Part 59
Without any further warning I brought the riding crop down vertically against Elizabeth's right breast. It danced crazily on her chest and a red mark almost immediately formed beside her nipple. It took a moment for the pain of the blow to register to her brain, and she just knelt calmly until it hit. Her face screwed itself up in a mask of agony, but she clenched her teeth around it and bore it somehow without crying out. I watched as both Christi and Jane cringed at the sound of the blow. I had held back so that I was on the border of breaking the girl's skin. She would hurt for a long time, but it wouldn't last beyond a few hours.
She shook her head, this time real fear entering her eyes as she knelt there unable to protect herself from the pain. I let another fall just as hard beside her right nipple, careful not to hit her sensitive nub. This time the pain hit her faster and she gasped in a breath. Her breath came in short bursts, like a woman in labour, trying to ease the stripe of raw pain burning down her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.
"Elizabeth, choose."
"I can't."
"You can. The next one is across the nipples."
"Oh G.o.d. I can't. Please don't make me do this. Please stop."
I sighed and carefully lined up the next blow. To her credit she knelt still even knowing where the next one was going to land. She wouldn't be able to take much of this. She didn't flinch as the crop lashed across her vulnerable nipples.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh. s.h.i.t. Oh G.o.d. It hurts. Please no more. I can't. Can't you see that. I can't. Ow. Ow. Ow. Owie. Oh G.o.d, it hurts. Not there. No more. Please."
She had collapsed across the bed to the side, her bare feet kicking weakly, her wrists pulling at their bonds. Anything to cradle her burning b.r.e.a.s.t.s and nipples. I let her cry and moan for a few minutes and then got a little impatient.
"Oh G.o.d. I can't."
"You can."
She struggled with her body, trying to force it back up to her knees, her hands impeding her progress. I sat back and watched. Next time I was going to have to help her, but for now she still had the strength to do it herself.
She finally got back to her knees and looked at me miserably through her tears. "Why?" she asked.
"You know why. Because you won't choose. Because you are being disobedient."
"I'm not a d.a.m.n dog."
"If you are, you're a d.a.m.n pretty dog. Please. I don't want to hit you again for this. Please just choose one."
"Think about what you are asking. I can't. You're asking me to choose which of two girls are going to be tortured for no reason. I'm not G.o.d. Please don't make me do it. You choose."
"We are going to keep this up until you either pa.s.s out, or choose. It's going to hurt."
"I know. It hurts already. Believe me, it hurts."
I sighed. It was going to take some time to break her. Eventually it was going to hurt so much that just the thought of another stroke across her vulnerable b.r.e.a.s.t.s was going to make her choose, but it was going to take a while. She really didn't want to choose. And I couldn't blame her. But this was part of her punishment. I wasn't going to allow her not to choose. I was becoming a battle between her and I. Her will against mine. She was going to lose.
Chapter 109.
She screamed out her pain as I lashed her vulnerable b.r.e.a.s.t.s twice in rapid succession. First her left, then her right before she had time to recover from the first blow. I carefully avoided the nipples, but the crop still left angry red welts across her pale b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She fell again to the side, trying to curl her bare body up to protect herself. Moaning and rocking. The pain flooding her mind. The only thing she could think of was to avoid another blow. Stop the awful pain.
I watched Amy and Sheila as Elizabeth fought down her pain on the bed. Finally Elizabeth looked up at me with teary eyes from her lying position and gasped.
"Oh G.o.d. Please no more. I can't take it any more. It hurts. Christ, it hurts."
"I know it does. Are you ready to choose yet?"
"Oh G.o.d. Please no. My t.i.ts. My poor t.i.ts."
"I won't hit you again if you choose. Jane or Christi? Simple."
"You can't make me do this. I won't."
"Alright. Knees."
I watched out of the corner of my eye as Jane's mouth opened and then shut. She fought with herself while Elizabeth struggled to right herself. Elizabeth collapsed, moaning again into the bed. I had to reach forward to help the crying girl and between the two of us she finally kept her balance on her knees. Moaning.
"Elizabeth," Jane finally braved opening her mouth again. "Please. Just choose me and get it over with. I. I want to do it. Okay, honey? Stop this, before you faint. It's not necessary."
Elizabeth closed her eyes. "Janey, I love you. I can't. Just let me do this my way."
"Elizabeth, please. I can't watch this anymore." Jane looked up at me with pleading in her eyes. She addressed me, switching back to slave talk. "M-master? Please. You are going to kill her. She can't take this. Take this slave. Please. She'll do what you want. She'll let herself be punished with Slave Elizabeth. Willingly. She can't choose. You must understand. I'll do it. Please."
I took a deep breath and looked back at Elizabeth, trying to ignore Jane.
"Elizabeth. The next one is coming across your nipples again."
"Oh G.o.d. No. No more. Please. I'll do what you want." I could see the raw fear in her eyes. The fear of that crop crashing across her nipples again. Afraid that she wouldn't pa.s.s out. She was cringing back now, not bravely thrusting her b.r.e.a.s.t.s towards me anymore.
"You'll do what I want?"
"You'll choose a girl to be punished with?"
"Yes. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I will." Her breath was ragged, her striped b.r.e.a.s.t.s rising and falling with her efforts at controlling her pain. "Just, for the love of G.o.d, quit hitting me. Please."
I lay back onto the bed and watched the girl suffer. She closed her eyes and moaned as another residual wave flowed through her body. I glanced back at the nude girls making love on the chair. They looked frightened as well, but continued their ordered activities. Amy pulling at her ropes.
"Well?" I spoke softly to Elizabeth.
"I. I don't deserve this. I just didn't want to have s.e.x with a woman. Please."
"You knew that you were going to be punished."
"But it hurts."
"Punishments usually do."
"But ... you have no idea ... please. I'm a person over here," she was in tears again.
"I know you are, Elizabeth. Come on. I don't want to hurt you anymore. At least not in this pointless game. Pick one and we can move on. Alright?"
"You are such a G.o.d-d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.d."
Her voice dropped to a whisper as she turned her head towards Jane and Christi kneeling on the floor in their clothing.
"I'm so sorry. I wanted to hold out. But it hurts. G.o.d it hurts. Janey? Please forgive me. Please?"
"You're choosing Jane?"
"Yes, G.o.dd.a.m.n you."
Jane rose to her bare feet and walked carefully over to the bed. Giving me lots of time to order her back to her knees. I didn't. Jane carefully embraced the naked woman kneeling on the bed. Both having tears running down their faces. Jane carefully traced Elizabeth's welts, gently kissing her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Nothing s.e.xual, just comfort.
"We'll do this together. Okay? Don't worry about me, just worry about getting yourself through whatever he's going to do to us. Alright?" Jane whispered to Elizabeth. "Be strong. You can do it."
Elizabeth, still sobbing in her pain, just nodded. Underneath, though, she knew that she wasn't even strong enough to hold off the pain enough not to choose her punishment partner. She wasn't so sure she could take whatever I had planned for her. But she'd have to.
I let Jane hold Elizabeth in her arms and slipped off the bed. As I walked over to Christi, Amy began moaning a bit more urgently. My attention riveted to the two women by the chair. Amy had her eyes closed and was pulling against the ropes holding her. I watched fascinated as she did her best to thrust her bound hips towards Sheila's mouth. Crying out softly. Biting her lip. Finally, she took a deep breath and held it, straining every muscle in her small body against her bondage. She let her breath out in a gasp and a cry as she crashed through an o.r.g.a.s.m. Her breathing ragged. Tears running down her face. When she was done, she opened her eyes, flushing bright red as she realized that we'd all witnessed it. Sheila rocked back on her heels, working her tongue through her mouth, working out the cramps.
I clapped softly. I really hadn't expected Amy to even enjoy Sheila's mouth. I had just had them doing it to provide a distraction and reinforce that I could make them do it. Her o.r.g.a.s.m was completely unexpected. I suspect that she hadn't expected it either, judging by her tears and her flush. True, she hadn't been allowed relief for quite some time. And she had been in erotic situations, including this one. Perhaps she was just super-sensitive or something. Amy blushed even deeper as she heard the soft clapping.
I tore my eyes away from the heaving bound girl and crouched by Christi. She had some evidence of fright in her eyes, but she was reasonably composed, considering.
"You didn't have to do that. What she did wasn't worth cropping her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. And I couldn't have chosen either. No matter what you did to me. She's hurt enough. Don't punish her more. For me? Please?"
"Christi, I'm almost tempted to listen to you, but she needs it."
"She's not an animal. She'll do what you want, now. You've won. Leave her alone."
"She's not an animal. I know that."
"You want to punish her, don't you?"
I nodded.
"G.o.d help her. Jane didn't do anything. Go easier on her. Okay?"
I nodded. I had no intention of punishing Jane with the same intensity as Elizabeth. Christi was right. Jane hadn't done anything to deserve her punishment. Truthfully, Elizabeth hadn't either. I sat silently, just looking at the fine lines of Christi's face. The others were right, she could easily have been a model.
She got nervous at my inspection of her.
I remained silent.
"You want me to do something, don't you? Please don't get me involved in the punishment. I swear, I'll do anything else. Don't make me hurt them. Please."
"Alright. You can do something else for me."
"Oh G.o.d. I don't like it when you get in these moods."
"Take Sheila's place."
"You ... you want me to make love to Amy? Please no. Not again."
"Would you rather help me with Jane and Elizabeth?"
"Please. Neither. Tie me to the bed or something while you play. Take me. I want you. I'll make love to you. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"I would, but right now, I need you to lick Amy."
"G.o.d. Alright. If you'll go easier on Elizabeth and Jane. Please?"
"Bargaining? Christi, let's get something straight, okay? You are going to do as I ask, or I will go harder on Jane and Elizabeth."
Realizing that her bargaining power was reduced to ashes, Christi's eyes brimmed with tears.
"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d."
I smiled at her. "I won't kill them. I promise. They might be a bit uncomfortable, but they'll be alright. They've been through worse."
"I know. I. I just feel bad for them. As another female."
"They'll be fine. Now, are you going to make love to Amy?"
"If I must."
"You do."
Christi's hands stole to the base of her sweater and she slowly pulled it to her neck. Her whole body was shaking with her soft crying as she did.
She stopped undressing and looked at me with teary eyes.
"Why are you taking that off?"
"Don't I have to be nude to have s.e.x with Amy?"
"No. You are just licking her. You can keep your clothes on."
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