offering herself, as her last wish on this timeline.
I sat there stunned. I actually thought I saw her grin slowly, proud of herself that she'd managed to shock me.
She spoke gently. "If I let you tie me to the bed, could you make me feel that multiple o.r.g.a.s.m thing again?"
I had no idea. I only knew that last time, I'd whipped her while she was being licked. I wasn't sure I could raise her to the right level of stimulation on my own. And I didn't want to involve Christi and Jane at this time. Not without their consent. And I had a funny feeling that they wouldn't consent, given a true choice.
I took a deep breath. "Elizabeth. I really don't know if I can take you there. I can try, but you'll have to accept whatever I do to you. And I still can't guarantee that you'll have a multiple climax."
"What other choice do I have?"
I shrugged. "Will you be disappointed if you don't have a multiple o.r.g.a.s.m?" I asked her gently.
She thought about it for a moment then shook her pretty head. "As long as it's interesting and pleasurable. That's all I can ask, isn't it?"
"That's all you can ask in real life as well."
She took another deep breath. "I wish I could remember that advice in real life." She leaned forward, her bound hands resting on my thigh. She kissed me gently.
Without releasing her hands, I guided her to her bare feet and onto the bed. I lay her back, stretching her out, gently guiding her bound hands above her head, spreading her ankles to the sides of the bed. She shivered, but held the position.
"You sure you want to do this?" I asked her gently.
She nodded.
I fished around in the pack, finding some soft cord which I used to gently secure her to the bed posts. I pulled her bare body taut, watching as she tested each restraint by pulling gently against it.
"I can't move," she remarked unnecessarily.
I sat cross legged between her spread thighs and looked her over. She flushed, but didn't have much choice but to lay there and accept my gaze. It wasn't as though she'd never been tied down before, it was just that this time it was by her permission and desire. Not mine.
Don't get me wrong. I desired it as well. It was unrealistic, I knew, but I sort of wished that they all would choose a bit of fun in bondage as their last wish on this time line. I smiled to her.
"Elizabeth. I want you to listen carefully. This isn't my game. This is yours. I'm going to do things to you, that I think are going to make you feel good, and perhaps raise you up high enough to really o.r.g.a.s.m. I might hurt you," I spoke quietly.
She flushed deeply at the words, getting a very frightened look on her face. She hadn't expected that I might hurt her after she allowed herself to be rendered helpless. She began to protest, but I leaned forward and touched her lips, urging her to be quiet.
"If it were my game," I continued, "I'd hurt you as long and as hard as I liked. It wouldn't matter how much you think you can take." I paused to let that sink in. She paled even further. "But, this isn't my game. We're doing this for you, this time. Understand?"
She nodded, still pale. She didn't want to be hurt unbearably. And I couldn't blame her. But I knew that she needed some extra stimulation if she wanted to o.r.g.a.s.m as heavily as she wanted.
"I'm going to give you a safeword. Do you know what that is?"
She shook her pretty head, afraid to speak. She was pulling again at her ropes.
"I want you to be able to protest, scream, do whatever you want to do, but not stop me. Okay?"
She looked confused but I continued on.
"A safeword is something that will stop the play. I will stop when you use it. But a word of caution. I'll try to keep things within your limits, this time. For you. But if you stop it ... then we both have to decide to continue. You might not get to continue if I stop. Okay?"
Understanding finally lit her eyes. She nodded silently. Still not wanting to interrupt. The concept was fascinating to her. She'd be able to scream, and protest but I wouldn't stop. But she still could stop if she wanted. This was so unlike anything else I'd ever done to her. She had never had the option of stopping me before, no matter how uncomfortable she was.
"Do you have any suggestions for safeword?"
"How about *safeword'," she replied unimaginatively. It would have worked, but I preferred something with more flair.
"Try again," I prodded her thigh with a finger.
She swallowed. "How about *Lazarus'"
That had a nice ring to it, and she was unlikely to use it in any cursing I might wring from her vocal chords. At least not accidentally.
"Alright. Are you ready?"
She nodded, a smile playing about her lips. Those lips that with any luck I'd have begging soon enough. And by her request.
Chapter 123.
We began slowly. From my sitting position, I gently caressed her bare skin with my fingertips. I ran my fingers along her stretched legs, along her tummy, along her ribs. I teased her, purposely avoiding her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and p.u.s.s.y. She squirmed, occasionally gasping, pulling against her bonds as my fingers explored her body. I continued, touching her face, her thighs, her underarms, her calves, her knees, her toes. I continued until I could see her arousal between her legs. She couldn't hide it, unable to press her legs together.
One word emerged from her lips, "Please."
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