Part 73
"A small pizza joint where I get pawed by the regulars. But it's harmless. And I don't mind. They'd love to see me now ..." her voice trailed off.
"You are a strong girl, you know that?"
"I begged. I couldn't take all that you did to me."
"Doesn't make you weak. The pain was designed to make you beg."
"I know. But I still feel weak. I couldn't get away. I'm dependent on you letting me go. My entire life is in your hands."
"I'll let you go. I swear it."
"I know. It's all I've been able to think about since you discovered me in the hotel suite. I did what I was told, but only because you'd hurt me. Not because I enjoyed it."
"Amy, honey. I know. You've never quite accepted captivity."
"I accepted it. I just didn't like it. You try being tied into a chair without your clothes for hours on end. h.e.l.l, add in a h.o.m.os.e.xual encounter or two without your consent and see how long you last."
I slipped off the bed and knelt beside the girl. Tears were beginning to form in her eyes. I kissed them gently away for her. I held her gently.
"I may have control here because I managed to find the secrets of the universe, but you are far stronger than I'll ever be. I'd have been a raving loon if I'd been put through half the things I've put you girls through. I recognize it."
She lifted her head, gazing at me, willing her tears to stop.
"You really do mean that."
"Of course, I do."
She leaned forward and kissed me gently on the lips, letting her lips linger for a moment. When she broke the kiss, I stared at her, confused.
She spoke softly. "You do horrible things. And I can't like you. But at least you have the courtesy of knowing us."
"What was the kiss for?" I wanted so much more from her, but I had promised not to take her. I could have anyway. She'd have forgotten it. But I couldn't. My mind wouldn't let me.
"Just because I know that you could have me, anyway you want me, and you never did. I may have been uncomfortable, but you never pushed me beyond my limits, even when I p.i.s.sed you off. I hate you, and I love you. All at the same time. And I wanted to kiss you once, when you hadn't forced me to."
I smiled and rose to my feet. I extended my hand to her. She grasped me lightly and pulled her bare body to a standing position. She smiled at me.
"I'm going home now?"
I nodded slowly. I didn't want to let her go anymore than I wanted to let go Sheila, but I had to and she seemed to realize that.
"I'm ready," she slowly said as I took one last private look at her beautiful body. In response to my look, she sighed and lifted her arms above her head. She daintily pirouetted for me, her bare feet whispering across the carpet.
She grinned as she returned to an easy stance, I guess the open look of admiration flattered her.
"I know that I'm no beauty like Christi or Jane, but thank you. I think."
I smiled and guided her back out to the hallway. She walked easily, her step happy and looking forward to going home. I couldn't blame her.
She stopped herself just in front of the library. She turned and tilted her head up towards me.
"One last thing?"
"What's that?"
"Kiss me? I feel odd. Guilty. I mean, I have a boyfriend who I've tried to picture whenever you were around or you made me have s.e.x. But it didn't always work. And I kissed you, I want to be kissed. Once. Before I leave and forget all this."
"You are a strange girl."
She smiled, obviously taking the comment as a compliment. I'd intended it as a nice thing, so I was glad to see that she could recognize it for what it was.
I gently leaned down, feeling her bare arms encircling my neck. She raised her head, letting me gently kiss her lips. I briefly felt her tongue touching my lips. She kissed me until I broke the kiss. She looked flushed, and she smiled as she stood there. She was no longer conscious of her nudity, she stood easily. Her small nipples were hardened and she was breathing heavily.
"Thank-you," she whispered. "That was my bit of naughtiness. That's what I really wanted."
I couldn't understand, had no hope of understanding. She was female, in a strange situation. There probably was no explanation. All I knew was that the kiss had ignited me, yet again, and I knew that she wasn't going to pull a last minute Sheila and ask for s.e.x. I would never have her, but maybe that was alright.
She smiled, knowing what she'd done to my pa.s.sions, she'd been pressed against me after all. I wondered how much of it she'd orchestrated, but I didn't mind. She deserved her small victories, and I was pretty sure that she'd managed to get herself into a bit of a state at the same time. Not like she could hide the flush of her skin from her bare toes to her rosy cheeks.
She pushed open the doorway and fairly pranced into the library.
"Amy!" Elizabeth nearly shouted as she entered.
"Elizabeth. I'm going home," she seemed so happy as she spoke. I stepped into the room to watch the naked women embrace. Amy, with her hands free, wrapped her arms around Elizabeth. Elizabeth had tears in her eyes, though it was hard to tell if they were of happiness or melancholy. They remained in the embrace for some time, Elizabeth shaking slightly. Finally the girls separated and looked at each other.
"I can't believe you are leaving," Elizabeth whispered.
Amy's breath hitched but she managed to keep her control.
"Me neither."
"I'm going to miss you, kid," Elizabeth said.
Amy smiled and kissed Elizabeth.
"We've been through a h.e.l.l of a lot together."
Elizabeth nodded. Probably remembering the recent trip to the neighbours. This girl in front of her had seen her first multiple o.r.g.a.s.m. Had been there when she had asked me for s.e.x the first time. They had been bound to each other, standing up all night, ropes running through their s.e.x, each movement felt by the other. If that didn't make two women feel close to one another, I'm not sure what would. Both girls flushed at the memories.
"Take care of yourself," Amy whispered.
She turned to face Christi. Christi couldn't help herself, she practically leapt into an embrace, pressing herself against Amy, holding her as she cried.
"I'm going to miss you, too," Christi whispered.
She gave her a full hug again, kissing her cheek. Amy flushed a bit at the attention, but stood easily. Amy nodded, and an understanding pa.s.sed between them. Something unspoken.
Amy whispered a quick "Good-bye" and turned back to me.
"Jane?" she whispered.
I nodded and took her small hand in mine. As we left, Amy turned to the other two girls.
She grinned. "I'm going to miss our showers," and she turned quickly and pulled me along behind her, before the other girls could say any further good-byes.
We entered the dining room and Jane was sitting again on the window sill, swinging her bare legs under her gown. She smiled as Amy walked in.
"Still didn't let you have clothes?"
Amy grinned and spread her arms outstretched. "I'm used to it, and what's the point in asking for them. I'm going home soon." She smiled widely at the words. Jane rose to her bare feet and embraced Amy. The girls hugged. As they separated, a single tear traced down Jane's features.
"I'm sorry I had to whip you," Jane whispered.
"I know who to blame for that," Amy rea.s.sured her, shooting me a dirty look. "You helped me a lot more than you hurt me," she continued.
Jane smiled. "I only wish you the best. You. You are strong."
"Not as strong as you are," Amy smiled back. Then she whispered a quick "Good-bye."
She turned back towards me. I nodded to Jane as she turned to sit back in her sunshine. I guided the nude woman back out into the hallway. I led her through the front door and out onto the front porch.
I took a deep breath.
"You ready?" I asked the nude beauty.
"This is it?" she asked quietly.
I nodded gently. "Time to go home. Go watch some television with your father."
She took a deep breath, unsure if she actually wanted to say anything further. She opened her mouth and then re-closed it. Finally she spoke.
"I can't believe that I got used to it. All the things you made me do, I would never have imagined that I could. Even through all the pain, and the humiliation, you were fair. Even if I hate you, I have to respect you," she said haltingly. "I want to thank you for not hurting my father."
"You did that. By being good and not making my life hard."
"I made your life hard, and you could have hurt him just to get to me. You knew. I just wanted you to know I appreciated it. Even if you made me do things that I didn't like to ensure it. At least you kept your word."
"Can I ask for one last thing?" I asked her.
"Do I have a choice?"
"You have a choice. I'll let you go whether you indulge me or not."
"If it's s.e.x and I have a choice ..."
"It's not s.e.x."
She c.o.c.ked her head to her bare shoulder, her face a mask of puzzlement.
"Ask me."
"Just one last hug?"
She smiled and moved quickly towards me. I felt her bare body as she pressed herself into me, holding me tight. I held her, rocked her, for a few minutes. She held me until I broke the embrace. She stepped back, then rose up on her bare toes and kissed my lips for the last time.
I wasn't sure, but I thought I heard her breathe, "Good-bye, Master," as she settled herself back down onto her bare feet. She stepped backwards, her head tilted up, her hair catching the sunlight.
I took a deep breath and collapsed her bubble. She gasped slightly, and smiled as her body slipped into another plane of existence.
Chapter 122.
I stood out on the porch for at least a quarter of an hour, simply staring at the spot where she had stood. I missed her already. Missed her laughter, her strength, her determination. I smiled briefly as I recalled laughing with her after deafening the poor creature.
"Good-bye, Amy," I whispered to n.o.body in particular.
I swallowed heavily and turned back towards the house. My heart was heavy as I knew that I still had three more good-byes to get through in the next few hours. If they were all this hard, I wasn't going to last.
Elizabeth looked up from her book as I entered the library. Christi was curled up with her nose stuck in the Talisman. Christi didn't bother looking up at the intrusion.
"I guess I'm next?" Elizabeth took a deep breath and spoke gently from her seat behind the desk.
I nodded slowly. Elizabeth rose to her bare feet and carefully closed her book. She set it aside on the side of the desk and looked over at Christi. Christi had dropped her book to her lap and was looking at Elizabeth's bare form. Both Christi and I watched silently as Elizabeth looked up at me.
"I'm not going to finish it, am I?" Elizabeth was referring to her book.
I shook my head, unable to speak.
Tears formed in Elizabeth's eyes, though I wasn't sure if it was because she was uncertain of what was about to happen to her, or she was genuinely upset at not finishing the book. Slowly she picked back up Tale of Two Cities and withdrew the slip of paper that was marking her page. Almost reluctantly, she let it fall to the table. She slowly walked back to the bookcase behind herself and slipped the book between David Copperfield and Great Expectations. The sound of the book sliding home echoed through the still library. Elizabeth turned.
"I'm ready," she spoke quietly.
I extended my hand, reaching for the bare girl. She slowly walked over, the chain of her handcuffs rattling a little as she moved.
"Don't hurt her? Please?" Christi's smooth voice called out as I pushed open the door.
I turned back to the clothed girl still curled up on the chair. Tears were in her eyes as well.
"I won't."
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