Part 24
Sheila looked a bit uncomfortable having to eat with her fingers. Probably still used to using cutlery. I caught her a couple of times staring wistfully at my knife and fork. A symbol. For them, being forced to eat without cutlery just reinforced my control over them. It seemed almost uncivilized. I had taken away a small portion of their humanity. Animals didn't use cutlery. But Sheila ultimately accepted it. It was better than the symbols of her slavery that Evan used. She was wearing them on her face and side.
Finally the girls finished. Jane and Christi automatically rose to their bare feet and began to clear the table. Christi washed and Jane dried. The other three just sat a bit uncomfortably, waiting for me to dismiss them or give them instructions.
I spoke to Elizabeth, "Shower time?"
She nodded enthusiastically. The other two were nodding as well. I glanced around at them. They were a mess. All of them. They had all made an attempt at straightening themselves after their rest, but none of them had really succeeded. Though they'd all licked their fingers clean after the messy breakfast, they still looked sticky and uncomfortable. They were all still beautiful in their nudity, and I debated forcing them to stay disheveled for a day to see how they'd take it. Maybe even punish them for not looking their best. But that was evil and unfair. Though I didn't mind being evil and unfair, it just didn't seem right for today. Perhaps tomorrow.
"You know the drill then. Shower together. Wash each other. I might check in on you. You can use hot water this morning. You look like you need it. Be careful of Sheila. I'm sure she's kind of sensitive. She can wash herself if necessary. Make yourselves presentable."
The three of them stood and begun to file out.
"Yes master?" She didn't have any hesitation using the word master as the other's did. She'd only been in my power for less than a day. I guess Evan had conditioned her to use the word.
"You don't have to put on make up. I like nail polish, but don't worry about your face. It still looks sore."
"You sure? I don't mind if you want me to touch it up."
"I don't mind. You look fine. Really."
"Thank-you master. I'll do my best." She just stood there. "You know the shower in my room? The one I had to use? He didn't even bother hooking hot water up to it? Yesterday's was the first hot shower I've had in months?" She moved forward and kissed my cheek. "I never thanked you for letting me take a hot shower. It. It felt so good." She scampered out of the kitchen to catch up to Elizabeth and Amy.
"That was nice of you," Jane spoke from the sink. She pranced over to me. "And so was that hot breakfast you let us have for a change. A slave thanks you." She kissed my other cheek. She walked back to drying the dishes. As she approached, I noticed some faint red marks under her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I thought back. When was the last time I'd punished her? It seemed like ages ago. And I couldn't remember seeing those marks on her last night. Granted I was tired and had other things on my mind.
I heard the shower start upstairs and I was almost sure I heard a playful squeal from that direction.
I leaned back in my chair and watched the nude beauties as they cleaned up. Everyday tasks made so much more interesting when the ones doing it are naked. Disheveled. But naked. They were no longer even aware of their nudity. Probably not even caring anymore.
"You two have been acting like you have a secret all morning. Like two high school girls pa.s.sing notes. What's up?"
Christi stopped washing the dishes and looked at me. Her face flushing.
"Why would you say that?"
"You think you can hide things from me? What are you two up to? Hmmm? Planning a coup?"
"No. No. Oh G.o.d. Please don't think that. I don't need punishment for things that aren't true. I get enough for things I've actually done."
"Why didn't you two sleep on the couch last night? You would have both fit if you took separate ends. Your legs would've tangled up together but I wouldn't have thought you would've minded. I didn't tell you that you had to sleep on the floor." My sixth sense was telling me that their sleeping like that had something to do with all this secrecy. But I couldn't imagine why.
Christi flushed again. Jane tried to busy herself with the dishes.
"Alright. Jane. Look at me." She turned slowly. Fear evident on her face. Her toes curling against the tile. She dropped the dish she was drying back into the drainer. "Knees." The two of them sunk to their knees on the kitchen tile. Squirming.
"Please. Master. These slaves beg you not to punish them," Jane spoke softly.
"What have you done?"
"Please. We couldn't help it. We didn't think you'd mind. We know we didn't have permission. But. We. We just couldn't help it. Please."
"I am going to punish you both. On the b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Hard. If you don't start telling me what the h.e.l.l happened last night. What you two are so b.l.o.o.d.y secretive about." Christi paled and Jane shuddered at the threat. They knew d.a.m.n well that I'd make good on it.
Christi whispered to me, her face bright red, "We. We were together last night."
"I know that. I locked you in the same room. Oh." The penny dropped and I realized what she was saying. I wasn't expecting that. But I guess I should have. I sat there as the silence thickened around me. The girls just knelt quietly, their faces flushed, their breathing laboured. Their eyes on the floor. All I could hear was their shallow breathing and the soft sound of water running upstairs.
I was used to the girls being forced into lesbian acts. I quite enjoyed watching it. But Christi was telling me that her and Jane had done it without me forcing it. These girls that claimed that they were straight. I could admit it. I was confused.
I cleared my throat. "I. I don't know quite what to say here. Um. What are you saying? Are you telling me that you are coming out of the closet here? That you, ahhhh, have feelings for one another?"
Christi actually began to laugh. "Oh G.o.d. Good Christ no. Don't worry, you can still force me to tongue a woman and I'll hate it. G.o.d. I'm not a lesbian. And I don't think Jane is either." Jane was shaking her head. Not laughing, but not a lesbian either. "And I love Jane. I love all of them. She's. Like a sister to me now. We've been through so much together. You've put us through so much. But no. She's not my girlfriend or anything. Even if I had the choice of having her as my girlfriend."
"I don't understand," I truly was confused. "I think you'd better explain."
Christi continued. Her initial hesitation gone. "Oh G.o.d. I don't know how to explain. Last night was so nuts. I think you fulfilled every fantasy I've ever had. You saw me last night. You saw the state I was in. Jane knows. Now. It was turning me on. You knew it would, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d." She was smiling. Remembering. "After you left, it even got more intense. Jane and I were really taking our frustrations out on that a.s.shole. We used nearly everything in there. G.o.d, he could yell. We had to gag him for a while. And everytime that whip fell on him, and he screamed for me, I swear another bolt of electricity singed through my body. Starting at my nipples, and ending in my c.l.i.t. Jane was. .h.i.tting him. I was. .h.i.tting him. It was just nuts. Crazy. I finally noticed that he'd pa.s.sed out. I tried to revive him, but that wasn't about to happen. I finally gave up and sat down. I was so tired. Jane was practically asleep on her feet. We'd probably tortured him for three or four hours. Though I have no way of knowing. Not like you let me even wear a watch."
She paused. I could see that the story and her memories were affecting her. She was flushed and breathing heavily. Nipples red and swollen. Not like she could hide them. Jane was just flushed. Embarra.s.sed by the whole thing, I was guessing.
Jane swallowed and continued the story. "At the time, I kind of suspected, but didn't really know that Christi was really getting turned on by torturing this guy. I was just dead tired. I asked her if she wanted the couch. She just shook her head. I figured that she'd just sleep in the chair. I lay down on the couch. I was just about asleep when I heard Christi crying. I managed to open my eyes and she was just sitting there weeping. For no reason."
"I was hot. I was h.o.r.n.y. I didn't want to m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e with Jane there, or in front of Evan if he woke up. h.e.l.l, I just wanted someone else. I just didn't feel like pushing myself over. And I didn't have your permission. Though I knew you'd never know if I did it, I still felt weird. Almost disloyal or something dumb. So I was crying. Not knowing when you'd let us out of the room. If you'd indulge me when you did. I don't know. The stress and exhaustion got to me. I was so screwed up. I couldn't help it. I just cried. Anyway, Jane was suddenly right there. Holding me. We cried together for a while. I told her. I told her about me. How I felt. About domination and submission and how you messed me up."
Jane had closed her eyes. Remembering last night. "And I couldn't help it. I told her about me. I didn't think I could ever tell anyone. And now both of you know. I hate myself."
Christi touched her. Leaned over on her knees and kissed her cheek. "Jane. It's normal. No weirder than what I feel. Anyway, I know we weren't supposed to, but we did it anyway. We were so tired we weren't thinking straight. It's my fault. If you want to punish anyone, punish me. I deserve it. We hardly even spoke. It was like we were telepathically linked. I don't know. It was the strangest thing that has ever happened to me. Jane and I just got up. I tied her. I tied her to Mayer. Her bare skin against his. Back to back. He woke up as I was tying her to him. He was so sore I doubt if he even knew what was going on. I stood there and looked at her. So delicate. So helpless. I gagged her with a pair of panties I found in the closet. Crotchless ones I think. Before I placed them in her mouth, she whispered to me to hit her hard. I couldn't. I'm sorry, Jane. I just couldn't. But I used a cane on her. Not hard. I swear it. I was playing with myself. I was. .h.i.tting her. I remember she was screaming. But she never pushed the gag out. She could have. But she didn't. She just stood there and let me cane her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Tears were streaming down her face. It just seemed so unreal. Like a dream. Finally I collapsed. Jane was just hanging. Tied to Evan. I. I think I crawled over to her and untied her. I remember thinking that I had to be careful not to untie Evan as well. I remember catching her as she fell. Having her in my arms. Crying. I was crying. I remember crawling over to the couch. And. G.o.d help me. We. Were together. It felt so good. I didn't care that it was Jane. That it was another woman. I just didn't care. I remember being cold. I remember holding her afterwards. We talked about it for a long time. I don't remember falling asleep. That's why we didn't sleep on the couch. And then she woke me up when you came in." Christi's voice faltered and fell silent.
Her eyes were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears. Jane was openly crying.
I sat there stunned in the silence. I didn't think anything could surprise me anymore. But these two nude, kneeling beauties had managed it. I hung my head back. Picturing it. Picturing what they'd described. I'd long ago decided that I wasn't going to punish them for whatever they'd done. And this wasn't something to punish them for. I just wish I'd seen it.
"Please. Master. We're sorry," Christi's small frightened voice came from the floor. "I swear. We were just tired. We weren't thinking straight. It was wonderful. But it was only once. We swear. Maybe we just wanted to try it without being forced. Please. It won't ever happen again."
I got up from my chair and walked over to the two girls. They were still on their knees. Their faces frightened. Not knowing how I felt about what they'd done.
I knelt down, my knees between their knees. Facing them. I leaned forward and gathered them into my arms. Hugging them fiercely.
Chapter 85.
They quietly wept in my arms. Their bare bodies shaking, strangely silent. I just held them until they calmed.
"You aren't going to punish us?" Christi whispered.
"I think. I think you've punished yourselves enough. I don't think that I have to do anything."
"Oh G.o.d. Thank-you." Jane whispered. She turned her head and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I. I don't know what came over us. I. We. To call us confused is an understatement. I don't know what to do. We've been trying to make sense of it since you woke us. I'm sorry. That's what we were whispering about. Honestly." I believed her.
I hugged them again. "Girls. Don't worry your pretty heads about it. As far as I'm concerned it was perfectly natural. You were dead tired in this really weird situation. You just were comforting each other. It got out of hand. I doubt if it means anything." I'm not sure I believed my own words, but they seemed to make the women feel better.
Christi swallowed. "I wish that was all there was to it. I'm scared."
"You'll be fine." I gave each of them a kiss on the forehead. They quietly allowed the kiss. I released them from the embrace and rose to my feet. I glanced towards the counter. I'd interrupted Jane as she was drying the last plate. Christi had finished washing.
Jane silently rose to her bare feet leaving Christi kneeling on the tile. She picked up the last plate from the drainer and took the dishcloth to it. She returned it to its cupboard and then sank back to her bare knees. Silently waiting. Brooding.
I heard the faint sound of the shower cease. I was sitting in a kitchen chair just watching the girls. They were shifting a little uncomfortably. But they remained quiet. Their eyes downcast. Ashamed?
As the shower stopped, I rose to my own bare feet. I padded over to them.
I touched their bare shoulders and the two women looked up at me.
"You two alright?"
Christi nodded and Jane sort of mumbled, "I think so."
"We have to finish with our Judge friend."
"Master?" Christi looked up at me.
"I know we don't deserve it. But. But this slave. This slave begs. Begs her Master for a shower. Please? Th-this slave feels so very dirty. Please, even though she doesn't deserve one, please let her shower? She'll even be happy with a cold one. Please?" her voice had dropped to a whisper. It wasn't often that Christi deigned herself to use slave talk. She must have really wanted a shower. I can't say I was surprised. After their little confession, I could now see why Christi and Jane had particularly wanted a shower this morning.
I touched their bare shoulders again, indicated that they should rise. Jane was shaking a little, but they both managed to get to their bare feet.
"Listen up. Okay? I know you two are feeling a little odd this morning. I can't blame you. I'm not going to punish you for your adventure. I promise. That means that we're about to go have a shower. But I want you two to realize that I'm not going to treat you any different. Okay? You are still my slaves and I expect you to perform the same as if last night hadn't happened between you. It also means that I'm not going to keep you apart or anything. I might even still make you have s.e.xual contact for my enjoyment. Are you two alright with that?"
Christi swallowed hard. She nodded. Jane followed suit. They exchanged a glance, but then looked back at me.
"You two want your shower now?"
"Oh G.o.d. Please." Jane was restraining herself from just being a normal girl and racing upstairs to use the shower.
I smiled at them and gave them each a playful pat. They practically bounded out of the kitchen and raced upstairs. I sat down on the kitchen table and swung my legs underneath. What the h.e.l.l was that all about? It was pretty clear that those two had gone beyond simple lovemaking. I was actually worried that they had somehow managed to displace their feelings. Being in this situation may have driven them into each others arms. Both physically and emotionally. They may not realize it themselves yet, but I was guessing that if left without some protective measures these two girls were going to fall in love. I could see it on their faces. No matter how much they protested that they were still straight. They didn't want to admit it. And I could understand that. They probably hadn't even admitted it to themselves yet.
What the h.e.l.l did this mean? Should I just back off and let whatever happens, happen? That could prove to be very interesting. On the other hand, wasn't I in control here? Did I want this to happen? What did it impact? And if I chose to prevent it from happening, how did I go about it? Keep them apart? Keep them together? Force them into s.e.x with others? I could see drawbacks to all the plans. If these two were going to love each other, I wasn't sure I could prevent it. I'd have to ponder it later. For now, it simply wasn't a problem. I wasn't sure it ever would be.
I lifted myself and dropped back to the floor. I knew what the girls felt like. I felt icky myself. I walked slowly back to the foyer. My head still spinning from the morning's events. The problems of being in control.
As I climbed the stairs, I heard female voices raised in laughter. I smiled. At least they were happy this morning. I stood at the door for a good two minutes before the girls noticed me.
Elizabeth and Amy were fighting over the hair dryer. It was actually a sight to see. These bare dripping women sliding around playfully pulling the device this way and that. Sheila was standing a safe distance away, on the toilet seat. Carefully watching the battle. She was laughing hysterically. It must have hurt her like holy h.e.l.l to be laughing that hard, but it was nice to see her in better spirits. Finally, with a cry of triumph Amy pulled the hair dryer out of Elizabeth's wet fingers and turned it on. This appeared to end the battle. Sheila daintily stepped down from her perch.
"Master." She spoke as she saw me watching the fight and her.
"Hi girls. A disagreement?" Amy and Elizabeth just looked sheepish. "Amy. Now that you've managed to win your Waterloo, perhaps you'd like to use it to dry Sheila's hair?"
"Of course, Master." She moved to obey. Her face twisting, trying her best to keep a straight face. And failing miserably. She finally broke out into a grin, but managed to control the giggles. She didn't seem to mind helping Sheila before drying her own hair.
Elizabeth pulled a towel from the rack and began to dry herself off. Her face a mask of self control. I could still see the giggles in her eyes. But she managed to control her laughter.
I removed the bathrobe I was wearing and handed it to Amy. She held it in her fingers. Staring at it wistfully. Wishing that she could don it.
I smiled to her. "Go on. Put it on until I get out."
"You're kidding. I haven't worn anything in like a week and you are allowing me to wear something now? Why?" A week was an exaggeration, but I got the point.
"You cooked a good breakfast for all of us. I think everyone here appreciates it. You've been a good girl. Obedient. And you did win the hair dryer. This is your prize for a brave battle to the death." Her mouth broke out into a grin again. Scarcely believing this turn of events.
I heard Jane's voice from the shower enclosure. "Don't argue with him Amy. I'd just wear it while you can. Silly girl."
Amy handed the hair dryer to Sheila for a moment and pulled the terry cloth around her bare body. She closed the belt. Her nudity disappeared in a flash. Pure pleasure graced her face. She actually looked stunning in it. Her figure filled it out despite her pet.i.te frame and the fact it was a man's robe. She did have to roll up the sleeves, but even that looked charming. The robe fell to her ankles. The bright blue of the terrycloth almost matching the colour of her eyes. She twirled in it. Unable to believe I'd allowed her to do this. Flashes of her pale skin as she moved. I hadn't realized I was going to do it either. I was originally planning on just having her hang it up for me. I supposed that it was hung up. Just on an exceptionally beautiful hanger.
She danced over to me and rose up on her tiptoes. She kissed me full on the mouth.
"Thank-you. Thank-you. Thank-you. Thank-you," she gushed.
"Keep in mind you are just keeping it warm until I get out."
She nodded and happily pranced back to Sheila. She didn't care that she would only be allowed to wear it for ten minutes or so. She was allowed to cover herself for the first time in days. She began to blow dry the nude blonde again. Being exceptionally careful of the bruises. All smiles. One happy little girl.
I pulled the shower doors open and stepped inside the steam bath. Christi was leaning against the far wall of the shower enclosure, her eyes closed. Jane was using the soap to wash the other girl. They knew the rules. Unless I allowed them the rare privilege of showering alone, they were to wash each other thoroughly. As though they were washing themselves. Christi's hair was full of lather. Her blonde mane matted with water and shampoo. Her hands idle at her sides. Enjoying being washed.
Christi opened her eyes as I stepped into the shower. Her face flushing. Probably, still not used to showering with me, or with other women. Maybe just enjoying the feel of Jane's fingers a little too much.
The two girls advanced towards me. I expected them to be still a little unsure of themselves. A little reserved. Again, I misjudged the female of the species. Jane grabbed one arm and Christi the other. Between them, the two nude girls managed to maneuver me into the stinging spray, soaking me. Laughing, they pulled me back out from beneath the spray, spluttering. I allowed them to manhandle me around the shower enclosure. Jane practically attacked me with the soap, beginning on my chest and drawing it down my torso. Christi poured shampoo into my hair and began to wash and ma.s.sage my hair and scalp. If you ever get the opportunity to have two women wash you in the shower, my advice is to take it. I relaxed under their care. I closed my eyes and allowed the sensations of their slippery fingers to whisk away all the small aches and pains of the morning. Completely forgetting that these two beauties kind of caused them all.
I felt Jane's fingers being a bit more intimate as she returned to wash my groin a second time. I felt myself reacting. Christi's fingers were still buried in my hair. I touched Jane's head. She was kneeling in the tub below me.
Mistaking the gesture, the girl moved her head forward and engulfed my p.e.n.i.s in her mouth. Her tongue running up and down as I entered her. I gasped in pleasure. Suddenly hard as a rock. I could feel Christi's soapy b.r.e.a.s.t.s against my back. She was purposefully pressing her bare body against me.
Originally, I was going to stop them before this got out of hand. Not really wanting or expecting s.e.x at the moment. I had plans for the rest of the day. Wanted a strong s.e.x drive.
Perhaps the girls knew this. If they managed to get me first thing in the morning, it might reduce my s.e.x drive enough to prevent me from wanting to abuse them later. Probably sound reasoning. And all of the girls were smart enough to figure it out. I wondered if they had collaborated on this somehow. A conspiracy of s.e.x of sorts? Watergate? I smiled at the thought.
I resolved to make sure to upset their plans, if I wasn't being paranoid.
Jane's tongue swirled around me again and I completely lost my train of thought. Was I a complete idiot? In the shower with two gorgeous nude women. One on her knees in front of me? With me in her mouth? And I was thinking of stopping it?
I ran my fingers through her wet hair feeling her small movements taking me into her mouth. I glanced down. One hand was busy moving on my soap lubricated s.c.r.o.t.u.m. I gasped as I reacted. Her other hand was moving between her own legs.
One of Christi's hands was pinching gently at my left nipple. Her body was moving slowly to the beat of the shower. She was moaning softly. Her mouth nibbling at my ear.
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