Part 81
As the pain dulled, her breathing returned to a more normal pace. At least normal for a s.e.xually aroused female being taken further down the path to oblivion.
Chapter 128.
I wandered back a few meters and sat down in the gra.s.s. I watched the two girls as they slowly moved together. Jane's eyes were closed as she absorbed the sensations from Christi's fingers and tongue, and the throbs from her bound and clamped b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She was breathing heavily and I was surprised that Christi was able to hold her on the edge without letting her over. I was actually surprised that Jane wasn't falling over the edge at the slightest touch of wind.
I watched them for a few more minutes, just enjoying the sight of them. Jane's nudity and helplessness, her gagged mouth, her brown hair cascading behind her, her soft m.u.f.fled moans. Christi, still clothed, kneeling easily in the gra.s.s, concentrating. Her upturned bare feet buried into the soft blades of gra.s.s even looked beautiful as she knelt there. I couldn't let them go. They were simply too precious. How could I?
I took a deep breath and rose to my feet. I gently touched Christi's shoulder causing her to break away from her pleasant task. She left her two fingers buried inside of Jane, but turned her head to look up at me, questions flowing across her face.
"Can I let her c.u.m?" she asked quietly, still pumping gently with her right hand. I could see Jane's lubrication coating Christi's fingers. Jane was nodding and moaning, desperately wanting her release.
I gently shook my head, leaned down and gently pulled Christi's arm so that it withdrew from teasing Jane. Jane cried out through her gag, tears forming in her eyes. I could see the arousal painted on her face, her disappointment, her need.
Slowly I guided Christi to her bare feet, taking her a few meters from Jane. As she rose, she moved to wipe her fingers on her jeans. I softly touched her hand, feeling the wetness myself, stopping her from doing so. She looked at me quizzically until comprehension dawned on her. She was used to the taste anyway from tonguing Jane so she didn't protest as she licked her fingers clean.
We sat in the gra.s.s, our legs outstretched. Christi's eyes were glued to the crying female with her arms held above her. The female that she'd just been stopped from pleasuring. Her friend that only wanted an o.r.g.a.s.m, more than she even wanted to be let out of her restraints, more than anything else in the world.
She spoke softly, "She needs release."
"I know. She'll get it."
"She'll hurt herself when she ... you finally let her."
"I'll try to make sure she doesn't."
We were silent for a moment, both captivated by the sight of Jane.
"She's only seventeen," Christi spoke again. "I couldn't imagine myself being as strong as her at seventeen."
"She's incredible. But you all are. Were."
Christi turned her eyes from Jane and looked at me.
"I don't want to go back."
"I know. I don't want to send you back."
"I want to use my one wish. Will you let me?"
I had wanted to finish with Jane before we got into this with Christi, but I shrugged. I wanted Jane to be beyond ready, insane before I finished with her. I wanted the proverbial earth to move for her. I nodded.
I waited for a few minutes, but Christi took her time. Perhaps savouring the moment.
She started haltingly, "I. I know this sounds crazy. And it probably is. But. I. I really don't want to go back. I like it here despite what you do to us. Maybe the effect won't come after you've let everyone else go. Maybe we'll be okay, just the two of us."
I started to protest. It wasn't the number of bubbles, or the difficulty of maintaining them. It was the fact that I was on the wrong timeline, maintaining anything beyond the primary timeline. She held her finger to my lips, so soft.
She continued, "I. I want my last wish to be not to stop this. Send Jane back, and ..."
Her eyes teared up as I slowly shook my head.
"Christi, dear. I'd do anything to keep us here, but I can't. We have to leave. It's too dangerous. Even us being here now is dangerous. It's your life ... and mine ... that we're talking about here. I'm not willing to risk your existence."
A single tear dripped down her soft cheek. She seemed resigned as if she'd known what the answer would be.
"I am," she whispered. I didn't reply to her. There wasn't a reply. She may have been willing to risk herself, but I wasn't.
She spoke softly, I doubt if Jane could hear. Not that she would be listening to us anyway.
"It seems so long ago," she almost whispered. "You pointed a gun at me, and I swore I'd do anything to kill you. I'd do anything to escape. And you did such awful things. Made me do such awful things. I. I hated you. But you never whipped me. I don't know why ..." her voice trailed off.
She seemed to want an answer from me. One I didn't have. I just watched her face. She was crying softly as she spoke.
At last, she found her voice again and continued.
"I don't know why. It's dumb. I'm dumb. But every time you touched Jane, or Amy, or Elizabeth, I felt an ache. I still do, though I'm getting used to it. I cared about you. I know that you can't care about me the same way, and it hurts, but I've learned to accept it and be quiet ..." she paused for a moment. "Jane told me not to do this. And I love her. I love her almost as much as I've loved anyone. You taught me that. That it was alright to love someone, even if it was crazy or if she was the same s.e.x as I was. I wish that I could remember all this when I go back."
I swallowed, not sure if I should let her ramble on, or stop her before she said something she'd regret. Jane was probably right, Christi probably should have kept these things to herself. For the sake of her own sanity. On the other hand, it seemed like it was helping her, so I sat back and allowed her to talk about her heart.
Her soft voice continued. "I know that I've changed from the girl you took so long ago. I'm still her, but I feel better about myself. I know that sounds insane, and maybe it is. I had this dominant personality before. You never really saw it, because you had never met me in any other situation than being ultimately under your control. I guess I still am dominant. Whipping Jane did turn me on, much as I hate to admit it. But I don't mind being under your control. Oh G.o.d. Jane, I'm sorry. I'd be happy being under your control forever. I don't know why, but I'd like to. And I'll never get that chance. I love you, and I don't even know your name."
I closed my eyes. Underneath, somewhere, I knew that about Christi. I knew that this was going to happen. Jane had warned me long, long ago. Begged me not to do this to the female sitting in the gra.s.s beside me. I couldn't love her as much as she loved me, and I think she knew that. It didn't matter to her. Love is a strange thing. But I still felt like I was taking advantage of her. In my own way, I suppose that I did love her. But I loved all of them.
When I opened my eyes, she was kneeling in the gra.s.s beside me, facing me. Her bright blue eyes shone into me, tears still falling gently. Again she spoke softly, in a whisper.
"I so much wanted to use my wish to make you love me as I think I love you. But I know that you can't, so I won't even ask."
Her tears began to fall even faster from her eyes. She continued and I could barely hear her, even though she was only millimeters from my face.
"I want to make love to you," she said. "One last time, before we go. That's something that you can't refuse. Is it?"
I shook my head. I wasn't about to say no to that. Even if I couldn't fall in love with her the way she wanted, I could do this for her.
Her tears began to fall harder as she forced herself to continue.
"I don't want you to gag me. Even if I slip and say something that I shouldn't while we make love. Okay?"
I nodded. I wasn't going to punish her for anything. She was far too precious to me at this point. I may have briefly fallen for her, despite all my defenses.
"If you want to tie me up for this, I don't mind."
"Do *you* want to be tied up?" I asked her.
She thought about it for a moment and then slowly shook her head.
"I want to be able to touch you, if you'll let me."
I nodded. This was her wish, so her desires went. For now.
Her tears still hadn't stopped. Her fingers were playing with the bottom of her sweater. She took a deep breath and I thought that she was going to remove it for the last time.
Instead, she released the sweater and looked into my eyes. Her tears were still falling slowly and silently, but not in a flood. Just soft female crying because she didn't know what else to do.
"I. You," she stammered. "If you want to cut these off me, I don't mind. Or I can take it off. Or you can ..."
I was tempted to ask her again what she wanted, but I didn't. I could tell from her voice what she wanted.
She looked up at me as I reached forward and tugged at her top. I closed my eyes as I pulled it over her head. She raised her arms to help. When I opened them, she was still kneeling, but bare chested. Her nipples were hard and they rose and fell rapidly with her breathing. She stood, balancing easily on her bare feet. She quickly unb.u.t.toned her jeans and pushed them down her long legs. They pooled at her ankles and she stepped out of them.
She was absolutely stunning. I had seen her naked before, many times. Had seen her naked and restrained. Had seen her hurting. Had seen her pleading. Had seen her upset, angry, loving, shy, and n.o.ble. Nothing compared to her nudity right here and now washed in the morning sunlight. She stood there for a moment, taking in my stare and gently laughing. Tears were still falling from her eyes, but that was easing.
"I told you, I'd cry when you made me strip."
"I'm not making you strip."
"I know. It's still hard," she whispered.
I nodded as she knelt back down. I felt her soft body as it pressed into mine as she embraced me. Her soft lips found mine and kissed with a pa.s.sion that I had never felt from any of the girls before. I fell into her lips and her breath. I felt her fingers tugging at my clothing, felt the fabric parting and slipping from my skin. I helped her and soon I was as naked as she. The gra.s.s felt wonderful against my back and legs. I was overwhelmed by the sheer exposure.
I felt her lips leave mine and her tongue softly tracing down my skin. I felt her hot breath tickling my pubic hair as she began to gently lick at me. Her fingers played with my skin, her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s lightly brushing the insides of my thighs. Despite the amount of s.e.x that I'd already enjoyed today, I found myself reacting to her caresses and her mouth. Soon I was hard and accepting the warmth of her tongue. I could feel every small sensation from her breath from her nose to her teeth lightly grazing my p.e.n.i.s. I opened my eyes, feeling Jane watching us.
Over Christi's bent form I could see the poor girl, still restrained and gagged, watching us. We were so free, allowed to enjoy ourselves. Such a contrast to her intense frustration.
I gasped as Christi's mouth left me. I felt empty, like I needed to have her connection. Needed her touch on me. She shifted herself, her bare legs spreading. She straddled me, her fingers guiding me.
She gasped as my p.e.n.i.s touched her lips. I could feel her arousal.
"Christi?" I whispered to her.
She glanced up at me, frightened that she had done something wrong. She halted before I entered her.
I reached for my jeans that were lying in the gra.s.s beside me. I could feel Christi trembling above me, not sure what I was doing.
I fished a small chrome key out of my front pocket and held it out to her.
"Now?" she whispered, disbelief on her face.
I slowly nodded, not wanting to. I wanted to be in her, with her, almost more than anything else in the world.
She swallowed heavily and sat back, letting me fall free of her fingers. I could feel her heat on my thighs as she sighed. She was flushed, her nipples like small bullets. She idly stroked her left nipple with her fingers as she reached for the key.
She struggled to her feet as I lay there, unmoving. I watched as she gave me a dirty look, but continued the few steps towards Jane. Again she touched herself, between her legs. If I wasn't mistaken she'd actually run the key through her lips. She swayed, wanting touches, wanting love, wanting to touch.
She carefully hugged Jane, careful of her bound b.r.e.a.s.t.s, careful of her nipples still painfully clamped. She kissed her on the lips, her lips tracing Jane's stretched lips around the gag.
Jane looked at her with pleading eyes. Her arms had been stretched above her for so long. They had to be aching horribly. There was some dried blood that had run down her right arm from where she'd cut herself against the handcuff.
Christi turned towards me. "Can I take out her gag? Please?"
I shook my head. I wanted her gagged for a little while more. I just wanted her free of the tree.
Christi stretched up on her toes and carefully inserted the chrome key I'd given to her into the cuffs. The right cuff snapped free with a jolt. Her support gone, Jane collapsed to her knees in the gra.s.s. Her face was a mask of pain as her hands immediately went to cradle her bouncing b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She fingered the nipple clamps, gasping through the gag, but didn't make any move to remove them or the bindings on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I couldn't imagine the pain that she was enduring. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were beginning to fade from red to a light shade of blue. I wouldn't be able, nor did I want, to leave her in the torments very much longer.
"Behind her, Christi."
Jane gave me a pleading look. One of those haven't-I-been-through-enough, looks. I couldn't blame her. She was aching, and not simply from the bondage. I was surprised that she hadn't plunged a hand between her legs as soon as she fell.
Christi gave me a dirty look as well, but she obeyed. Jane didn't resist as Christi pulled her hands behind her back and refastened them. Jane pulled in frustration at her wrists but she was probably glad that I'd released her from the tree.
"Help her, Christi. Come here. Both of you."
Between them, the girls struggled through the gra.s.s. Jane still on her knees. Jane knelt there quietly, not being able to speak.
I sat up, suddenly conscious of my nudity.
"Jane?" I spoke gently to her.
She looked at me with tear streaked eyes. She began to cry again, mostly from frustration, I suspect. She really didn't like gags.
I motioned for Christi to remove it. She fumbled behind Jane's head for a moment, but eventually succeeded. Jane pushed it out of her mouth into Christi's hand.
"Please," she begged.
"Do you need the nipple clamps off as well?" I asked her gently.
She knelt and thought about it. She, of course, wanted them off but she had something else on her mind. She turned slowly to Christi. It seemed so surreal, this bound and naked girl talking so easily to the other free girl.
"Christi? Sweety? I won't ask if you don't want me to."
Jane's face was completely flushed. I had no idea what was flowing through that pretty head of hers.
Christi turned her head away and closed her eyes. I could almost see the wheels turning. She obviously knew what Jane was talking about. Slowly, Christi turned her eyes back to Jane's earnest face. She nodded slowly as though she was giving orders to a firing squad to terminate a life.
Jane licked her lips and whispered, "Thank, you, Christi. I love you."
Christi just nodded, tears springing to her eyes again.
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