Part 25
I couldn't help it. I exploded into Jane's waiting mouth. She frantically swallowed. Her own moans emerging around me. Even after I'd finished and released her head, she voluntarily remained on her knees. She kept me in her mouth. Her tongue still slowly circling me as I softened. Christi had stopped touching my nipple, and her hand had disappeared. Her soft cries becoming more insistent. Jane's voice too had become more and more desperate below.
Jane's mouth released me and she looked up at me. I could see her desire in her eyes. Her lips ruby red. Water streaming over her.
"Please. Master."
"Wha?" I managed to get out. The sight of this naked teenager, soaked, kneeling, not allowing my brain to operate.
"Hit me. Let me climax. Please?" she whispered. I could barely hear her over the beat of the shower and the hair dryer.
Christi whispered into my ear from behind me. "Oh G.o.d. Please. Allow a slave to o.r.g.a.s.m. Oh G.o.d. Please?"
I suddenly understood. These girls weren't going to let themselves climax without permission. I turned and looked at Christi. Her soapy body writhing. Her hands busy on her own body. One deep between her legs, the other brushing her very erect nipples.
I leaned in to Christi. "You want to hit Jane?"
"Oh G.o.d. Yes. No. Please. I don't know. I don't think so. Please just let me c.u.m. I'll do anything you want. Please."
I closed my eyes and turned around. I slapped Jane's face. She gasped in pain. Her head snapped back and her eyes flew open. The open handed slap would leave a red mark for a few minutes, but wasn't anything like the slap that Mayer had delivered in anger to Sheila.
"Harder," she whispered.
I leaned down to her ear. "You can o.r.g.a.s.m as soon as I slap you again."
"Oh G.o.d. Please. Hurry."
I turned to Christi. "You can climax as soon as I slap her again."
"Oh G.o.d. Please don't hurt her."
"I won't. She wants it. You understand."
Christi nodded. Her hands still working furiously. Slowing down once in a while to prolong things. Stop her from climaxing early. She moaned low in her throat. Wanting to climax but afraid to without permission.
I turned around. Jane was still kneeling. Naked. Vulnerable. Her eyes frightened, but strangely at peace.
I reached forward and slapped her cheek again. Her head slowly tilted back and her fingers flicked her c.l.i.toris one last time. Her wet hair streaming down her bare back. She screamed. Startling me. Her whole body tensed on her knees. Her mouth opened. She climaxed hard. Her whole body showing her pain and pleasure.
I heard Christi's low moan. I turned just in time to see her draw in a last breath of air and hold it. Her whole body tensing. Her head falling to the side. Finally taking a last breath of air.
I felt a weight against my bare foot. I looked down to find Jane collapsed off her knees and quietly crying under the spray. Christi had somehow managed to keep her balance. Jane's fingers were pressed against her right cheek. It was probably stinging like a thousand bees had settled there to let their anger be known. I crouched down, more concerned for her than Christi who'd managed to stay upright.
"You alright, Janey?"
She nodded. She managed to get herself to her hands and knees, looking at me.
"Soap tastes awful," she remarked casually. A smile breaking over her face. Her cheek was red. But not seriously. "I should have rinsed you. Remind me next time." She opened her mouth and let water flow into it from the waterfall cascading over her body. She spit, grimacing. Very unladylike, but under the circ.u.mstances I wasn't about to punish her. She looked up and smiled. "Yuck."
I hadn't realized that she had given me head while I was still soapy. I couldn't imagine what kind of self-control that took, not to react but continue her task. What a way to wash your mouth out with soap. And she hadn't even been swearing.
I helped Jane to her feet.
"Thank-you," she whispered. I knew she meant for the slaps. I nodded and kissed her mouth. She returned the kiss.
I stepped under the spray again. Rinsing out the shampoo and the soap covering my body. I was actually surprised that the shampoo hadn't crept down and into my eyes. Lucky for Christi. Soap in the master's eyes was a punishable offense. Christi waited patiently, her own body still needing rinsing. If I wasn't mistaken, shampoo had crept into her eyes. They looked a bit bloodshot and she was wiping at her forehead and cheeks with her wet hands. I had no idea if Jane was done or not. But they hadn't really been in the shower long enough. Jane probably still had to wash.
I stepped out from the spray. Christi leaned down to whisper to me. "I. I guess I'm not a lesbian. Not really. All I could think about was you that time."
I smiled. "I think Jane had other things on her mind as well."
Maybe they'd be alright after all.
Chapter 86.
I slipped out of the shower leaving the two girls to finish cleaning themselves. They were laughing and splashing each other. I just shook my head and stepped out.
The mood in the outside bathroom was more somber. Elizabeth was standing near the counter, waiting for the hair drier. Her eyes downcast. Amy was running her hands through her own locks. The hair drier humming away. Her face looked almost grim in her mirror. It looked like she had cleared a patch of the mirror with the hair drier, the steam having disappeared from the gla.s.s in a big oval. Sheila glanced up at me from the other side of the washroom. Her hair dry and loose around her shoulders. She was gingerly mopping up the last of the moisture from her left leg and foot with a pink towel.
I caught Sheila's eye and she quickly looked away. A look of fright crossing her bruised face.
"Sheila?" I raised my voice over the hair drier. I touched Amy's shoulder. A look of fright crossed her face and she immediately switched the device off lowering the ambient decibel level. The only sounds were the splashing of the shower and the occasional giggle from the shower enclosure. I could see Christi and Jane moving as silhouettes behind the frosted gla.s.s. A lot happier than the girls out here. I idly wondered if there had been a disagreement out here while I was being washed and pleasured.
Amy ducked her head and shrugged off the robe. She lay it down on the counter. She immediately picked up a towel and began to dry my body. I had only meant the touch to make her stop the hair drier for a moment. But I enjoyed the girl's initiative. Even if she was sullen.
"Sheila?" I repeated. Her frightened face looked up from drying herself. She swallowed heavily and dropped her towel to the floor. Revealing herself to me. Thinking that I wanted to see her nudity.
"I'm sorry. Whatever I did. I'm sorry. Please don't hit me."
"Sheila. Honey. You didn't do anything. I'm not going to hit you. Why do you think you did something?"
"I. I just don't know all your rules yet. I don't know." Her eyes brimmed with tears. She was shaking. I wasn't following this at all. They had been happy before.
Amy had managed to dry most of the moisture from my skin. I picked up the bathrobe and slipped it on, letting the terrycloth soak up the rest of the water from my skin.
"Knees. All of you."
Elizabeth scampered over to Sheila. Amy was already on her knees beside me. Sheila and Elizabeth sank to the floor. Confusion and fright still mirrored on their faces.
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing Master," Sheila replied.
"If I don't find out what is the matter with you three, I am going to punish you all. I'm serious here."
The three girls exchanged glances. Finally Sheila spoke. I was surprised that she was the one to speak and not Amy or Elizabeth.
"Sir? Please. Why did you slap Jane? She was doing what you wanted. She didn't deserve punishment."
Now I was beginning to understand. They'd noticed what was going on in the shower. They thought I had punished Jane with some slaps. And they couldn't understand. They probably saw the silhouette of us in the shower. They could see Jane on her knees. See me. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was doing. And the shower and hair dryer would have masked both Jane and Christi's voices, but probably not the sharp slaps. Or Jane's final scream. After what had happened to Sheila with Evan, I imagine that all the girls were going to be sensitive to face slapping for a while.
I knelt down with them on the floor. "Sheila. Honey. I slapped her but it wasn't a punishment." I traced my finger gently down her face across her bruise. She flinched but didn't back away. Problem was I didn't want to explain what had really taken place in there. That Jane had wanted it. I continued. "I didn't really hurt her. I would never hit anyone enough to cause this." Meaning the bruise I was tracing. "You know that I enjoy a bit of pain in my women. I was just indulging. Honest. She's used to it. I didn't hit her hard. I doubt if she even minded. Ask her."
Sheila's lower lip quivered as she struggled not to cry.
I spoke to her gently again. "Ask her."
"You hit her because you enjoy it. She didn't mind? And she's not going to be bruised?" Sheila sounded really doubtful.
"You know that I enjoy it. But I wouldn't go this far. It's not necessary. Ask the others. Elizabeth? Have I ever hurt you for no reason?"
"All the time."
"Ever seriously? Physically?"
"N-no. I don't think you've ever bruised me."
"You hurt me worse when I disobeyed. But no bruises. Unless you count what I did to myself trying to get free of restraints. Ropes."
"Sheila. Baby. I'm not denying it. I do hurt them simply because I enjoy it. I know that it's unfair. But I've never hurt them so that they were in agony for days. Like you are."
"Are. Are you going to hurt me as well?" Sheila asked in a quavering voice.
I nodded. The tears finally broke free and crawled down her cheeks.
"I won't ever hurt you this much though. No matter how much you disobey. It won't last. I promise." She pulled in her breath and managed to stop crying. "Ask Jane. See if she's still hurt."
Sheila closed her eyes and rose to her bare feet. She walked over to the shower, knelt back down and opened the door just enough to stick her head through.
"Hey! Close that door. That's cold. Oh, Sheila. I'm sorry. What can I do for you?" It was Jane's soft voice from under the spray. I could see Sheila hesitate. Jane's bright demeanor telling pretty much all of it. But she continued anyway.
"Jane? Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course, honey. What's up?" I watched Jane's silhouette as it crossed the frosted gla.s.s. Christi changed positions with her, allowing the spray to soak her again. I thought I heard Christi sigh.
I strained to hear Sheila's soft voice.
"He just hit you. Didn't he?"
"Oh honey. Yes. You saw that?" Sheila's blonde head just nodded. "Oh G.o.d. I didn't think you'd seen that. I'm sorry."
"Did he h-hurt you?"
"It hurt. But, honey, it's alright. I can't explain it."
"Does it still hurt?"
"No. I'm fine. He didn't really hurt me. Just for the moment. See?" Jane must have turned her cheek towards Sheila. "No marks." I was sure that Jane leaned forward and kissed Sheila's forehead. "Don't worry your pretty little head. I'm fine. I know what you are thinking. He won't hurt you until you can take it. It's not as though he doesn't have his choice of women to hurt. He won't hurt you yet. I promise. I'll offer myself if he wants to hurt you. He can't resist me." I smiled at this. "You alright?"
I heard Sheila's voice. A bit shaky. "I. I guess. I don't want to be hurt."
"Honey. I'm sorry. All I can promise is that he won't hurt you for a while yet. And when he does, it won't be as bad as that monster you were with for so long. I understand that you are afraid. I would be too. I. I may look brave to you. But most of the time, I'm scared to death. We'll make it. Alright?"
Sheila just nodded. Her bare body shaking. Probably crying softly. I saw Jane lean down and kiss the frightened girl again.
"You'll be fine. I promise. Now close this door before I actually do hurt from freezing to death." I saw Jane's wet hand ruffle Sheila's hair. Another gentle kiss and Sheila backed out of the shower, softly closing the door.
I was mistaken. She wasn't crying. Her relief was written all over her face.
"You see? She's fine."
Sheila nodded. "I'm sorry Master. I was just worried."
"Considering what you've been through, I understand. Sheila, honey, I don't hurt my girls like that. I'm not going to lie to you. I do hurt them. But I swear it doesn't last."
"Why do you have to hurt us? We. We don't need to be hurt. We'll do whatever it is you want. You must know that."
Amy spoke up. "Honey? He just likes it. And, much as I hate it, he can do whatever he wants with me. With us. We are his slaves now. He keeps us nude. He keeps us bound most of the time. He just enjoys it. Pain. Our pain. Is just part of it. I doubt if he can even explain it. He's not as brutal as your former master. I should know. Jane and I have been through his worst punishments. Believe me, you don't want to disobey." She swallowed heavily. "Sheila, darling. I tried to escape once. He ended up punishing me. I thought I'd gone to h.e.l.l. I was in such pain. But the marks and the residual pain only lasted a few hours. Don't get me wrong. I never want to go through that again. But I'm fine." She spread her arms out. "See. No bruises."
Sheila nodded. Still not understanding me, but having to accept it. That someday, I'd hurt her.
Sheila crawled over to Amy. "Tell me?"
I rose to my feet and sat up on the counter. Elizabeth had brightened on hearing Jane so cheerful. She looked at me questioningly. Wondering if she could rise as well. I nodded and the woman climbed to her bare feet. Smiling she s.n.a.t.c.hed the hair drier from the counter. Pleased with herself that she'd managed to steal it from Amy.
"Can a slave use the hair drier? Please?"
"On low." I wanted to listen to Amy. I heard the much less harsh hum of the drier start up as Elizabeth began to dry her hair on the lower setting. I watched Elizabeth drying her hair while I listened to the girls still kneeling on the tile. Elizabeth looked delightful with her arms up, exposing herself. She noticed the scrutiny and just tried to ignore my eyes on her. She wore one of those boys-will-be-boys looks.
Amy took a deep breath. "I'm not sure you want to hear about it Sheila. It might frighten you."
"I want to know what happened. I'll tell you something worse that happened to me if you want."
"I don't think I want to know." She took another deep breath. "Here goes. Stop me if you get too upset. Okay? It was only a day or so after I was captured. G.o.d. I remember. I couldn't stand being nude around him. I. I felt like an animal. Frightened. Cornered. Something small sparked it. Probably the cutlery thing. I hated what he'd forced me to do. I hated how he had taken a part of me. Taken part of my humanity. Molded me into his pet. I simply hated him. I didn't think it could get any worse. The constant humiliation of being naked. The pain of his games. I just wanted to die. I figured if I disobeyed him, tried to run that he'd either let me go because I was too much trouble, or he'd shoot me. Kill me. I didn't care at the time. He caught me in the bedroom. I was dressing myself. G.o.d it felt good to put on those clothes." She paused. "But it wasn't worth it. He. He forced me to submit to his will again. I couldn't. I wasn't strong enough. He gagged me. With a tongue clamp. I'd do anything to avoid that pain again. Oh G.o.d did that hurt. I can't even describe the agony. I'm not sure I can tell you the rest." She paused again. Pain flashing across her features as she relived the torment I'd put her through. "He. He tied my toes to the clamp. Through a pulley arrangement in the ceiling. I thought I was going to die. That my tongue was going to ripped out of my mouth. That he was going to wait until my thighs gave out and couldn't support themselves. Watching me. My own toes tearing my tongue from my mouth. I swore that I'd never talk back again. That I'd do whatever he demanded of me. I'd kill for him. I prayed. Even though I don't, didn't, believe in G.o.d. I didn't care. Praying made me feel better. Somehow. I tried to beg. I didn't care anymore what I looked like. I didn't have the energy to feel humiliated. Did whatever I had to do. I just wanted out. The pain to stop. Finally. My thighs were in agony. They were about to give up and he let me go. He let my tongue out. I remember. It felt so good. My mind was telling me, somewhere that it was a fallacy. That it was like that old joke. Why you bang your head against a brick wall? Because it feels good to stop? It was like that. It felt like heaven to have that clamp released from me. It hurt, but being freed made me feel so d.a.m.n good." She paused her narrative again. Thinking. "He followed it up with a breast cropping. He cut my b.r.e.a.s.t.s out of my sweater, my favourite sweater, and cropped me. Until I screamed and begged for him to stop. And then to teach me, he had Christi hit me until he returned. And she did. Slowly. All day. G.o.d did she hit me. I was incoherent by the end of it. But it was alright. He made sure that I wasn't seriously hurt. The marks stayed for a day or so. And my t.i.ts hurt like h.e.l.l for a few hours. But I survived." She pointed to her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "Not even a welt to be seen. I'm fine now. And not nearly as eager to disobey, I might add. The t.i.ts I could handle. It hurt. But that tongue trick. s.h.i.t. Don't ever let him do that to you. Whatever you are fighting for, it's not worth it."
Sheila had paled. But then, incredibly, she smiled. Somehow the story had relieved her. I couldn't understand that. But she actually smiled.
"I can top that, you know."
"Your last session with the Judge can top that." Amy said seriously. "Those bruises on your body can top that. Seriously, honey. You can tell me later. I want to hear it, but I can't right now. I'm not sure I can take it. Whatever brutality that monster did to you. I. I guess I'm still in a bit of a fragile state right now."
Sheila just nodded in understanding. "I'll tell you when you are ready. I don't mind."
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