Part 42

Part 42

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"Julie? It's been a pleasure meeting you."

"I wish I could say the same," she replied softly.

I grinned and stood up. I bent down and gave her a kiss on the lips. She stretched her bound body up as far as the ropes would allow her and returned the kiss. To my surprise. I wasn't expecting that.

"Good-bye," I whispered to the bound bare girl. "Good luck with your interview. Try not to call her Kara accidentally. And you'll make a d.a.m.n fine astrophysicist some day. At least a really nice looking one."

"Good-bye." The bound bare beauty tossed her head one last time. Cascading her hair around her shoulders.

I narrowed the time bubble cast around her and the chair. They instantly popped out and back into existence. The ropes formerly holding her fell to the floor, still knotted. She reappeared in front of the desk. Still in her chair. But now reclothed. Her black pantyhose still looking alluring, even though I knew exactly what was underneath. Leaning forward in her chair, her left heel rising out of her shoe. Oblivious to my presence and what she had had to do for me.

I bent and picked up the ropes from the floor. I took one more glance at the women and slipped out the door. Shaking my head at Julie. Not quite understanding the female of the species.

Chapter 97.

Amy was waiting in the hallway. Leaning against the wall, the pack at her bare feet, her hands resting easily between her back and the wall. Unconsciously thrusting her bared chest out as her shoulders rested against the wall. She didn't even appear to be aware of her allure. She hadn't wandered into the lunchroom with Jane and Christi. I suppose I hadn't really given her permission to do so. Yet, I was surprised that she hadn't.

She smiled at me. "Done in there?"

I concentrated and released the entire room from our timeline. I could imagine all the small details, Julie's application, misplaced dust, that sort of thing, all moving back into their original positions. Almost by magic.

"I am now," I replied to the bare girl as the room returned to normal. "You want to give me your wrists?"

"Not particularly." She lifted her body from the wall, extending her arms in front of her despite her words. I slipped the steel around her slender wrists, locking them in place. Not tight. She suffered the decorative bondage again in silence.

I pressed the pack into her fingers and led her into the lunchroom by her wrists. She exchanged soft greetings with Jane and Christi. Christi had carelessly tossed the empty bag of chips onto the floor and Jane had long ago finished her m.u.f.fin. The crumbs graced the table in front of them. The coins I had left for them were untouched. Presumably they hadn't wanting anything else to eat after their snack.

They rose to their bare feet, still handcuffed together. They walked over to Amy and I. I lifted Christi's right hand and released her from her cuff. I lifted Jane's right hand, letting Christi's free, and cuffed the bare woman. She pulled idly at the bonds, but didn't complain. Amy was still flushed from her s.e.xual encounter a few minutes ago. If Jane and Christi noticed they didn't remark on it.

I left Christi free. The girls didn't speak, but they seemed to be in a better mood. Time having dulled the memories of the morning. I glanced at my watch. A lot more time than I'd expected had pa.s.sed. We really needed to get back to the house. In the very least to release Sheila and Elizabeth. Elizabeth, especially, was probably bordering on real pain by now from her strict bondage. I supposed that she would just have to suffer for a while more. I'd have to let her rest, unbound for a while to let her recover. She'd like that, at least.

"Downstairs with you," I spoke to all three of them.

They slowly moved out of the room. I let them lead the way back down into the grocery store, never tiring of watching the nude beauties walking ahead of me. We made our way back to the front of the store. I glanced at the shoppers, but n.o.body particularly interested me. One girl in her twenties picking up canned salmon was cute, but I had other plans at the moment. Not the least of which was getting us back to base.

The girls walked directly to the full shopping cart. I quickly glanced through it. Seemed fine. Staples. Bread. Eggs. Milk. Lots of milk. I smiled as I spotted a huge jar of peanut b.u.t.ter. Christi must have loved that. There were fresh fruits. Vegetables. Even some steak. Cereal. I smiled. Fruit Loops? Looked like they also grabbed healthier stuff to be safe. Oatmeal. Grains. There was some cream soda stuck in there. Some packages of cookies. Oreos. Some granola bars. Lunch meats. They'd actually done an excellent job as far as a quick inspection was concerned.

Jane's voice floated up from beside me. I was surprised to see all three of them on their knees. Waiting. "Did we do alright? Anything else you want us to get?"

I couldn't see anything missing. "Not a thing. You done good."

She smiled. She'd probably been the one to argue Christi into letting them get peanut b.u.t.ter. Then again, Christi couldn't have done much about it, being tied pushing the cart.

I motioned to Christi. She sighed and rose off her knees. Placing her hands on the bar of the shopping cart. Expecting to be bound to it.

"You need to be tied to it? Or are you going to behave?" I asked the bare girl.

Her eyes widened. "I'll behave. You know I will. You don't have to tie me to it. I'll keep my hands right here if you want me to."

"Alright. One finger comes off that bar and I'll have to use rope to keep them there. Let's see how you do without it."

She nodded gravely. Understanding that her freedom was conditional.

"On your feet."

Jane and Amy rose to their bare feet. I walked along beside Christi, Jane and Amy moving on ahead. Keeping their hands in front of themselves. Not really having a choice with the handcuffs. They stopped as they approached the automatic doors.

I turned and had one more quick look at Kathleen and Nicole. Blissfully unaware of their torture and torment in my hands. Unaware that I knew every curve in their luscious bodies.

I freed the doors from the time block and they slid open quietly, sensing Amy and Jane standing in front of it. We walked out into the mall, Christi pushing the cart along, one of the wheels softly squeaking.

After leaving the grocery store, the girls appeared to become a bit more relaxed. Perhaps, just the atmosphere of the grocer disturbed them, simply being close to the point where they had had to torment the other women. Moving away from the physical scene of the crime probably improved their moods. I guess I couldn't blame them. They still had feelings. I smiled. They were going to be happy about my next plans. Well, everyone but Amy.

They suddenly had more spring in their steps. Jane actually skipped from time to time as we slowly made out way around shoppers and down the main aisle of the mall. Her bare feet softly scuffed at the tile as she moved. I idly wondered just how it felt to be constantly without shoes. Wonderful, I would imagine. Though, if asked, the girls would probably say *odd'.

Christi was intently looking at the stores that we slowly pa.s.sed.

"You want to shop?" I asked her.

"You wouldn't let me buy anything. Not anything I want."

"What do you want?"


I smiled. They were really going to like my next plans. At least Christi and Jane were.

I watched as her eyes traveled wistfully over a jeweler's display. The front window of the small shop filled with sparkling necklaces and jewels.

I put my hand on her shoulder. Stopping her. I called out softly to Jane and Amy, as they moved ahead. Unaware that we'd stopped. They padded back to the cart.

"You can let go of that thing," I told the blonde still carefully keeping her hands on the cart. She gratefully let her hands off the cart and flexed her fingers. She'd been gripping it hard to ensure that she didn't forget to keep her hands there. Obediently.

I smiled at them as they shifted uncomfortably in the mall. Unsure what I had planned for them. Pretty sure they weren't going to like it.

"You all wear jewelry?"

Jane spoke up. "I did. Before you made me take it all off in front of my father." Tears brimmed up in her eyes. Still able to be upset about her first encounter with me. "I lost my favourite necklace."

"You didn't lose it, Jane. Just temporarily relieved of it."

"I know. But I still miss it."

"What about the rest of you?"

They both nodded.

"Would you like to wear some for a while?"

Jane looked at me shrewdly. Knowing what my jewelry entailed. "Please, not nipple clamps. I. Can't take them. They hurt."

I just about laughed.

"Come on." I touched Jane and Christi's arms and turned them around. Turned them towards the jewelry store. Christi's eyes widened as she began to realize what I was going to allow them to do.

She turned instinctively and gave me a wet sloppy kiss on the cheek. She broke away from the rest of us and ran over to the jewelry display. Tears brimmed in her eyes. Jane and Amy smiled as they began to realize as well what I was letting them do. A little more restrained than Christi, they too moved quickly to the display. Scanning over the jewels with their eyes. It was kind of nice to see all of them happy again. I kind of missed their smiles.

I turned to the cart. There were perishables in there. They'd already been left for a little long. I narrowed the bubble of time inside the cart. Leaving the food in a slower time frame. Almost as good as refrigeration.

I wandered back over to the girls. They were excitedly talking together. Pointing ring, necklaces, and bracelets out. Jane pointed with her handcuffed hands. Christi hopped from bare foot to bare foot. I stopped and just admired this view. Not often that you see three nude gorgeous women, unashamed, dancing around in front of a jewelry store in a mall. I just shook my head and smiled. They probably had no idea what a picture they presented. Their reflections in the gla.s.s. Just their simple nudity in such an odd environment.

I touched Christi on the shoulder. She whirled. Throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me. Suddenly so female. So happy. Probably just glad to be away from the grocery store. Perhaps just happy that I was about to give them something. Women always love jewelry. Even if they are s.e.x slaves.

She whispered to me. "What can we have?"

"Two pieces each. And I don't know how long I'm going to let you have them, so don't get too used to it. I do love you completely nude, you know."

She leaned back. Her arms still around my neck. Her bare body causing all sorts of uncomfortable reactions in me. She knew it too, the minx.

"How about earrings?"

"That's one piece. Kind of go together. See anything you like?"

"G.o.d. I wish I could afford this stuff in real life. It's gorgeous."

She released me and danced back to the window. Her long legs flashing as she moved. Tossing her blonde mane.

"Can we go inside? Please? There's more."

"Sure." I released the doors and the girls excitedly poured into the small shop.

"Pick out something you like, and something that I would like."

They nodded, glancing through the display cases. Being female. Ooohing and ahhhhing.

"Christi? Jane? Pick out something for Elizabeth and Sheila. We'll give them a present too for putting up with me."

I briefly debated freeing the clerk, a youngish woman, to help the girls. I wasn't particularly interested in her. But I wasn't sure how I could control her. The girls would freak her out. Immediately. And I didn't want to waste too much time getting her under control, considering that I really wasn't all that interested in her on her own. On the other hand, she might be really able to help. Especially if the girls ended up wanting rings or something. Getting them sized was going to be a challenge without help.

I concentrated and the young woman sprang to life. She gasped. To her it would have seemed that three nude women, two of them in chains, and one strange guy had just materialized in her store.

"Oh my G.o.d," she stammered. "What the h.e.l.l is going on here?"

The girls whirled around at the voice. Slightly embarra.s.sed. Slightly startled. Not knowing I was going to free the clerk. Slightly embarra.s.sed that yet another person was seeing them nude. Yet again.

I just raised the gun and aimed it at the clerk. She screamed as she registered the movement.

"Oh my G.o.d. I'm being robbed?"

"Kind of. Be smart and you won't get hurt." Almost better to let her think this was just a robbery. I couldn't quite understand this. How she could possibly think robbery with three nude women in her store. Who robs jewelry stores in the nude? But I suppose that jewelry clerks are maybe conditioned to always think robbery. It was a robbery of sorts.

She raised her hands. "Take whatever you want. I'm not going to stop you." Her adrenaline was probably pounding through her veins.

"What's your name?" I asked the shaking girl.


"Alright Anne. I want you to listen carefully. If you do what I say, you won't be harmed at all." I had no intention of harming her. She looked frightened enough that I doubted she was going to present any problems.

"Alright. I'll do whatever you want." Her eyes were glued to Christi. Probably thinking this was a horrible nightmare. Not quite believing that she had a nude woman in her store. Had to be some weird erotic nightmare. Right? Shouldn't have eaten that peanut b.u.t.ter and salami sandwich the night before. She shook her head. Still awake. Unfortunately.

"Anne. I need you to take your top off."

I wasn't even all that interested in seeing her nude, though naked females are always more interesting. I just wanted her off balance. More like the other women.

"You're kidding. Why?"

Jane spoke up. "Anne, honey. Just do what he says. You don't want to be hurt, do you? That gun is real, honey. You think I'd be standing here without my clothes and in handcuffs if it wasn't?"

Anne nodded. "Just a dream anyway," she mumbled. She pulled off her sweater. Dropping it to the display case in front of her. Without even hesitating she slipped out of her bra as well. She did have nice b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Large and firm. Bigger than any of the other girls.

"Now what?" she asked me. Almost unafraid. Convinced she was dreaming. I almost laughed. I wasn't going to hurt her, so she'd probably just go along with this until I released her back into time. I smiled.

"Pants too. Shoes and socks."

She shrugged. Actually getting into this dream. In moments, Anne was standing behind her counter, nude. Her jeans, her panties, and her shoes and socks lying haphazard on the display cases.

She looked at me. "You going to handcuff me, too?"

I almost laughed. I wondered if many of her real dreams were like this.

"No. I just want you to help the girls here pick out something nice. Give them whatever they want."

I sat down on the courtesy chair. Jane had this stunned look on her face. Completely unbelieving that I'd somehow lucked into a girl that thought that she was dreaming. That she'd just stripped happily for me. Even offered to let me put her in handcuffs.

I had to stop myself from laughing. Christi, also wide-eyed, slowly made her way up to the counter. She began to point to a few items on display.

Anne, completely nude, walked back to the safe and retrieved the keys to the displays. She pulled out the items for Christi. A necklace. Two bracelets. A large ring. And a jeweled anklet.

While she tried them on, checking herself out in the courtesy mirror, Anne pulled out some jewelry for Jane and Amy. She then just stood back quietly watching the girls. I could swear that her nipples had hardened and she was beginning to breathe a little heavier.

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