Part 72

Part 72

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Taking in her tears, Christi rose from her chair. She spoke quietly.

"It's time to go, for you. Isn't it?"

Sheila just nodded, her tears falling from her eyes uncontrollably. She just let them drip down her face.

Elizabeth and Amy rose and walked over to Sheila. Despite their handcuffs, they pressed their nude bodies to Sheila, hugging her as best they could.

I listened as Elizabeth whispered to her.

"I really didn't know you as well as I wish that I did. You are a brave and wonderful girl. I know you won't remember me, but I only want the best for you. I know what you are going back to, and I hate it. Be strong. For me."

She kissed her cheek. Amy, tears gently falling down her face, kissed Sheila as well.

As soon as the naked women finished, Christi enveloped Sheila in a huge embrace, pressing her clothes into Sheila's nudity. They separated, and looked at one another, tears falling down their cheeks.

"Thanks. For everything," Sheila whispered. "I couldn't have done this without you."

Christi choked, only able to cry. They kissed lightly on the lips and separated. Finally, Christi managed a few words. "I'm going to miss you."

Sheila kissed her once more and the girls separated. Sheila approached me, unable to even see, she was crying so hard. The other girls looked on helplessly. I took her hand gently and spoke to her.

"Do you want to say good bye to Jane?"

She nodded silently through her tears.

I guided her slowly to the dining room. Jane was stretched out in the sunshine of the window, her black evening dress looking odd on her, but stunning nevertheless. As we entered, she looked up. She was almost immediately on her feet, running towards Sheila. Instinctively she knew. The tears, the look on both mine and Sheila's face.

The girls hugged, Sheila crying into Jane's shoulder. I watched them rock one another. Jane struggled with her emotions, but she was unable to stop a single tear from tracking down her face.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to Sheila. "I should be happy for you, but I'm going to miss you."

The girls pulled back a bit, looking into one another's eyes.

"You were like a sister to me," Sheila whispered. "You helped me so much. Adjusting to this. You were there for me. I wish I could give you back a tenth of what you gave to me."

"You just did," Jane whispered as she gently kissed Sheila.

She pulled back and held the crying naked woman by her arm. "Now you listen to me. I know what you are going back to. I know it won't be easy. But he's going to help you. Okay?" She shot me a look, making sure that I knew she'd never forgive me if I didn't help this girl. Truthfully, I was her only hope, and I was painfully aware of it. "You just have to hold on for a day or so. You're strong. You can do it. I promise. You promise me, that you'll hold on."

Sheila dumbly nodded. Her promises wouldn't mean much, but I had a strange feeling that she would do exactly what she'd promised despite not remembering it. She was a strong girl. Considering what she'd gone through already in her real life, perhaps the strongest out of any of us.

"Take care of yourself," Jane spoke softly with tears now rolling slowly down her cheeks. Sheila wiped at the tears while ignoring her own.

"I will." They hugged once more, both girls looking reluctant to release the embrace.

Sheila presented herself back to me. Jane just stood and watched. Sheila bent as though to fall to her bare knees, but I stopped her with a touch. I touched her small hand and took it in mine. I slowly guided her out of the room. She turned and whispered a last good-bye to Jane as we left the dining room, throwing herself into renewed sobs. She silently cried all the way up the stairs until we were outside the master bedroom. She stood in the hallway, looking at me through blurry eyes.

Her voice was surprisingly strong as she spoke.

"You won't keep me?"

She shivered and threw a fearful glance towards the doorway across the hallway. If I didn't relent, she knew where she'd be in a few moments. Dressed in her maid's uniform, three sizes too small, and bound. About to be kicked and tortured and raped for hours by her old master.

"I'm sorry Sheila. I truly am. I can't. I so much wish I could. I don't want to send you back into that."

"I. I understand," she whispered. She moved forward and embraced me, pressing her soft body into mine. She began to cry again, but she struggled and managed to get control. She tilted her blonde head and let her lips gently touch mine. Visions of her bare body making gentle love to me out in the gra.s.s flew through my mind.

"Thank you for giving me so much," she whispered.

I took a deep breath, "I'm going to miss you."

"Me too. Maybe look me up once you've freed me. Ease up on the punishments, and maybe ..." her voice trailed off. She resumed after a quick pause. "I'm going to miss you too." Her eyes teared up again at the words, but she managed to control them again.

I took another deep breath and began to collapse her time bubble. She gasped as the tingling overtook her bare body. She whispered one last quick "Thank-you," before she winked out of existence.

I knew exactly what state she was in behind the closed door of the business room. I didn't think that I could handle checking on her. She'd be right where I'd found her. Bound, carrying that tray for Mayer, and about to be abused. Yet again. My heart ached, but I had no choice.

I turned away from the door, fighting off my own tears and slowly walked back downstairs.

Chapter 121.

As I entered the library, all three girls looked up halting their quiet conversation. Amy had taken the remaining library chair, and the other two girls were in their usual spots.

Elizabeth spoke quietly, "I feel like were being taken to a firing squad. Please, can't you tell us what is happening? With us?"

Her face was tear streaked, and frightened. I considered, and then spoke to them.

"Girls. You know what is happening. I've told you. I'm letting you all go. And I'm giving you all a chance to do one last thing on this timeline. For yourselves. Not for me. Sheila had some fun outside. She hadn't been out in months. I'm not going to hurt you. You can relax."

Elizabeth considered for a moment. "Does it hurt?"


"Yeah, when you sent her ... us ... back?"

"Not at all. You shouldn't feel a thing. Maybe a slight tingle as time slows and then stops for you."

She didn't look convinced. "I guess we don't have a choice anyway. Probably easier than having your b.r.e.a.s.t.s whipped."

I smiled. "You got it." I turned to Amy. "Amy? You ready?"

She took a deep breath, and looked like she fought off some b.u.t.terflies. She slowly nodded and climbed to her bare feet. She silently walked to the entranceway, a look of determination on her features. She didn't even turn as she walked out. She didn't look angry, just preoccupied.

I heard Elizabeth and Christi resume whatever their discussion was as the door softly closed behind me. Amy was waiting quietly in the hallway, unsure where we were going. She was twisting her wrists in her restraints, her face a mask. I motioned her up the stairs, and followed behind her as she climbed.

When we entered the room, I sat back down on the rumpled bed. Amy stood awkwardly in the middle of the room looking at me.

She spoke quietly. "Am I allowed to sit? Or do I have to join you on the bed?" Her voice trembled a little as she mentioned the bed. I reflected that I had never actually had intercourse with this girl either. I'd forced her to use her mouth, but only a couple of times. I looked at her, standing there, nude and handcuffed and felt a quick twinge of desire flow through me. I pushed it away and spoke gently.

"I'd rather you kneel."

She shot me a look of disappointment, but obediently fell to her bare knees on the carpet. She had wanted the dignity of a chair. She pulled idly at her wrists and finally lowered them into her lap, resting on her thighs.

I lay back on the bed and just watched her for a moment. She shifted awkwardly. I couldn't tell what was flitting through her mind. I couldn't imagine what it felt like to have to kneel naked in front of someone who had complete control over you. I twinged again.

She finally spoke. "What do you want with me?"

"It's not about what I want. It's about what you want."

She considered, c.o.c.king her head to the side. I could almost see the thoughts burning across her mind. Wondering if I expected anything out of her, or whether she could actually ask for something and have a reasonable chance of getting it.

"It's alright, Amy. You aren't here to be hurt. You aren't here to be raped. You are here for whatever you want."

She hesitated then made up her mind. "I just want to go home. I don't want to be hurt any more, I don't want to be punished. I don't want to be constantly naked. I want to see my father. I want to forget that this ever happened to me. Please."

I smiled at her. "Amy, I will send you home. Soon. I promise. Think about it though ... you can do whatever you want. One last time. You won't remember it. You don't have to feel guilty."

"I just want to go home," she repeated softly.

"You sure?"

"I would like to say good-bye to the others. If you'll let me."

"I'll let you. Of course."

I rose off the bed and crouched in front of the kneeling girl. I cupped her face in my hands, and she stared out at me, her eyes unreadable. Her face was pretty, always had been. I couldn't help picturing her with that tongue clamp attached to her, screaming. She didn't have the stunning beauty of Jane or Christi or Sheila, but nevertheless she was beautiful. I lifting her hands and released her wrists. She knelt quietly, suffering my inspection of her and holding my gaze.

I motioned for her to get to her feet. She started to rise and then sat back on her haunches. She looked up at me, tears beginning to shine in her eyes.

"You really are going to honour my wishes. Aren't you?"

I was confused. "Huh?" I grunted as I rose to my own feet leaving her on her knees.

"You will try your d.a.m.nedest to give me whatever I want before you send me back."

I nodded slowly.

"Can a slave change her mind?" she looked up at me, her hardened demeanor completely gone.

I shrugged. I was going to give her whatever she wanted anyway. As long as it didn't take too long and wasn't dangerous.

"I ..." she hesitated. "I'd like to talk."


I settled myself back onto my bed.

"Talk. I'd like to know about you, and I'd like to tell you about the girl that is kneeling here in front of you. If you'll let me."

"What do you want to know?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm just some guy that discovered the secrets to time. That's all."

"Are you married?"

I shook my head.

"What do you do? When you aren't creating new realities?

"I'm a research a.s.sistant at the local college."

"What field?"

"Quantum physics."

She looked a bit confused, but she nodded her pretty head anyway.

"Why do you do this? I mean take us? Women?"

"I really don't know. It. It excites me, I guess."

"Do you think it excites us?"

"It doesn't really matter to me," I lied, "but yes, I think that being under my control does excite some of you."

Amy took a deep breath. "Not me. But, I have to say that you could have done worse to me. I didn't think so at the time, when you had me in that tongue clamp, and were whipping me, but I know you could have tortured me a lot more. I want to thank-you for not putting me through more."

"What about you?"

"Me? Christ. I can hardly remember myself. I'm a student. Second year. Art. I know ... it hardly compares to quantum physics, or time control, but I enjoy it. I enjoy music mostly. That's my major."

I smiled. "Amy, honey. Engineering and science isn't all there is in the world. It would be a really boring place without emotion and art. Believe me."

She smiled unexpectedly at that. "I work ... worked ... part time at a restaurant. Waitressing."


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