Part 80
"You'll see."
"I'm not going to like it am I?"
"You will. On one level."
"Oh G.o.d."
I felt her tense as she tried to push down onto Christi's teasing fingers.
Soon her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were tight, tied adequately for my purposes. I traced the sensitive flesh, feeling the unnatural tightness of her soft skin. Jane gasped.
"It hurts," she whispered.
"It's supposed to."
"Last time ..." she began.
"I tied you up like this, you got it across *em," I finished her thought for her.
"Oh G.o.d. Please no. I can't take it."
"You don't have much choice, my dear."
"Oh G.o.d."
Chapter 127.
She squirmed a bit in the bonds, feeling the unusual sensation of her bound b.r.e.a.s.t.s on her chest.
"Remember that you aren't to scream."
She closed her eyes. "If you hit my b.o.o.bs, I can't. Please don't do this to me. Hit me somewhere else."
"How about if I hit *someone* else?"
I watched as her numb mind worked. Realized that I would be hitting Christi instead of her. She definitely didn't want that. Christi didn't enjoy this kind of thing at all and even though it would protect Jane's skin, this was for Jane. She slowly shook her head. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Christi's fingers hesitate between Jane's legs as she clued into my offering her skin instead. Of course, I knew that Jane wouldn't let it get to that.
"Remember. No screaming."
"Can I talk?"
"Just don't raise your voice. After the first two, you can scream for me."
"Believe me, I will. Christ. I don't know if I can do this."
Her eyes registered understanding. I wouldn't punish her if she couldn't do it, as long as she made her best effort. I couldn't imagine how she could even think with the sensations from her crotch mixed in with fear of that simple whip about to mark her beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
I lined up on her bound b.r.e.a.s.t.s and made two practice swings. She flinched both times, gritting her teeth, expecting the searing pain.
The third swing connected with the tops of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I couldn't hit her hard since I didn't want the taut skin to break and it was a very real danger with her like this. However, with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bound as tightly as they were any touch was going to hurt her, even something as simple as a fingernail scratching gently down her skin. The crop would have been unbearable.
She threw back her head, whipping her hair around as she struggled with the agony of the crop. I could see the red mark beginning to form as soon as the crop fell away from her. I was sure she was going to howl like a wounded animal. Instead her self control kicked in and she hissed through her teeth. She managed to hold her vocal chords from crying out her pain. I have no idea how.
"Oh G.o.d. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d," she spoke finally in a conversational tone. "You have no f.u.c.king idea how much that hurts. I didn't remember how much that hurt. f.u.c.k. f.u.c.k. f.u.c.k. Please no more. Hurt me somewhere else. Not there again. I can't. I'll scream."
There really wasn't anything stopping her from screaming. I wasn't about to stop her, and she knew in her heart that I wouldn't punish her. I had no idea why she was holding it in.
I lined up carefully on her heaving chest. I'd meant to hit the bottoms of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, but when the crop fell, she flinched and managed to get her nipples directly into the line of fire. The crop landed squarely on her still erect nipples, crossing them both with a fine red line. I thought that she would either bring down the branch or dislocate her arms. She twisted violently, her hair damp and whipping around as she tried to get away. Somehow, she managed to keep her lips shut around the m.u.f.fled cry of agony that threatened to emerge. I have no idea how she managed it. I felt bad for her. I hadn't intended to put her in that much pain. Tears were running down her face, and she had managed to pull herself away from Christi's fingers. As Christi moved to touch the girl again, I motioned for her to stop. I thought that Jane had enough on her mind, without worrying about the sensations there.
Her voice finally came out, choked but soft. "Jesus Christ. You didn't have to hit my nipples," she said through her tears, as though I'd betrayed her. Truthfully, I felt like I had. "I can't feel them, and I can. It hurts so f.u.c.kING much. Owie," she sobbed as she stood there unable to move or to strike out at me. She wanted to, I could see it in the set of the her nude body. If she was free, nothing could have stopped her from trying to hurt me back. I couldn't blame the girl.
I dropped the crop in the gra.s.s and held her. Enough for now.
Finally, she allowed herself to press herself uncomfortably into my shoulder and cry herself out. I held her for a number of minutes until the shaking in her bare body receded.
"I'm. I'm sorry," she mumbled as I released her from the hug.
"You're sorry?" I looked at her incredulously.
"I did this to myself. I got myself into this. I shouldn't blame you."
"It hurt. I know. If it means anything, I didn't mean to get your nipples."
She hung in her restraints, and sniffled. "I. I'm alright. It hurt. It still does. But you can continue. I can scream now, right?"
I nodded, a half smile playing about my lips. I was sure that she'd beg to get out by now. But she hadn't. She was a strong girl.
"Christi?" I spoke to the girl on her knees behind Jane.
"You didn't have to hit her that hard. She's there because she wants to be. Not because of your twisted games. Go easy on her," Christi spoke for the first time.
"It wasn't intentional," I a.s.sured Christi. "If you don't want to be involved anymore, I can let you go now ..."
Christi paled. "I. I didn't mean ..."
"I know," I rea.s.sured Christi. "Relax. I was just offering you a way out, if you didn't want to go through the next part."
"Next part?"
"Yeah," I rooted through the pack and came up with a less painful stranded whip. This would hurt Jane, but nothing compared to the crop.
I handed the small whip to Christi who took it and held it limply at her thigh. She looked at me, her mouth forming the word of protest.
"Please no," she whispered to me.
"You've done it before."
"Because she wanted it, and I couldn't hit her hard, even then."
I glanced over at Jane. Her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s were heaving and she was twisting again in the bonds. Her feet were dancing over the gra.s.s in her attempts to get more comfortable.
Jane spoke softly from the branch. "Christi? Honey? Mayer isn't here. And I hurt." She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts and her strength. "I'm here because I want to be. Honestly. I'm not sure what happened between us that night, but I'm willing to try this again." She paused again, shorter this time. "Christi. Sweety? I want this. I want you to hit me. Just go gentle on my b.o.o.bs. Okay?"
Christi swallowed heavily as I watched her face. She took a breath, and stared at me.
"It doesn't seem right," she spoke softly to me. Her eyes were betraying her though. The bright blue orbs were shining, almost antic.i.p.ating it. Her dominant side, the part of her that was aroused by the power aspects of s.e.x, were rising in her despite her desires to keep them quelled.
"You can do it. If not for me, for Jane," I touched her shoulder gently as I spoke. She was shaking a little as she stood there.
She nodded, not understanding Jane, not understanding herself. She nodded anyway.
I settled back into the soft gra.s.s as Christi turned on her bare heel and began to walk towards Jane. The whip swung gently by her side as she carried it towards her friend and perhaps lover.
I was close enough to the girls that I could hear them.
"You sure?" Christi whispered to the bound girl.
Jane nodded, staring at Christi's face. "I want you to do this to me. I want you. Please?"
Christi glanced back at me once, her eyes shining with unshed tears. I nodded to her. Jane honestly did want this, with part of her being. She was somehow suppressing her mind, letting her sensations take her through this. She might hate herself afterward, but not for long. Not this time.
Christi slowly brought the whip up and let it fall against Jane's unprotected side. The strands curled around her hip, striking the back of Jane's body. Jane grunted as the pain washed over her body.
I watched as Christi slowly let the whip fall against Jane's skin. She moved around her, striking her back, her thighs, her flat stomach, even her calves. Jane's tears fell constantly from her eyes, but she never cried out or begged or protested at the treatment. She twisted occasionally, trying to avoid a blow, but she couldn't move far and only managed to succeed in getting the strike in a different place. Christi moved slowly and methodically around Jane's body, letting the pain peak before administering the next blow. Her aim and strength improved as she spent more time with Jane, somehow knowing what the maximum that Jane could take was without seriously hurting her or making her beg.
Finally, Christi stood easily on the b.a.l.l.s of her bare feet in front of Jane. She swung the whip easily through the air, not striking her friend any longer. She waited until Jane raised her face to look at her. Tears coursed down Jane's face as she struggled with the residual pain of the whipping. Her skin was a faint red over most of her body.
"Oh Jane," Christi dropped the whip to her side and reached forward with her free hand. She gently wiped at Jane's cheeks, trying to staunch the flow of tears. She unconsciously tasted the liquid from her finger. I knew how salty the tears would be. I was tempted to take my own taste. Jane wouldn't have minded. Christi carefully brushed the mussed hair from Jane's shoulders towards her back.
Jane closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them again. She stared into Christi's eyes, bracing herself.
Christi slowly raised the whip and eyes locked let the whip crash against Jane's bound vulnerable b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Jane managed to hold the gaze for a moment and then closed her eyes and let her head rock backward, spilling her hair down her back.
"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Jane cried out into the uncaring world. "Jesus. Christ. Please. No more. My b.o.o.bs. Oh my G.o.d. Please."
Christi waited for the pain to subside, and then repeated the blow after Jane raised her head and locked gaze again. This time Jane collapsed. I watched as her thighs gave out, and she hung limply from her handcuffs. I watched a trickle of blood appear as her weight dug the steel into her small wrists.
"Aaaeeeeeeiiiiiiiii. Please. G.o.d. No more. My b.o.o.bs. I can't take anymore. I hurt. Let me down. Please. Please. Please?" she begged into the skies and perhaps to the tree holding her body.
Christi raised the whip again. She was shaking. I quickly rose to my feet and grasped her wrist before she could strike Jane again. Despite her pain, despite not being able to stand, Jane had locked her teary eyes back on Christi's, silently begging her. For what, I'm not sure.
"Enough," I whispered. "She can't take anymore. She's exhausted."
And she was. She still hadn't managed to take her weight off her wrists. I was truly afraid that she'd get seriously hurt with this play. And I cared about her.
Christi immediately dropped the whip and ran to Jane, trying to help support her weight, hugging her fiercely, oblivious to the fact that she was probably hurting Jane in the process.
"Oh my G.o.d, I'm so sorry. I got carried away. Forgive me. Please, Jane. Please?" Christi murmured the words into Jane's ear. Jane was shaking with her sobbing. Her whole body a ma.s.s of pain.
Christi murmured other apologies quietly as I let them embrace. At last Christi separated from Jane. Jane maintained her posture despite her trembling thighs. She was still crying softly but it wasn't the heart wrenching sobs that had been caused by the whip on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
I stroked Jane's face gently, trailing my finger down her fine jaw line. She smiled up at me weakly, through the tears.
"You alright?" I asked her.
"I've been better," she whispered.
I nodded, understanding. She was still fighting the daemons. I let my finger trail down her hot body, between her heaving b.r.e.a.s.t.s, b.u.mping over the ropes, touching her belly b.u.t.ton, and finding my way through her spa.r.s.e down and separating her lips. She was far more lubricated than I'd expected. And I was expecting a lot. She was practically leaking her arousal. She cried out as my finger found her swollen c.l.i.toris. She tried her best to press herself into my touch. I teased her for a moment, realizing that it wasn't going to take much to push her over the edge.
"Better?" I asked her. I was quite sure that I'd taken her mind off her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, at least for a moment.
She nodded, breathing really hard. She moaned desperately as I withdrew my fingers from her.
I bent to the gra.s.s at her feet and picked up the blue gag and the nipple clamps. She watched in trepidation as I straightened.
"Please no. I just want to c.u.m, now. Please, no more. I don't want to be gagged. And I hate the clamps. Oh G.o.d. No more. Please."
I smiled at her. She was going to have to wait for a little while before I let her climax. She was twisting in the bonds.
I turned to Christi. "You can refuse, if you want."
She somehow understood what I wanted her to do. She walked over to me and Jane and slowly fell to her knees. Her fingers traced along Jane's hot skin and gently touched her, stroking her knowingly. Jane gasped, not caring who was touching her, as long as she was touched.
"Don't let her," I whispered to Christi. Jane moaned as she realized that she wasn't going to be allowed to climax. Not yet.
I watched as Christi again let her fingers gently enter the bound girl, pumping at a very slow maddening pace. She took a deep breath and leaned forward. I could see as Christi's tongue caressed the girl above her. Jane spreading her thighs as far as she could, wanting more than the slow maddening touches.
I held up the gag and waited until Jane opened her brown eyes. Her eyes registered understanding and pain and acceptance. She gazed into my eyes as she struggled to ignore the sensations from between her legs long enough to do what I wanted from her. She opened her pretty mouth and held it open waiting. I gently pressed the blue ball behind her teeth. She held it without further complaint while I moved around her to buckle the leather straps behind her head, trapping her long brunette hair under the strap. She wouldn't have the gag long. I just wanted to see her in it one last time.
Her m.u.f.fled moans began again as soon as the gag was secured. I hadn't wrenched it into her mouth, this wasn't a punishment. I could see her probing at the gag with her tongue, but satisfied that she was going to be silent like it or not, she accepted it.
I reached forward and lightly stroked her nipples. She shook her head a little in protest, but when her nipples reacted to the stimulus of my fingers, she hung her head and again accepted her fate. I carefully tightened the nipple clamps onto her erect nipples until I saw a look of pain cross her features. She wailed into the gag. I did the same to her other nipple until she was supporting the light chain between them only by her upthrust and aching nipples.
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