Part 79
She watched in apprehension as I approached with the items in my arms. I dropped them at her feet in the gra.s.s. She took a deep breath, let it out in one long stream, and reached out to touch the gag with her toe. It required a bit of balancing on her part, but she did it anyway.
She licked her lips. "I. I don't want to be gagged."
I touched her red lips and traced them gently.
"Does it matter what you want anymore?"
A tear slipped from her eye as she looked at me. She slowly shook her head. If I wanted her gagged, she would be, and however reluctantly she'd accept it.
"I'm scared," she whispered.
"You should be. Means you are still sane," I answered her as I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. I had meant to get her lips, but she turned her head at the last moment.
She looked back at me after I'd withdrawn. The words seemed to make her feel better. I could almost see the thoughts going through her mind. She could have had anything she wanted. A rest in a nice soft bed. A nice meal. Even a walk in the park. Instead, she had chosen to be here. Handcuffed and stretched on a tree, waiting for the pain to begin. I watched as she shivered.
I bent and picked up the crop. Her eyes followed it with extreme trepidation.
"I'll do whatever you want," she whispered. "You don't have to punish me for whatever I did ..."
Still looking into her eyes, I let the crop fall hard onto her thighs. The dress didn't provide much protection for her and she wasn't expecting the blow. She cried out more in surprise than anything else.
"Ow. s.h.i.t. That f.u.c.king hurts. I'd forgotten. Shiiiit."
Her legs danced through the gra.s.s as she tried her best to pull out of the handcuffs. I was certain that she was really going to hurt her wrists if I left her in her current restraints. At least she would if I was going to be tormenting her as much as I intended.
I smiled at her as she tried to control the pain in her legs.
"I thought that you were going to control your screams."
"Oh s.h.i.t. I'm sorry. I. This slave forgot. Please give her another chance. Hit her again, she'll be quiet. Oh G.o.d, please don't punish her for it."
"We made a deal ..."
"I. She knows. Oh G.o.d. She's sorry. Your slave was surprised. She didn't mean to scream."
She had regained most of her composure. She was still hurting, I could see it in her eyes, but she was determined not to scream on the next two punishments. One way or the other, I considered, I wanted to break her of that promise. Just for fun. She would scream.
"Alright. You can have another chance."
"Oh G.o.d. Thank-you."
She wouldn't be thanking me later.
I bent and retrieved the scissors, dropping the crop back to the gra.s.s. Her eyes widened at the sight of the sharp blades. I held the instrument up in front of her face, waving them slightly.
She licked her lips and spoke softly. "Can a slave speak?"
I nodded.
She seemed to be struggling with something internal, but she arrived at a decision. She opened her mouth and closed it again. Finally she opened her mouth and spoke softly.
"This slave. She has to tell you something. She doesn't want you to get angry with her, though."
I considered it. "I can't promise you anything."
"Please don't get angry with me. I mean ... angry with your slave. She's sorry and she didn't know what she was doing ..."
I was curious now what was going on in her pretty head. She squirmed against the restraints in front of me, knowing that I was about to cut the dress from her body. Perhaps, she was stalling me, not wanting to part with her only possession. I could understand that.
"Jane? Better tell me quick, before I get tired of this and gag you."
"No. Please. I. This ..." her voice trailed off.
"It's alright. Drop the slave talk."
She looked a little relieved. "Please. Master. I. I'm frightened. And I don't want to make it worse on me than it is. But I have to tell you the truth. I don't know why. But I have to."
I stepped back, lowering the scissors to my side. I looked at her quizzically, not really knowing what to expect.
She continued hesitantly, "Those scissors ... I can't do this."
I glanced at Christi who was shaking her head at Jane, obviously telling her not to continue whatever it was she was going to do. Jane ignored her and spoke in a whisper.
"The first night after you took me. In the morning. I made breakfast. Remember?"
I nodded slowly.
Jane continued, her words rushing out of her mouth now. "Christi let me free in the morning to make breakfast and ... and ... and I picked up the scissors you'd left. I. I was going to stab you. And I couldn't. Christi was begging me not to, and I couldn't. Even though you'd put me through h.e.l.l. I don't know why. I couldn't do it. Oh G.o.d, please don't stab me."
I had no idea what kind of bravery that took. She didn't have to tell me that. I had forgiven her that long ago. I'd forgiven it almost as soon as I heard it from Christi's mouth so long ago. I'd watched her a bit more carefully and never understood it. But here she was, more vulnerable than ever before, stretched on her bare feet to a tree, knowing that I was going to punish her, and she braved to tell me the truth. It almost brought tears to my eyes. She was so strong, and so confused. I resolved that I wouldn't punish her for it, no matter what.
I licked my lips. "I. I know, Janey."
She looked confused and glanced over at Christi still kneeling in the gra.s.s. I hurriedly continued, lying for Christi.
"She didn't tell me, though she would have if I'd asked. I wasn't asleep," I lied to her.
Jane's eyes shifted back to my face. "You knew?"
"Of course, I knew. Why do you think you were more actively restrained on the next nights than you were that first night?"
She took a deep breath. "You never punished me for it, though."
"I understood. And you stopped. I never quite understood it, but you never tried again, to my knowledge."
"I didn't. I wouldn't."
I stepped over and gave her a kiss again. This time she didn't turn her head. When I broke the kiss, she was breathing harder and she spoke quietly.
"I'm glad I didn't."
I grinned at her. "d.a.m.n right you are glad you didn't. A second attempt, stopped or not, and you really wouldn't have sat down for a week."
She paled a bit, realizing what I'd threatened for this session.
"Even so, I'm still glad I didn't hurt you when I could have," she spoke softly. I could see in her eyes that she at least suspected that Christi had told me, but she didn't seem to mind. Probably understood. She was a perceptive one. Hard to lie to her.
"Are you ready?" I held up the scissors again. Jane blanched but nodded her head.
I walked up to her, placing the sharp scissors just inside the neckline of her dress. She shivered a bit, tears beginning to form in her eyes. She had been allowed the clothes for a day or so. She was getting used to being covered. The evening dress was not only the most expensive she'd ever owned, but it was her only real possession. That and the jewelry she still wore for me. I was about to remove it irretrievably, rend it from her physically. She took a deep breath and braced herself.
In one quick motion I let the scissors fall through the expensive dress. She was careful not to move as the material parted for the blades. She cried out a bit at the tearing sounds, but waited until the black fabric fluttered uselessly to the gra.s.s around her bare ankles. When the material was lying still on the ground she finally gave up and let the tears flow. She cried silently staring at the ground, caressing the fabric with her bare toes.
I turned to see Christi's eyes wet as well. A fellow captive in tears and not from physical pain. I licked my lips. Much as I hated doing it, it had to be done. It didn't really matter, I'd seen her bare body before, and she needed to be separated from the dress before she left. The dress would have been in the way, and it heightened her sensations to have it forcibly removed.
I sat back in the gra.s.s beside Christi. I slowly stroked her arm as I let Jane cry. My eyes took in her nude beauty. Robbed of her garment, she was a stunning sight. As pretty as I remembered her. Even with her head hung in tears, her flawless b.r.e.a.s.t.s were upthrust into the sunlight. Her body was shining from head to toe, radiating an inner strength and beauty that was unique to her. Only a thin red line crossed her silky thighs on an upward angle. The mark from the crop.
"I'm going to cry, too, when you take mine," Christi whispered as she knelt beside me.
I nodded. I was sure she would as well.
Jane finally managed to stop her weeping, and raised her eyes to look at me. I slowly got to my feet, and she spoke quietly, "I'm ready."
I walked over to her. "Are you?" I wiped gently at her tears.
"Thank you for letting me cry," she said as she twisted her arms. "Can I ask how long I'm going to be here? My arms hurt already."
"I know, they do. I'll let you down soon."
I turned towards Christi and motioned her over. Without being told, she automatically crawled the short distance to me. It was probably easier than standing and then kneeling again. At least in her mind.
"Kneel behind her."
Without question, Christi shuffled behind Jane, kneeling and waiting for my next request.
"Touch her."
Christi began a protest, and then realized that it was useless. Besides, she was here for this. Jane and her had something between them. A history. They'd been together many times, and not always because I'd forced it. I suspect the protest was just automatic, not really thought out. She quickly realized that it was just the three of us, and that I didn't care what she did with Jane.
She reached up as Jane spread her legs. The posture forced more pressure on her wrists, but Jane knew that it was expected. Her feet barely touching the ground, she gasped as the first light touch of Christi's fingers caressed her lips.
Christi gasped as well. I looked around Jane's form silently asking Christi what was wrong.
Christi whispered, her face beet red, "She's very wet. I. I guess I wasn't expecting it. I'm sorry."
I looked up at Jane, but she had her eyes closed, her face flushed as well. I couldn't really tell if it was the humiliation, shame or just sheer excitement level.
Her eyes snapped open. I could tell from her eyes that it really was a combination of arousal and humiliation. Even being here by her choice wasn't enough to stop her feeling guilty for her body betraying her mind. She was an independent girl and still couldn't understand why her body reacted to this kind of treatment. She probably simply wanted a change from real life. Less control in her s.e.x life, and it was falling to an extreme. Probably only because I was here, and she didn't have much choice.
I held up the scissors and her eyes followed them.
"Hold still," I whispered to her.
I gently dragged the sharp edge over her cheek. She shivered, but managed to keep her face pressed to the blade. She didn't flinch which was good for her. I traced the blade over her pert nose. I watched as she wrinkled it prettily after the blade went on to touch her sensitive lips. I withdrew, not a speck of blood gracing her.
She let her breath out in a long sigh of relief. I let her rest for a moment and then began at her chest. I traced the tip of the scissors along her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s, circling the erect nipples. She tensed immediately, trying to hold her breath, trying to keep still, trying not to flinch or move away from the dangerous steel. I could see her struggling with the sensations of Christi's fingers. Trying not to buck, trying to remain motionless. One move in the wrong direction, for her or me, would mean big trouble for her soft skin. She knew that and I knew that. We almost had to become one.
She took a quick breath as I moved the blade from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I looked down and watched as Christi's middle finger slowly entered Jane and pumped up and down. Ever so slowly. Christi was well aware that if Jane climaxed, not only could Jane hurt herself, but that I would probably punish Christi. I didn't want Jane climaxing yet, no matter how much she deserved it.
I carefully sc.r.a.ped along Jane's erect nipples, careful not to cut her quivering b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She desperately wanted to move away. I can't imagine how protective of her nipples she would feel. If possible her nipples got harder under the sc.r.a.pe of the blades. I did that to her twice before she begged. I could see her body trembling, fatigue causing her muscles to protest at keeping completely still.
"Please. I. Can't. Please don't cut me. Oh G.o.d. Please."
"You can't keep still?" I rested the blade carefully just above her right nipple.
"Please. Not much longer."
"You don't want a cut on your b.r.e.a.s.t.s? On your nipples?"
"Please. I like my nipples on my body. Oh G.o.d. I'm scared."
Truthfully, I didn't want to hurt her that much anyway. And I'm not into blood. I would have felt very badly if I'd cut her, but I had faith in her control. Despite the stimulation between her legs and her fading strength, I thought she'd be able to hold it for a few more minutes.
To her credit she tried. Despite the shaking of her body and the trembling muscles she managed to stay still for a few more minutes. She screamed as her thighs refused to support her. As she inhaled deeply for the scream, I moved the steel from her nipple. She screamed again before she looked down at herself. She looked like she was readying herself to be greeted by the sight of her nipple separated from her breast. Instead, she saw her intact bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s heaving in her fright.
Jane moaned as Christi resumed her slow pumping of her v.a.g.i.n.a. It looked like Christi had inserted two fingers into her and was purposely teasing Jane.
"Thank-you," Jane breathed.
"For what?" I asked quietly as I reached for the soft ropes lying in the gra.s.s.
"For taking them away before I got cut. I. I couldn't hold it any longer. I didn't want to lose a nipple. Thank-you."
I smiled. I guess because she knew that she was about to be sent back, she a.s.sumed that I was capable of anything. Truthfully, had I cut her, I probably would have fainted. Blood, especially female blood, makes me lightheaded. I was being careful as much for myself as for her.
Silently, I began to wrap the rope around her upper chest, running rope securely above and below her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She didn't squirm, but seemed to be more interested in the sensations happening between her legs. As I began to wrap the base of each breast in rope, and the sensations of pressure began to increase she opened her eyes.
"Can I ask what you ware doing?"
"What do you think?"
"Tying up my b.o.o.bs?"
"Good guess."
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