Part 82
Jane took a huge breath and spoke to me, her voice calm and studied, almost as though she'd rehea.r.s.ed this.
"I. I've had to have s.e.x for you. A lot. And I can't say I always enjoyed it. But you've taught me so much about myself, and my s.e.xuality, and my mind. I'm not like Christi. I love her dearly, perhaps more than I should, and I didn't want to hurt her."
At this point she turned to the other girl. She whispered a quick apology again, "I know I'm hurting you Christi, and I wouldn't, but this is my last chance. Please. I know you love him, and I don't, but this. This is my last chance. My only chance. I do love you."
She turned back to me, tears now coursing down her cheeks. Christi had simply looked away.
"I. I don't love you, and I never will. I care about you, and though it sounds strange I appreciate some of what you've taught to me. I'm not sure I'll ever be everything I can be, but this ... situation ... has allowed me to do things I might never ever get to do again." She paused as though to gather her courage. "I. I. I don't care if you untie me. Whatever you want. But I want to make love to you. Once before you send me away. Please?"
I couldn't say no to her. Both these girls were special to me. But her request had surprised me a little. Jane had offered herself so often. And I'd never taken advantage of it. I'm not quite sure why. Jane was strong, and rebellious, and so perceptive. I guess I never thought of her as needing this. That somehow she could get what she needed no matter what I did to her. She simply wanted the experience. I knew that she couldn't love me, but I suspected that she cared. Somehow.
I turned to Christi, who was kneeling quietly beside Jane. She was wiping at tears again which were falling from her eyes.
"Christi?" I spoke quietly to her. "You don't have to stay here if you don't want. I'll come get you when we're done."
This caused further tears to fall from her eyes. Her sobs hurt me, as I'm sure they hurt Jane.
"Christi," Jane spoke quietly. "I don't have to do this. I can do myself. Or maybe I could do it with you instead. That time we were together. I mean, when we were in there," she glanced up at Mayer's window, "It was really special to me. I loved you. And I still do. I don't want to hurt you."
Christi spoke gently. "Don't. I'll be fine. I've shared before, and ... I'm used to it. I think."
"No you aren't, and you never will be," Jane spoke. I have no idea how this girl maintained her composure being bound with her nipples on fire. "I don't have to do this."
Christi turned and touched Jane's face. "I love you too. I don't know how, or why, but I do. You deserve this. More than anyone, including me. We can share," her face had set into a mask of determination. She was sacrificing for Jane. She really did care for Jane, and always had. She leaned forward and gently kissed Jane's lips.
Jane nodded. "Thank-you," she whispered.
Christi turned towards me and came to some decision.
"I'll stay, if you'll let me."
Chapter 129.
I nodded, agreeing that Christi could stay.
Jane spoke quietly from her kneeling position in the gra.s.s.
"Can this slave beg to have her b.r.e.a.s.t.s freed?"
"Why?" I asked her as she stared at me with her deep brown eyes.
Her expression was a cla.s.sic what-kind-of-stupid-question-is-that? But she managed to control her mouth, knowing mouthing off wasn't going to help her.
"Master. Please. This slave hurts. She doesn't want to hurt anymore."
I sat up and idly traced my finger down her right breast. The flesh was taut and straining against the ropes squeezing her. The clamps were still tightly compressing her nipples. It did look very uncomfortable. Her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s were slightly discoloured from the bondage, but she wasn't really in any danger of having true circulation problems there.
Even though I'm sure that my touch was causing her discomfort, she knelt still, grimacing.
I let my finger trace down between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, feeling the roughness of the ropes there. I let it drag on the chain between her nipples causing her to cry to out. I continued down until I touched her pubic hair. I toyed with it, as though I owned it. I suppose I did, in a way. She moaned at the sensations, as I lightly pulled at her hair and softly stroked her s.e.x.
I glanced quickly at Christi kneeling nude beside us. Her face was a mask of disappointment, but she hadn't started crying yet. She held herself a little stiff, but didn't interfere. When she caught my glance at her, she tried to smile. It didn't really succeed, but at least she had tried.
I let my finger slip between Jane's lips, finding her as wet as Christi had indicated earlier. I was surprised at her arousal, though I suppose that I could understand it. After all, this was my intent from the start of this. Jane was moaning and struggling to keep herself still as I explored her. I could feel the slight movement of her hips as she knelt. I couldn't imagine the effort she was putting into keeping still. As I lightly circled her swollen c.l.i.toris she shuddered. Fearful that she was going to go over the edge before I wanted her to, I withdrew my fingers. She cried out, almost begging for the touch to resume.
Instead, I lay back in the gra.s.s. Jane watched and sighed as she watched my movements. She swallowed heavily, twisting at her restraints. The poor creature only wanted to climax. She was the one in chains, and in pain, and she was expected to do the work. She shuddered, but rose up on her knees and shuffled forward towards me. I could feel her heat as she moved up my legs. I had to stop her as she pressed herself into my thighs as she made her way slowly up my body, rubbing herself and sighing.
She straddled me, her thigh muscles quivering. Her eyes shone with tears as she struggled. She twisted her body trying to help herself, trying to reach around with her bound hands. Her efforts were unsuccessful. She couldn't reach around herself to touch me, to guide me into her. Finally she collapsed, letting herself fall against me. I was pressed up between her folds, where I'd never been before. I wasn't inside of her, but she began to rub herself slowly up and down the length of me, gasping.
"Please no. Let me climax. Please."
"Not like this."
She stopped her movements, crying in frustration.
"I can't get you inside. Not like this. And you won't help. Please. I want you inside me. I'm begging you."
She rose up again off me. I could still feel her heat even from that far away. I began to reach forward to help her when I felt another light touch. I gasped as Christi moved forward and reached for me.
She took a deep breath and held me. Jane leaned forward and kissed Christi's cheek as she positioned herself over top of me. Christi used her hands in place of Jane's trapped ones to guide me inside of the girl. I couldn't imagine the will power and self sacrifice that it must have taken her, but she did it. I cried out and closed my eyes as I felt Jane engulf me. Jane cried out at the sensations, throwing her own head back. She sat still, and I couldn't help but enjoy the softness of her, her arousal, her gentle internal pulsing.
I opened my eyes as a shadow crossed them. My vision was full of a blonde slit hovering a few centimeters above my face. I glanced forward, between the silky thighs on either side of my head and saw Jane rocking herself very slowly, impaled on me. Her eyes were closed, and her tormented b.r.e.a.s.t.s were rising and falling with a fervor that I don't think I'd ever seen on her.
Christi glanced down at me between her legs, smiling.
"I'll move if you want," she said mischievously.
I didn't say anything. Like I wanted her to move. Like h.e.l.l.
Satisfied with my lack of an answer, she said to me softly, "I don't want to c.u.m like this. Alright?"
It sounded a bit too much like an order for my liking.
"You'll climax if I tell you to," I mentioned to her as I lifted my hands to stroke at her soft skin of the backs of her thighs.
"Yes, Master," Christi spoke quietly, probably more to appease me. She knew that if she didn't anger me, I'd do as she wanted.
She lowered herself slightly and brought herself on quivering thighs to my mouth. I gently licked at her, enjoying her sweetness and her soft skin. I found her c.l.i.toris, completely engorged, and teased her. I could hear her moans as she pressed herself down, trying to tell me silently where to touch her. Smiling to myself, I refused, I licked her, but purposely to tease. She ground herself down as I touched her with my tongue. I could hear her soft begging.
I tried to concentrate on Jane's tightness, her slow rhythmic rocking. I'd had so much s.e.x this morning that I was a little numb. I had excellent control of this. Jane could probably ride me as hard as she liked and I would have to concentrate completely to climax in her. So I wasn't too worried about performance. I continued to lick Christi until she tensed. Crying out, she pulled herself away from me.
The girl was breathing very heavily as she climbed off my face. I watched her in amus.e.m.e.nt as she knelt beside us. Her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s were dancing with her arousal. She was flushed from head to toe.
"I. I didn't want to c.u.m that way," she spoke in explanation. My teasing had driven her to the point of climax, despite how careful to only tease her I'd been.
I watched as she let her own fingers drop between her thighs and give herself a touch. She looked like she was trying to keep herself on the edge without going over.
I let my gaze wander to the girl currently teasing my p.e.n.i.s. She was beginning to find a slow rhythm, rocking herself and slowly riding me. I have no idea why she wasn't pushing herself harder. She was one hot little girl and she seemed to be prolonging this, trying to make it last.
"Janey?" I called gently to her.
She looked up and opened her eyes. She twisted in her cuffs a little, but managed to answer. Her eyes were glazed.
"Yes, Master?"
"What's the matter?"
"Matter, sir?" she stopped her rhythm, settling herself down with me completely buried in her softness. "Aren't you enjoying it?"
"You don't seem to be working towards a climax."
"I. This slave doesn't have permission to climax."
She was still deep in this submissive role. But I had a feeling that this wasn't her problem.
"You do now," I spoke gently to her.
"Does her master want more?" she asked, still a little glazed.
"I want what you want," I answered her. "I don't mind if you want to keep it slow."
She licked her lips. "I. This slave apologizes. She. She likes this. Please don't misunderstand. She loves this. But she also knows that ..." she voice trailed off.
"What?" I asked her. For some reason I was getting concerned.
"I wanted to do this. I really did. But. I. I can't climax like this."
Jane continued patiently. "I like intercourse. Don't get me wrong. I. I feel full, and I love the sensations, but I can't get enough. Some women can't. I can't climax like this. I never have."
I smiled at her. This I could understand. I wondered how long she meant to keep this wonderful s.e.x up for me, before she admitted her inability to me.
Christi spoke quietly from her position in the gra.s.s. I glanced over to her. Her hand was still stroking her nipples and v.a.g.i.n.a, although she wasn't allowing herself to dip inside to give her the stimulation that she no doubt desired.
"Can, I help?" Christi asked softly. I wasn't sure if she was addressing me or Jane.
"You can remove her clamps," I told Christi quietly. Jane looked up in surprise, probably expecting to wear them until I let her go.
Christi moved her bare body towards Jane and reached out, stroking Jane's bound b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Jane cried out at the touch and I could feel her reaction from inside.
"This is going to hurt, Janey. But you want them off, right?" Christi whispered to the shaking girl.
Jane simply nodded and braced herself. The clamps had been tight and removal was going to throb and stab her. She'd been through this before.
I watched and reacted to Jane's squirming as Christi, as gently as she could, began to loosen the screws. Jane screamed as the first clamp fell from her trapped nipple. Blood rushed back into her nubbin and caused her to shake. I had to concentrate on holding back as she pulsed with the pain. She pulsed and struggled as her other nipple fell free of the clamps.
Christi watched Jane as she struggled to hold herself still through the waves of pain. I could feel her quivering on me. At last Jane opened her eyes and resumed her slow rhythm on me. She hissed through her teeth, "G.o.dd.a.m.n, that hurt. I'm sorry."
Christi bent and gently kissed at the swollen nipples that were riding back and forth in front of her. Jane moaned at the new sensations.
I watched as Christi moved her blonde head from Jane's chest and began to kiss her. The women kissed gently and pa.s.sionately as Jane continued her slow movements. I watched as Christi's hand stole down her body to stroke at herself. I watched as her arousal built once again to a fever pitch. Jane began to increase the tempo of her thrusts. She was getting tired, I could tell, but she wanted her climax more than words could express.
Christi's hand left her own lips and reached forward. I had a clear view of the slender fingers brushing at Jane's pubic hair. Slowly Christi's fingers traced through the coa.r.s.eness and found the softness. I gasped as I felt her fingers brushing at my sensitive skin as Jane continued her thrusting, becoming longer and a little faster with each stroke. I was beginning to have to concentrate to prevent my climax. Between Christi's soft fingers and Jane's wetness, I was having trouble controlling it.
I knew that Christi was teasing Jane. I could see her fingers bringing Jane to the point of o.r.g.a.s.m, then slowing, teasing unbearably. Jane broke their kiss, her lips moving soundlessly.
I almost couldn't hear the words from Jane.
"Hit me. Please."
Christi backed away from kissing Jane.
"I can't, honey. I love you dearly, but I can't."
Jane whimpered as Christi's hands kept up her stimulation. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her sore nipples. And her c.l.i.toris. All teased, slowly. Her thrusts were becoming more urgent, more sensual.
"Please?" Jane whispered.
Christi looked helplessly at me, not knowing what to do.
"I can't reach her," I spoke gently to Christi.
Christi licked her lips and turned slowly back to Jane. She kissed her again, softly on the lips.
"I. I love you, Janey," Christi whispered.
I watched as she leaned back to regard the straining girl in front of her. She switched her hands, moving her left to slowly tease Jane between her legs. Knowing exactly what Jane wanted, she closed her eyes and let her right hand slap gently at Jane's bound b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I watched as Jane grimaced even at the light pain. The bondage on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s exaggerated even the lightest touch for her senses. She pressed herself even harder onto me and into Christi's fingers.
"Harder," Jane hissed, her face concentrating on the pain, on the sensations between her legs.
Christi took a deep breath and aimed. Her open hand fell hard across Jane's bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s making them dance crazily on her chest.
"Unghhhhhh," Jane moaned as the pain washed over her. I could feel her take her last breath and hold it. She arched, pulling at the handcuffs on her wrists, probably reopening the cuts on her wrists. She groaned again, a deep throaty groan from deep inside of her. I felt her begin to climax, her body pulsating around me. I had to concentrate on darkness to prevent myself from following her. She writhed, screaming out Christi's name into the silent air. Her body flushed, as I'd never seen it before. I'd seen her climax before, but nothing compared to this. She climaxed for what seemed like forever. As she peaked, I could feel her internal muscles contracting around me. At her highest point, I have no idea how Christi knew, I watched as Christi let her hand fall again onto Jane's squeezed b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
Jane cried out again. I could feel Christi's fingers still ma.s.saging Jane as she crashed through another o.r.g.a.s.m. Jane twisted and shivered, though being inside her, it didn't feel quite as powerful as her first one.
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