Part 26

Part 26

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Amy climbed to her bare feet. Extended her hand to the bare girl still kneeling. "Come on. If we aren't done soon, he's going to tongue clamp us both." She playfully stuck her tongue out at me. Telling her story of pain to Sheila seemed to have lifted a weight off her shoulders. I'd never understand the female. Never.

Sheila rose with Amy's help. Still wincing at her aches and pains. They returned to the counter.

"Hey!" Amy spoke to Elizabeth using her hair drier. "Hurry up with my hair drier."

Elizabeth smiled and spoke, "Mine now. He let me use it."

"Come on girls. Finish up."

Elizabeth switched the drier to high, her red locks almost dried. Sheila and Amy began to apply their makeup and nail polish.

As Elizabeth handed the hair drier to Amy, Jane and Christi stepped out of the shower looking very scrubbed. Their fingers were pruned. They hugged themselves in the suddenly cool air. Their nipples at attention. They looked a bit like a pair of drowned rats. I almost mentioned it to them, but refrained. Not sure they'd have appreciated the compliment. They scrambled to the towel rack and began to dry off.

Christi walked up to Amy and gently took the hair drier from her fingers. Amy was never going to get her hair done. Amy began a protest but Christi whispered something in her ear. She paled and let Christi have the device.

Christi walked up to me still sitting on the counter. She was still damp, her hair dripping over her bare body. She began to run her fingers through my hair. Teasing it. She directed the warm air onto my head and styled my hair.

"What did you say to her?"

"Just that you still had wet hair. That's all."

"I see." My hair was much shorter than the girls. It was mostly dry anyway. She was finished in a matter of moments. I turned to look in the mirror. She hadn't given me a mohawk style or anything. She'd done a d.a.m.n good job.

Christi returned the hair drier to Amy. Amy looked in my direction as I slipped off the counter. "I'm so sorry. I. I just forgot. I should have dried your hair first."

I stepped over to the bare girl. "It's alright. I didn't mind. I liked watching you dry your hair. Quite erotic actually." Amy flushed and I kissed her head. "Relax. I'm not going to punish you. Yet."

"I'm still sorry."

I turned on my heel and simply walked out of the bathroom. I heard the hair drier switched back on. I wandered back to the main bedroom and slipped back into my clothes. I lay down on the bed, faintly smelling Elizabeth and Sheila in the sheets. I waited for the girls to finish.

Chapter 87.

I relaxed into the pillows and closed my eyes. Within minutes I heard the patter of feet enter the room. Whoever it was saw me lying back on the bed with my eyes closed and caught her breath.

I opened my eyes. Sheila stood just inside the doorway. Looking decidedly nervous. She began to sink to her knees. When she was settled, she spoke softly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. I. I wasn't even sure I was supposed to come in."

"It's alright, Sheila. I wasn't asleep or anything."

She nodded and looked down at the carpet upon which she was kneeling.

Her soft voice spoke again. "What are you going to do with us?"


"Today. I'm just curious. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"First, we finish up with your former boss."

"Oh. Am I going to be involved?"

"Probably. You know him best."


"I don't know. Maybe some shopping."

"Shopping? Forgive me, but you don't seem like the shopping type."

"I'm not. But we need some stuff. Besides, shopping is more fun with nude females along, don't you think?"

"Oh." She was probably sorry she'd asked.

Elizabeth wandered into the room next. Still sporting some gooseb.u.mps. Seeing Sheila kneeling, she also sank to her knees.

Before she had dropped, I noticed that she had rouged her nipples again. She saw my gaze. From her knees, she spread her arms wide and smiled.

"Before you ask. Yes. I did it again. You didn't have much time to notice them yesterday. I tried to convince the others to try it, but that was less than successful. I guess if you like it, you'll have to tell them."

I grinned. One adventurous girl was enough for me. At least at this time.

As she finished speaking, the other three wandered in. Their bare feet softly scuffing at the rug. They quietly filed in and knelt down. I just gazed at them. Not quite believing the sight. Normally, the women just wore their hair loose around their shoulders. I liked it that way and it was easier for them. Not normally having the freedom to keep their hair in any style.

Christi's blonde hair was pinned up. Her make up perfect. Amy had her hair loose as usual. Jane had put her brunette hair into a long ponytail pulling it back from her face. Christi and Jane looked like completely different women with their hair styled. Even these relatively simple styles.

"Wow." I remarked.

Jane and Christi flushed. Jane spoke. "We can't take the credit. It was Elizabeth's idea. I hope you don't mind." She smiled. Pleased that I'd noticed the effort.

I slowly shook my head. I didn't mind. Christi and Jane looked so ... different.

All the women looked revitalized. All of them, hair done or not, shone. I loved the sight of them even more after a shower. They looked so clean. So fresh. So female. They were more relaxed.

They all knelt easily. Sitting back on their heels. Hands resting casually on their knees. b.r.e.a.s.t.s slightly thrust forward.

I leaned back. "Alright girls. This is the plan for today. Elizabeth and Amy. You get free time for a while." The two girls smiled. Looking forward to the time alone. "Christi, Jane and Sheila are going to keep me company with our host." Sheila paled, and Christi and Jane exchanged another glance.

"After that. We are going shopping. I haven't decided who, but two of you will be bound until I return. Alright?"

The girls didn't look too happy about the bondage part, but they all nodded.

I spoke to Elizabeth and Amy. "Go on. Enjoy your free time."

"You aren't going to handcuff us?"

"Do you want to be handcuffed?"

They shook their heads in unison, afraid to say anything further. And without another word, the girls jumped to their bare feet and scampered out of the bedroom. I could hear them thundering down the stairs through the open door.

I looked at the remaining girls. "We are just going to finish him off. Shouldn't take too long. Anyone want to stay? I can tie you to the bed instead." I was concerned about Sheila. I was pretty sure that I could trust Christi and Jane to keep their self control.

Sheila nodded. "I can do it. I want to do it." Despite her words she didn't seem very sure of herself.

"Good. On your feet." The girls scrambled to their feet. Together, we reached the room with Mayer and unlocked it. "Last chance to be in a bed, instead."

The girls didn't say anything. I walked in. The girls in tow.

Evan stirred. Moaned. He was still in rough shape.

"G.o.d. Please let me out of this."

I took my seat. I glanced over the floor by the sofa. Knowing what happened there. Feeling almost aroused. I thought I saw Christi and Jane glance over as well.

"Mayer. It will be over soon. I promise."

He just looked at me dully. I motioned the girls over beside my chair. They all filed past him, without looking at him, and knelt around the chair. Christi had knelt in front of the recliner and she leaned back easily against my legs. Even through his pain and humiliation, Mayer managed to eye the women. Almost disgusted, I saw him react. I thought I heard Christi stifle a smirk.

"Mayer? You said you killed seven women last night."

"G.o.d. I need water. I'll tell you after you give me water." His voice was hoa.r.s.e. Probably from screaming last night.

Jane rose up on her knees. Pulling me down to her lips. She hissed at me. "You can give him water if you want. But last night I asked him. He was more than willing to tell me about it. He strangled them. Sometimes made the new slave kill the former one. I doubt if that happened to Sheila though. He wouldn't tell me. I can't imagine her sane if that had happened to her. Buried them in a field near his winter getaway."

I looked at Christi. "Go get him a gla.s.s of water. Okay?"

She tilted her head back and looked up at me upside down. Not really wanting to get it for him, but she obeyed. She rose to her bare feet and padded out into the hallway. I watched his battered face as he moaned quietly. But I could still see defiance burning somewhere behind his eyes. The looks he was giving the naked women weren't just of desire, but also of s.a.d.i.s.tic fantasy. He was breaking their bones behind those eyes. I shuddered that he could go through such abuse from these women and still not be broken. I doubted if the women even realized of what this man was capable.

I whispered to Jane. "What the h.e.l.l did you do to him?"

"We played." She flashed me an evil smile. It looked like she'd taken a cane or a whip to his entire front. Including his face. I cringed at the welts in his groin area. I had to remind myself that he'd done as bad or worse to Sheila in the past. For her part Sheila was gazing at the damage to his body. Probably picturing herself in similar conditions. She was far more delicate. I would imagine that the damage to her would have been worse, in general. h.e.l.l the bruises alone could be considered worse. If I let the b.a.s.t.a.r.d down now, he'd be sore as h.e.l.l for a few days, but not suffering for a week or more like Sheila would be.

Christi returned with a tall gla.s.s of water. She knelt with it carefully, falling back easily into her kneeling position. I bent to her ear. "Give him the water. But pour it over his head. Make him beg for it first."

She closed her eyes. She wasn't as angry at the man this morning. She'd had her way with him last night. Letting her anger go. She looked like she was about to say something. Perhaps a small protest. But she rose to her feet and approached him. For a change his eyes were glued to the gla.s.s of water in her hands, and not her bare chest.

"Evan? You remember last night?"

He nodded.

"You want the water?"

"I'll tell you anything you want to know. Just don't hit me anymore. Please."

"The water?"

"What do you want to know?"

I spoke softly from the chair. "You killed seven women over the last few years. I need their names. And where they are now."

"A sip?"

I nodded. Christi raised the gla.s.s to his parched lips. He tried to drink, but she maintained control of the gla.s.s and only allowed him to wet his lips. Just a taste.

"Okay. I can't remember all their names. But other than the b.i.t.c.h over there they were all tried by me. Over the last twenty years. I remember a few. Doreen Stills. Hannah Waters. Gladys Lifkin. I remember them. Hannah was fun. She wasn't a hooker. She was a house wife. In for something stupid like indecent exposure or marijuana possession. Maybe both. For a while I used to play with her at her home while her kids were in school. I buried them at night up by my winter retreat. Clearwater."

I committed the names to memory. I'd need them after all this was over.

"Christi. Give him the rest of the water."

Christi stood on her tiptoes and reached above his head. She slowly turned the gla.s.s over his head, soaking him.

He spluttered and coughed as the water ran over his face. "What the f.u.c.k did you do that for, b.i.t.c.h? I told you what you f.u.c.king wanted to know."

I sat back. I had everything I needed from him. Christi realized that I'd just released them to torment him again.

"He told me to, a.s.shole. *I* wanted to let you drink it. Are we back to, calling women, b.i.t.c.hes?"

"f.u.c.k you." But there was real fear in his eyes. "I saw you last night. I know what you did with that other b.i.t.c.h. You f.u.c.king weird d.y.k.e. You prefer that over *b.i.t.c.h'? d.y.k.e. Or lesbo? c.u.n.t sucker? Give me a second with you and I'll show you why men are better." I seriously doubted that his kind of love would convince any girl of that. He turned to me. "You know that your c.u.n.ts are f.u.c.king weird too."

I saw Christi flush, but she wasn't about to let him get under his skin. Jane had gone ashen at the words. Probably thanking the lord that I already knew about what they'd done last night. That they were safe from punishment for their small tryst. If I'd found out this way, I doubt if I'd been as lenient. Sheila didn't even seem to notice. Probably thought that the guy was just blowing off steam, trying to rattle the girls. Maybe not surprised that Jane and Christi were lovers. Maybe thinking that I had ordered them to have s.e.x while we were asleep. Didn't matter to her.

Christi backed off suddenly, tactfully ignoring his tirade. She pointed to a device on the desk. A black box with switches, a dial and wire running from it. "What is that? I found it in your closet last night. Couldn't figure out how to use it."

He shook his head.

"I can make you tell me." Christi reached forward to grip his b.a.l.l.s again. Sheila stopped her.

"Christi. Wait. I know what it is. And he'll never tell you." I watched a bit of irritation crossed Christi's face. She wanted to at least try and make him tell her. His outburst, trying to get her punished would have succeeded if she hadn't been fortunate enough to tell me in advance. Her anger was returning by leaps and bounds as he verbally degraded his tormentors. Sheila continued from the floor. "It's electronic. It's a pain inducer."

"A what?"

Sheila had paled. "It's an electronic pain inducer. I don't know how it works."

Fascinated, I got up and walked over to the desk. I picked up the toy. I knew what it was. I turned over the black box in my hands. It looked like some sort of home made job. It had five black wires protruding from it. Two with alligator clips. Two that ended in connectors. And one standard wall plug. A dial with numbers inscribed from one to ten, a switch, and a LED.

"Oh G.o.d," Sheila continued. She took a deep breath. "He only used it on me once. I don't remember why. Not that he had to have a reason or anything. I. He. The clips went on my nipples. I remember they hurt even before he turned it on; they drew blood. I still have the marks. He slipped these smooth metal d.i.l.d.os into me. My. My c.u.n.t and my a.s.s. And he plugged the thing in. That's all I remember. And the pain. From deep inside me. It pulsed. And he said he'd turn it up to three. And he left me there to suffer as he watched. G.o.d, how I screamed. G.o.d. I've never felt anything quite like it. The agony is. Indescribable. It comes from so deep inside you. You don't know whether to pay attention to the shocks from your bowels, or your c.u.n.t or your nipples. Or all of them. Or none of them. I. I think I pa.s.sed out. When I revived. He. He was there. The d.i.l.d.os weren't in me anymore. But the clips were still on my nipples. I remember him inside me. Grinning. And turning it on again. f.u.c.king me as I screamed and writhed. I thought my t.i.ts were going to explode or something. The agony was indescribable. He pulsed the thing. Letting me rest from time to time. Keeping me awake. Ignoring me. My begging. I don't remember him taking them off me. I only remember waking up the next day in my own bed, screaming. I hurt for days after that. Thank G.o.d he only used it on me once."

I heard a deep growl from deep in his throat. "I never used it again because I was afraid of killing you too soon, you f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h. But you looked so f.u.c.king beautiful hanging there screaming your guts out. If I ever get out of this, I am going to use it again on you. After I break your f.u.c.king fingers. Make you crawl around like that for a while. See how long you can take it on ten before it kills you."

Sheila paled, but held his eyes. Despite her ongoing pain and bruises, maybe even a cracked rib, she looked like she was in a h.e.l.l of a lot better shape than he was. And despite the bruises looked ten times more beautiful. A hundred times.

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