Part 27
Christi padded over to me. "What say we find those d.i.l.d.os? Huh? Though we probably only need one for him."
I shrugged. Christi padded away to the closet. I continued to turn over the device in my hands, studying it. Moments later Christi returned with two silver phalluses. Complete with short wires and matching male electrical connectors. Evan's eyes widened at this. Knowing that he was about to feel the pain that he'd subjected at least Sheila to, if not all his slaves. For all I knew, he'd even killed some of them with this little gem. I wouldn't imagine it would take too much electricity across the chest to interrupt the heart. I could almost picture it happening with the nipple electrodes.
Jane rose and walked over. "Maybe you should let Sheila have the honours."
"If she wants them."
Sheila had gingerly walked over as well. She nodded and held out her hand. I gently placed one of the metal d.i.l.d.os in her outstretched palm. Grasping the instrument of her own torture. She closed her eyes and swayed a bit. Probably remembering her own torment with this very phallus. When she opened her eyes, she had that look of hate smoldering behind her baby blue eyes again. She picked up one of the d.i.l.d.os and walked back over to him. He looked at her dully.
"Remember this?"
He swallowed. "You don't scare me, c.u.n.t."
She closed her eyes. I couldn't believe that this guy had the strength to be insulting them.
She silently walked around him and stood behind. He craned his neck to try and watch her. "I wouldn't do that c.u.n.t. You are only making it worse on yourself."
"I wouldn't do that c.u.n.t. You are only making it worse on yourself," she mimicked him cruelly in her higher voice. "Evan. I've had this used on me before. It hurt. But I survived. The question is, will you?" She continued in a very calm voice. "I want you to apologize to me. For doing this to me the first time. I did nothing to deserve it. And I want you to apologize for calling me a c.u.n.t. Either call me Sheila, or Mistress. Got it?" She got a worried look on her face and looked in my direction. Wondering if she'd overstepped her bounds.
I smiled at her and shrugged. I didn't mind if she could make him call her Mistress. Kind of liked the touch actually.
"Let's get this straight right now. I loved watching you writhe when I tortured you. I'm not apologizing. You can torture me until death and I won't. And I'm not calling a c.u.n.t like you Sheila or any other name. c.u.n.t. That's all you are." Brave, brave words. I was reasonably sure that he was going to regret them.
She was still calm. I watched as she lowered the metal invader towards his a.s.s. "Don't say I didn't warn you." With one brutal motion she rammed the d.i.l.d.o into him. Even I cringed. His head fell back and he howled. She mercilessly kept her hand on it. Forcing it into him as he bucked and pulled on his restraints. Desperately trying to get the thing out of his a.s.s.
She whispered to him after he calmed down. "That's how I felt when you did it to me. Only I have two holes to do it to, don't I? If you'd apologized I would have had the kindness of using some lubricant. And I would have set it on three, instead of five."
"Oh G.o.d. It burns. It hurts. Take it out. Please."
"Those words sound familiar. Did you listen to them when they came out of my mouth?"
"No. M-mistress. I. I'm sorry. Oh G.o.d. Please. Take it out."
The pain must have been intense for this turn around.
Jane walked over to Sheila carrying the black box and some duct tape. Sheila smiled at Jane, who didn't return the smile. This was far more brutal than anything they had done to him last night. I suspect that Jane wasn't quite as into this as she was earlier. The displays of outright pain a bit much for her. I debated letting her out. She was a pretty sensitive girl and she had expended her anger last night. Instead of an insolent, obnoxious jacka.s.s, the pathetic creature in front of us was merely in pain. Exhausted and nearly out of resources.
I spoke to Jane as she returned, "Hey? You alright? You want to leave? I'll let you. I'll understand. You can join Amy and Elizabeth downstairs if you like. I won't force you to be bound on the bed."
"G.o.d. That sounds nice. But. No. I'll stay here. I. I just feel like I should see this. Understand Sheila."
Jane hadn't gone through what Sheila had. Sheila deserved this. I was determined to let her go through with it. Christi just watched. Vaguely turned on by the whole drama, despite its brutality. I tried my best to simply distance myself from it. But I thought it was just about time to end Evan's agony. I'd let Sheila finish this, but that was it.
Sheila had taped the invasion into Evan's a.s.s so he was unable to expel it. She knelt and carefully connected up the device. Instead of placing the alligator clips on his nipples, she attached them to his s.c.r.o.t.u.m. She left the second d.i.l.d.o connection free having nowhere to place the second metal probe on a male.
She knelt in front of him. Looking into his face.
"Evan? Can you hear me?"
He nodded. Tears of pain streaming down his face.
"Good. How long did you subject me to this thing?"
"I. I don't remember."
"Well I sure don't either. But it seemed like forever. When I was conscious."
"Please. Mercy."
She reached forward with her small hand. She ran her fingers along the length of his p.e.n.i.s. Despite his discomfort and outright pain, he reacted and began to stiffen. Jane and Christi just watched in fascination.
"Remember this touch Evan, darling? Remember forcing me to do this to you? Tease you for hours before you raped me, again? I might point out that this time, I'm doing it by choice. Not using my mouth, if you'll notice. I'm not going to use my mouth unless I'm ordered to. And I don't think I will be. And remember that c.u.n.t that you are so fond of reminding me that I have? Yeah? You aren't going to be raping it either. What do you think of that?" She wore a look of disgust on her face. I was surprised that she had brought herself to do this at all. Touch him. Even with her fingers. But she knew that it would ultimately increase his discomfort. The female of the species is far more dangerous than the male.
Evan had closed his eyes. Concentrating on the light touches that her fingers were imparting to him. He rocked his hips forward, trying to increase her stimulation. He was raging hard. The only pleasure that he'd had in the better part of the day. The rest being pure pain. Of course, he reacted.
"Evan? Dear? Remember teasing me? Whipping me? Then giving me some pleasure? Using your fingers? Your tongue? Gently on me? Whether I wanted your attention or not?" Her words were making me hard. His erection seemed to be getting more and more solid, if that was possible. "Teasing me? Using vibrators? Remember how I reacted to it? Any kindness? I moaned? I begged? But did you ever let me climax? Ever let me have any kind of release? Any pleasure? No matter how small? It was fun to deny me? Wasn't it?"
"I let you climax, b.i.t.c.h." He'd opened his eyes again.
"You made me m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e for your friends while they all catcalled. And if you hadn't tied my hands at night, sometimes I could m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e myself in private. Yeah. A great s.e.x life I had."
"You o.r.g.a.s.med other times. You can't lay this one me."
"To stop the pain. You were whipping me between my legs. I couldn't help it. My body just did it to feel better. To stop that horrible pain even for a few seconds. But it was only for a second. Wasn't it? You saw the climax. And you thought that you could make me do it again. The same way. Thinking I liked it. Despite all my pleading. Didn't I pa.s.s out from the pain that time?"
Her fingers still idly touching him. He was moaning.
"Please don't do this to me."
"I know those words. Written and performed originally by Sheila. Queen of the Slaves. You want to apologize? Or shall I flick this b.u.t.ton?"
"Oh G.o.d. What do you want?"
"I just want you to be sorry for what you did to me. What you put me through. And degrading women in general. For the last f.u.c.king time. I'm not a c.u.n.t."
"I. I can't do it."
"Evan? Do you have any concept how much this thing hurts?"
"I watched you in it."
"Not the same as experiencing it. I'm planning on sitting here and watching you experience it first hand. But I won't feel a f.u.c.king thing."
"Oh G.o.d. I. I apologize. I swear it. I'm sorry. Anything you want to hear. Just don't turn it on. Please."
Sheila lay back on the carpet and arched herself. His eyes never left her bare bruised body. She finally sat back up.
"Let's compromise then. I'll only leave it on five for a few minutes. Then you can experience what three is like."
"No. Please. Have some compa.s.sion."
Her fingers set the dial. I couldn't see it from my vantage point, but I a.s.sumed that it was set at five. Her pretty finger with the peach nail polish rested idly on the switch. The box balanced easily on her outstretched thigh. That one slim digit controlling his world. His pain.
"I lost my compa.s.sion for you when you never. Ever. f.u.c.king. Listened to me. Even when I was screaming in pain." Her face was an unemotional mask as she flipped the switch. The red LED flickered to life and the reaction was instantaneous.
His whole body tensed. His face a mask of agony. His mouth opened as I looked away. As far as I knew all the girls managed to watch.
"You f.u.c.king BIIIIIIITTTTTCHCHCHCHCHCH!" he screamed into the uncaring room.
She let him dance for a full ten seconds before she switched it off. Not the few minutes that she'd threatened. I'm sure that a full three minutes in that agony would have nearly killed the man. Though even the ten seconds probably felt like an eternity to the bound monster. I turned back as he slumped in the bonds. Breathing hard. Straining desperately against his ropes. Still breathing hard, he managed to gasp out one word. It would be his last for a while.
Sheila's fingers moved slowly to the dial and turned it counter-clockwise. I presume to the three level. Her eyes still locked with his. Her voice was calm.
"Evan? You don't have the right to call me that anymore."
She casually flicked the switch on the box on the floor. His body went rigid again. His mouth opening in a soundless scream, finally falling through the octaves until he sounded a high pitched squeal. Sounding like the tortured woman again. His body convulsing with the shocks.
Sheila struggled to her feet and walked over to the group of us. Leaving the device on and Evan screaming. Her eyes were closed as she approached. Silent tears falling from her eyes. I had thought that she was cold. Her words. Her actions. But she was driven by hate. And that hate had been extended beyond her capacity to handle it. She was unable to even look at the man she'd brutalized. She practically fell into Christi's arms, sobbing into her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Christi held the woman. Rocking her. Whispering to her.
Suddenly the keening scream was cut off as Evan pa.s.sed out. The electronic toy still causing his body to involuntarily twitch. The room lapsed into silence only broken by Sheila's quiet sobbing.
Chapter 88.
I nodded to Jane. She took a deep breath and walked over to Evan. She knelt down and flipped off the switch. His body slowly stopped its involuntary twitches. With a look of distaste on her pretty features, she reached forward and gingerly removed the duct tape and withdrew the metal phallus from his body. He was completely unconscious. No reaction as the instrument of torment was removed. Jane unclipped the nipple clamps attached to his s.c.r.o.t.u.m. A few small drops of blood accompanied the torments. Fell onto her small hands. She shuddered.
Still on her knees, she unplugged the unit. She looked up at me.
"He's still alive," she whispered. I knew that, I could see his shallow breathing. But I nodded. Jane was fighting back tears. She looked sick.
She shakily rose to her feet, handing me the black box as she approached. I gently pressed her fingers back around the box and the metal phallus.
I whispered to her. "Take these to the washroom and sterilize them. Really hot water. Okay?"
She nodded. Still a bit stunned. I hoped that getting her out of the room would revive her spirit. Make her feel a little better. She looked very pale. Problem was, I kind of needed her to get this lunk out to the backyard.
We walked to the door together and I unlocked it. I left it open for her return.
"Sheila?" she asked softly as she stepped out into the hall.
"She'll be alright. Christi is taking care of her."
"Get her out too." Jane was clever enough, even in this state to realize why I was sending her to sterilize the electronic device. A break from the horror. Give her mind time to recover without the sight of the tormented man hanging in front of her.
I nodded. I fully intended to get the shaken girl out of the room.
I walked over to where Sheila was crying in Christi's arms. I touched her shoulder but she didn't turn. Christi looked at me, unsure what to do.
"I'm getting her out of here. If he wakes up. Ignore him. Don't let him bait you. Whatever he says. Alright?" Christi seemed to be holding up the best out of all the women.
Christi just nodded. She helped to lift the sobbing girl out of her arm. Together we gently pried Sheila's arms from around Christi's neck and turned her bare body towards me. She almost fell against me, her legs not wanting to support her weight any longer. Her arms reached up, encircling my neck. Supporting herself. I bent and placed my left arm beneath her knees. Lifting her into my arms. She just allowed me to carry her, pressing her face into my shoulder. Sobbing. Unable to stop. This was getting to be a habit. Carrying this sobbing girl from the room.
I glanced back at Christi and she just nodded. Sinking back to her knees. Watching Evan.
I stepped out into the hallway. I could faintly hear the water running in the sink in the bathroom as Jane washed the implements as she'd been ordered. I carried Sheila to the bedroom and lowered her body to the bed. She gave me a quick squeeze and then fell back to the bed. Her head turned to the side. Curling herself into a ball. Still sobbing.
I sat back in the chair and just watched at her. She continued crying, though it was softer than in the business room. I waited patiently for her to cry herself out.
Jane stuck her head into the bedroom.
"Sir?" I turned to Jane. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you."
"You aren't. What is it?"
"Is. Is she alright?"
"She hasn't stopped crying yet. I'll let you know."
"Sir? Do I. Have to go back in there?"
"I'm sorry Jane. I'm going to need your help to move him. Unless he wakes up."
The bare girl nodded and slipped back out. I could hear her faintly moving back towards the room and Mayer. She was a strong one. She'd manage to keep her self-control. The break to wash the torture items would help.
Sheila had managed to slow her crying to the point that she just had tears slowly tracking down her face.
"You okay?" I asked her.
She nodded. Miserably.
"Sheila. What happened in there?"
"I. I really don't know. I'm frightened."
I felt like holding her, but I wasn't sure that she'd welcome it. I stayed in the chair.
"You were pretty rough on him."
"I know. I know. I. I hate myself. I can't believe that I did that to him."
"He deserved it sweetheart. He really did."
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